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Mushroom Or Toadstool?


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My great great grandfather picked mushroom out Union Mills way all his life. In his 80s he died from eating a poisonous one he had picked by mistake.


In one way this thread does indicate how these days a lot of us are out of touch with nature and the ability to live off the land. We have learned many new skills but have lost a lot too in our 'advanced' society.


P.S. Is there a "Safe Mushroom App"?


As a kid, even though there was not much money about at the time I remember the family diet consisting of many types of wild foods both game and organic which would be classed as delicacies today! Pheasant,duck,rabbit were regular items on the table as well as fresh Crab and seafish all caught by my old man ,he also knew the whereabouts of all the best mushroom fields, wild plum trees, raspberry and blackberry bushesand apple trees,he grew his own spuds and veg.


I also used to go up on the hills above dalby and pick "blayberries" with my gran! I think some of the old school Manxies still do, not so many these days though!


I often wonder what would happen if there were any kind of major disaster such as the oil running out or the ceasation of the current food supply system we have!

Would people re-adapt and learn to live off the land once again, or would they die starving in their millions huddled together outside the closed Supermarket doors :)

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I often wonder what would happen if there were any kind of major disaster such as the oil running out or the ceasation of the current food supply system we have!

Would people re-adapt and learn to live off the land once again, or would they die starving in their millions huddled together outside the closed Supermarket doors :)


we only have to wait and see the effect of Russia ceasing grain exports due to their weather problems, forecasts of bread price increase and shortage of grain for breweries

(so much for the 'grain mountain' we used to hear about)

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