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Beardyman At The Courthouse


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I have the opportunity to get Beardyman to perform at the Courthouse but he is very expensive for us as we can only sell 230 tickets, I would have to charge £20 per ticket to cover the costs, inc hotels and flights, judging by the prices that tickets cost at the villa, people have paid over £40 for bands etc, as we are a more intimate venue what are peoples thoughts if we were to charge £20 on the door, this is a big risk and we would make money on the bar, and hopefully cover the costs on the door if it was a success but if it did not sell out we would loose loads, I would love to put him on as he is an incredible performer and I think he will be too big for us soon, I am trying to book good acts and provide credible DJ's but it is a big risk, I would appreciate your thoughts and whether people would genuinely want to come to see him?



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I have the opportunity to get Beardyman to perform at the Courthouse but he is very expensive for us as we can only sell 230 tickets, I would have to charge £20 per ticket to cover the costs, inc hotels and flights, judging by the prices that tickets cost at the villa, people have paid over £40 for bands etc, as we are a more intimate venue what are peoples thoughts if we were to charge £20 on the door, this is a big risk and we would make money on the bar, and hopefully cover the costs on the door if it was a success but if it did not sell out we would loose loads, I would love to put him on as he is an incredible performer and I think he will be too big for us soon, I am trying to book good acts and provide credible DJ's but it is a big risk, I would appreciate your thoughts and whether people would genuinely want to come to see him?



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I and I can think of at least 5-10 other people would easily pay £20 to see Beardyman.


Please just don't have it anywhere near the end2end mountainbike race!

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Beatboxing is stupid. It holds my attention, impresses me even, for a couple of minutes and then just starts to get annoying. Although admittedly this beardy fellow is very good at it. £20 sounds fair enough for those who can stand a whole set of it though.


Beatboxing is what has made him 'famous' (UK Champion several years running), but I would assume he won't be doing that for 2 hours! He's also a really good DJ with loads of random sampling etc.


Hope it all comes together.

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Me, being the impetuous fool that I am have just made an offer to his management for Friday the 8th October as this was about the only date that he had left before the end of the year, as he primarily only does festivals now.

So fingers crossed, as soon as I hear something I will put the word out and we should start putting bets now on how much grief I will take on the door when people have to hand over a twenty! place your bets.



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