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Bp Lockerbie


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There is no doubt that BP messed up big time, along with its contractors, in the Gulf of Mexico.


However I am personally getting a bit fed up with some American politicians facing re-election who want to blame everything on them.


Connecting BP with lobbying for the release of Mohmed al-Megrahi seems to me to be a case of very dirty kettles calling the pot black. Since when has the USA not been involved in lobbying and worse over oil and other resources? Perhaps it would be a good idea for the four Senators to start probing into the relationships between the US Government, US oil companies, US armament suppliers, etc...etc...and unpleasant dictatorships in various places around the world.


Maybe checking out Haliburtons links might be a good starting point?

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There is no doubt that BP messed up big time, along with its contractors, in the Gulf of Mexico.


However I am personally getting a bit fed up with some American politicians facing re-election who want to blame everything on them.


Connecting BP with lobbying for the release of Mohmed al-Megrahi seems to me to be a case of very dirty kettles calling the pot black. Since when has the USA not been involved in lobbying and worse over oil and other resources? Perhaps it would be a good idea for the four Senators to start probing into the relationships between the US Government, US oil companies, US armament suppliers, etc...etc...and unpleasant dictatorships in various places around the world.


Maybe checking out Haliburtons links might be a good starting point?


I hope cameron has the balls to turn round to 'bama and ask him If the Yanks are going to tidy up the union carbide mess they made in Bopal if he keeps trying to bury BP...............

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I hope cameron has the balls to turn round to 'bama and ask him If the Yanks are going to tidy up the union carbide mess they made in Bopal if he keeps trying to bury BP...............

Perhaps, as the UK taxpayers now own 84% of RBS, Cameron could cut a deal whereby BP pay RBS the outstanding $740 million that RBS lost due to what has been described as Goldman Sachs' "half truths and deception" whilst the US Government could chase GS for that amount in lieu of BP paying it to them?

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It seems the Americans conveniently forgot 10pm, July 6, 1988, when Occidental, one of its major oil companies caused the corperate manslaughter of 167 men on the Piper Alpha, yet the American government refused repeatedly calls for the company to be brought to trial over it because it was deemed not in the US interest that such a trial should take place, 2 faced bastards.

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Perhaps it would be a good idea for the four Senators to start probing into the relationships between the US Government, US oil companies, US armament suppliers, etc...etc...and unpleasant dictatorships in various places around the world.

I think you will find that US oil companies and links to US government are behind this anyway. Exxon Mobile want to take BP over. The US government are doing everything they can to cause as much trouble for BP as possible. Time is running out for them though. As BP said from the very beginning, it will take until august to drill new relief bores to stop the leak and make the well useable again. This date was revised to 27/07 (I think) a few weeks ago. All the capping was just to be seen to be doing something. The fact that they actually managed it is a surprise. The real laugh is, now that it has stopped leaking and is under control, the US government are pressuring BP to start pumping again, even thought it would be unstable!

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However I am personally getting a bit fed up with some American politicians facing re-election who want to blame everything on them.


Obama is really showing his colours on this - nasty, vindictive, and prepared to resort to really sleazy levels when he does not get his own way. He might hate what Bush and his oil-drilling stetson wearing assholes did to the US economy through poor regulation and bung-centric legislation but it would seem to be hardly BP's fault that the past US regime was completely rotten to the core and prepared to do anything for anyone for oil cash.

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Every American knows that BP stands for British Petroleum. It's etched into the American phsyche that the British are the evil, corrupt, sexually depraved baby killers who they 'won' their freedom from during their treacherous rebellion, instigated by the greed of the likes of John Hancock. Nothing like having to pay taxes to fund your protection from your enemies to knock a dent in your profits!


Since the 'war' of independance we have been portrayed as depraved demons, homosexuals etc, note how many Hollywood 'baddies' have English accents!


Now we are being demonised through BP, it appeals to middle America and takes the heat off the administration for all the other ills of the nation.

I agree, put some heat on them about Bhopal and Piper Alpha, what about the recent wars they dragged us into and the sub prime debacle? I want them to squirm, I really do, self righteous histoty twisting twats!


(There are some quite nice Americans, I just don't like the way their nation's history is founded on lies and the blood of the American Indians and Mexicans!)

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