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Isle Of Man The Kipper Capital Of The World?


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I walked through Castletown recently on an early Sunday morning and was very surprised but pleased to smell kippers being cooked in many of the houses I walked passed. The houses were along the smaller lanes in Castletown and the kitchen windows were open. I think that must be one of those 'smell memories' but a pleasant one nonetheless.


Instead of going out and buying a kipper bap, maybe just stay at home and make your own.

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I wish I knew the easy way.



The other difficulty people have with kippers is the bones. WC Hodgson explains in The Herring and its Fishery (quoted by Jane Grigson in her Fish Book):


"Eating a kipper is quite simple if it is laid correctly on the plate to start with, that is, with the skin uppermost. With the head twoards you, lift up the skin from half of the kipper by running the point of the knife along the edge and fold the skin back. This exposes the flesh on top of the bones, and it is quite easy to remove it in fillets, leaving the bones untouched. When this side has been eaten, turn the kipper round on the plate so that the tail is towards you and repeat the process on the other side."


Jane Grigson comments: This works. It's true, it does, because we both tried it a couple of weekends ago. But it's more of a palaver than what I normally do, but, unlike Mr Hodgson (somehow, I feel he must be a man), I am not equal to the task of describing it. But it works too.


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Kipper baps? What about the bones?



lol very time i eat any thing it feels eating fish bone's

i never shave as i ama lazy man.

how ever i've a pal who runs a kipper yard so free fillit's and no bones.


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i'm feed up with all the inbreed manx pork & cheep inported meat on my bap's


Are you trying to get a mention in Stu's thread about spelling?


i'm happy with my spelling .

when i lift school i did know how to spell my own name

it must of been mummy droping me 2 many time's

how ever for a self tort thicko i get bye.

as for stu the fat bugger if he says any thing about theman and his spelling

he is going to lose some pounds when his glass jaw gets rebuilt

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i'm happy with my spelling .

when i lift school i did know how to spell my own name

it must of been mummy droping me 2 many time's

how ever for a self tort thicko i get bye.

as for stu the fat bugger if he says any thing about theman and his spelling

he is going to lose some pounds when his glass jaw gets rebuilt

The message is perfectly clear! That's what counts. Watchit Stooooooo.


When in the mood to eat a kipper I enjoy experimenting with filleting it on my plate. Mind you I still think plenty of rough brown bread is handy.


Off topic, when I lived in Japan, at New Year they would eat a dish called mochi - which was made with pounded rice and had the consistency of one of those extra bouncy little rubber balls that used to be popular. A number of Japanese choked to death every New Year on them. When I asked what the best way of dealing with a choking attack I was told that if someone was choking on mochi you needed to thrust the suction tube of a vacuum cleaner into their mouth and try to extract it that way.


I suspect brown bread to deal with kipper bones is less traumatic.

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just had a kipper. it was not somked long a nuff

& the wood they used to somke it must of been scaffold plank

wish i'd had a devereau kipper. there 10 out 10





if your a fist time tryer yoiu may be put off for life if you by the crapy fake unsmoked kipper

. so try the best devereau kippers



Incredible. He can spell Devereau and yet he can't manage smoked, enough, first or you.

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