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Man Injured During Motorcycle Accident


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That is terrible, the poor young man. I do hope he hasn't suffered a significant pelvic injury, as they can be very difficult to recover from. It is easy to blame bikers when they are involved in crashes - I usually do - but it seems from this report he may have been the victim of someone else's careless driving. It is a good reminder of why, as responsible motorists, we should all keep an eye out for more vulnerable road users, such as bikers, cyclists and pedestrians.

Wishing a full and speedy recovery.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, it has certainly reminded me of the need to 'think once, think twice, think bike' as I head to work later, so you've done a good thing today.

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Censorship, you're analysing this far too much and ruining the thread. We're here to express our emotions and feelings of solidarity, not dwell on the hows and whys. Sheesh.


I do think it is about time that a new Topic Subject is created and possibly entitled 'Thinking of You!' or just " :( ". Forum members can tell everyone else if a family member has taken a knock, a pet has got sick, or someone has had an accident on holiday and we'll be here.


The responses I received to my earlier posts really show there are people who really do have to express themselves on matters such as this and let those injured know that they we are here thinking of them. I was wrong to be so critical. Maybe our good thoughts WILL send a happy vibe out.


In a separate, non-introspective, memorial environment there will be no more fuss about nasty people triviliasing such accidents or questioning people's sincerity. It will be a warm and fuzzy place.


I don't want to get above my station (I am a lowly member of little regard), but I think we should ask the moderators to set up this. It would be just...lovely.

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I do think it is about time that a new Topic Subject is created and possibly entitled 'Thinking of You!' or just " :( ". Forum members can tell everyone else if a family member has taken a knock, or had a nasty accident on holiday and we'll be here.

I don't want to get above my station (I am a lowly member of little regard), but I think we should ask the moderators to set up this. It would be just lovely.


I quite disagree, you'll be surprised to hear. I think having a dedicated thread for well wishes to all could lead to people feeling obligated to post messages without genuine feeling, or posting out of some sort of social perception need, rather than being emotionally moved by the sufferi and plight of another human being.

If people feel sufficiently moved by someone's story to post on an internet forum, then so be it, but I don;t think we should join you in trying to strong arm people in expressing emotions they don't feel.

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Still he possibly knew the risks and at least he broke his pelvis doing what he might have loved.


I don't know how censorship can blame the driver of a stationary car for the accident, when clearly speed is to blame and I think wherever this happened should introduce a speed limit unless they already have one in which case they should scrap it because it's clearly causing people to become blasse to the risks.

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gazza did you read the thread earlier today that's now disappeared? Those of us who had the misfortune to will appreciate one or two of the possibilities as to why this thread has been started. I didn't like what a certain contributor had been labelled earlier by a couple of posters but I now have to admit, having read this, they were right! :rolleyes:

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I quite disagree, you'll be surprised to hear. I think having a dedicated thread for well wishes to all could lead to people feeling obligated to post messages without genuine feeling, or posting out of some sort of social perception need, rather than being emotionally moved by the sufferi and plight of another human being.

If people feel sufficiently moved by someone's story to post on an internet forum, then so be it, but I don;t think we should join you in trying to strong arm people in expressing emotions they don't feel.

Hmm. Not so sure. I don't see why you think people would be compelled. On the basis of the honest attestations of other posters, I cannot foresee how people who are partially or completely motivated by anything other than sympathy could possibly post if it wasn't from innocent sympathy. That would be awful, wouldn't it?


I was thinking it would be somewhere for the caring to dip into now and again to share their human feelings of compassion and consideration of the plights of others.


I don't know what you think of this starlingly novel idea I have come upon but what effect do you the current, individual threads have on people's behaviour already? Do you not think some of the more impressionable posters might be more influenced by individual threads? Are people already being influenced out of a need to feel good themselves through making a comment or out of a pathetic form of mimicry to make a post because it appears of significance in comparison to others? How do we separate the self-indulgent from the real deal?


If we had a separate subject thread, it wouldn't matter. Everyone will be mentioned. Of course, this is especially important when particular people are given more attention because of what they do and what they perceived role is in society. I mean, we wouldn't want the normal phenomena of maybe a naval cadet getting all the attention for breaking a finger whereas Mrs Cubbon (a housewife) from Port St Mary gets none for accidentally tripping over her moggy causing an ankle fracture.

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