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Wanted - Vw Golf

blue kipper

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Must NOT be silver. Year 2000 or more recent, but not the new model that has just come out. Must have 5 doors, be a GTi, and preferably under 35,000 miles. Not diesel please.


If anyone knows of one available locally now (and please don't tell me to get in touch with a garage, believe me that's what I'm doing) then please reply here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Did any of you stop to think that the car might not even be for me? Or that I can't even drive yet? Or that I'm not loaded???????


Oh by the way, cheers for the research Mission. Sadly I missed the end of the bidding as I've been away for a while. Oh well, I think I'll just pop along to the model shop in Ramsey to see if they can do me a die cast 1:18 golf for under 10k...

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Oh well, all in good humour I suppose. I am trying to find a car for someone who doesn't have Internet access but wanted to search the net to find the car they want.


Only been to Modelworld once, and I don't make a habit of going to Ramsey very often(!) but I'll look out for you and try and make myself obvious if I do get up there!

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No worries, was only meant in jest, not meant to offend you.


Have you tried Elite Vehicles or Glen Cooper? They tend to have a lot of Golf's whenever I've bothered to read the motoring section of the Courier.

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Tried Elite, they've had a month to come up with something and failed. As you say, they do always seem to have Golfs, as does Glenn Cooper, but not exactly what was wanted. I think it's time to look elsewhere, i.e. the mainland.

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