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Mushroom Or Toadstool?


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Is it that time of year already?



I had a friend who was told that the best way to get high was to mix mushrooms with cheese, on a toastie!

He tried for the whole summer but never felt anything!

Turned out he'd been eating the normal feild variety!

Even worse he'd gained 2stone! :)

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OK, I left myself open to that one. I find the Greeba mushrooms that you buy in Shoprite ample for my tastes so I dont fancy playing Russian roulette eating wild shit growing in my garden. Unfortunately, I didn't notice them growing and its possible our puppy has eaten one so I am trying to find out if it is toxic or not.

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You really need to leave it on a bit of paper over night to get a spore print for a proper identification. I picked some wild mushrooms the other day (not magic ones just normal mushrooms) but was nervous to eat them in case they were shady, you can never be too careful with the fungus. :) This one time I ate some wild mushrooms and the room went all funny, pixelated like, the music got better and clearer and I laughed my head off......is your dog laughing Doo?

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You really need to leave it on a bit of paper over night to get a spore print for a proper identification. I picked some wild mushrooms the other day (not magic ones just normal mushrooms) but was nervous to eat them in case they were shady, you can never be too careful with the fungus. :) This one time I ate some wild mushrooms and the room went all funny, pixelated like, the music got better and clearer and I laughed my head off......is your dog laughing Doo?


When I first came to the Isle of Man I was in a pub and (having been in UK for some years) a stranger. Someone stormed into the pub and announced "Hey, I've got a load of mushrooms". The place went quiet as people flicked their eyes at him and then towards me. I carried on drinking my pint as if nothing had happened. To everyone's horror, the bloke came over to me and offered some mushrooms. I took the smallest possible pinch of what he held out in his hand. But that was probably like a signal that I wasn't a policeman or something and the whole pub then dived in for a share.


It was the first and last time I have ever taken these mushrooms but certainly I had one of the most interesting and memorable visits to a pub ever.

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I'm going to make myself sound like a right saddo here but I'm fairly sure it's a brown mottlegill, one the most common european species. Whilst classed as mildly poisonous, you'd need to eat a fair few to do any harm and even then it's not life threatening, nothing a good old stomach pump and some charcoal wouldn't sort out.


usually take the mushroom book up into the fields from late summer with the kids and see what we can find. You wouldn't believe how many different varieties of really tasty mushrooms are growing over here, although some of them look about as appetising as a cats vagina.

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although some of them look about as appetising as a cats vagina.


I have it on good authority that if you hold a cat in a certain way and then take a deep breath and blow up the said part of said animal, then you have a really good substitute for a Scottish bagpipe.

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My great great grandfather picked mushroom out Union Mills way all his life. In his 80s he died from eating a poisonous one he had picked by mistake.


In one way this thread does indicate how these days a lot of us are out of touch with nature and the ability to live off the land. We have learned many new skills but have lost a lot too in our 'advanced' society.


P.S. Is there a "Safe Mushroom App"?

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