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Beardyman At The Courthouse


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cant bleedin wait, loads of heads fonna be in there! good times :)

Thanks very much for all the positive responses to this event, I am so chuffed that so many people are up for it, I have just booked their flights and paid for the equipment and sound engineer to come over with him, Scotteo, just for the record, even if we sell out on the night we will loose money on the door on this event, by rights I should have charged more to try to cover the costs, it's over a grand just for flights, hotels and equipment, If the event works out then I will be tempted to bring more quality and diverse acts over, I am very close to getting Carl Cox for May next year, I have to charge a door charge that is appropriate for the act.


Cheers again for all the support and I hope it will be a classic night.


I for one really appreciate what your trying to do here, bit of diversity and quality. I hope everyone supports you and the acts as and when they can - keep up the good work.


I do like the sound of the legend Carl Cox. I hope it comes good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sneak,

Cheers for the comments, just for the record it is on the door, we are not selling tickets for this event, doors open at 9pm so get down early if you want to get in!


I will let you know as soon as we confirm on Carl Cox.


Best wishes

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Had a pretty good night, would maybe say to organisers its worthwile trying to get the main act on a little bit earlier if logistically possible.


Not having them on till 12.30am seems to cause a bit of anger amongst a few. Plus you have the crowd well and truly tanked before the main event has started.


The atmosphere by 1am was at best 'boisterous' and at worst pretty damn hostile with several people being thrown out, scraps breaking out on the dancefloor etc.


If the likes of Seb Fontaine could kick off around 11.45pm-Midnight I think people will still be on a slightly better vibe and would probably enjoy the set more instead of wrestling with people right off their tits !!


Just a suggestion, dont know if its possible ?

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Had a pretty good night, would maybe say to organisers its worthwile trying to get the main act on a little bit earlier if logistically possible.


Not having them on till 12.30am seems to cause a bit of anger amongst a few. Plus you have the crowd well and truly tanked before the main event has started.


The atmosphere by 1am was at best 'boisterous' and at worst pretty damn hostile with several people being thrown out, scraps breaking out on the dancefloor etc.


If the likes of Seb Fontaine could kick off around 11.45pm-Midnight I think people will still be on a slightly better vibe and would probably enjoy the set more instead of wrestling with people right off their tits !!


Just a suggestion, dont know if its possible ?


Due to the level of demand we opened the doors at 9pm and had a queue round the block till 11.30pm, as the club is open till 3am and Beardy was only supposed to do 1 hour, 12.30 till 1.30 struck me as the perfect time and usually is, as by then the club is normally full and the crowd are up for it.

He actually played for an hour and a half as he was having a good time.


I am surprised you only had a pretty good night as most of the feedback I have received has been that it was a fantastic night, and as for hostile, boisterous and scraps on the dance floor, we put 2 people out all night, which for 6 hours at capacity with a high energy crowd, is not too bad in my opinion.


I thought that we as a club, and the crowd represented the IOM really well, both Beardy and his manager had a classic time and were well impressed.


I take on board your comments but would not want people getting the wrong impression of what I personally believed was the best night the Island has seen in a good while.

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I did have a good time, and the feedback is definitely meant as constructive. Just most of the 20 or so people I attended with tended to agree that having the DJ on a bit earlier might have been a better move. Food for thought anyway and good on ya for making the effort to get some names over and offer the IOM something different.

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