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Nobody Listens To Manx Radio Anymore


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We have programmes already that follow that kind of format - but I'd reiterate that anything involving callers is much more difficult here than across. Only a tiny proportion of people can be bothered to take part in radio debates, so we'd quickly end up with the same old people banging the same old drum.


No no no no no NO! Those people who can't be arsed to phone up are being denied their basic right of free speech by the evil brotherhood of corrupted druids that sit in douglas head receiving instructions by the alien entities that have invaded our politicians brains. This dark brotherhood are supressing the uprising of popular opinions of people who really couldn't give a damn and would rather listen to Jonathan Ross at the weekend! You're scum!


Again, we do welcome feedback and are always happy to answer questions at the station, but this really isn't the place to do that. You don't see the other stations or the papers explaining their editorial policies here, and that's probably for good reason.


Agreed, you don't have to post anything here, but I'm glad you read these rants. It's a shame the websites such a shambles and can't offer something where we can have a discussion?


Can we have some manxradio support for local live music too? Gowan. How ace would it be to have the recent battle of the bands stuff broadcast locally eh?

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I do miss Roy MacMillan on Manx Radio. I was interviewed by him a few years ago and quickly found myself just 'chatting' to him as if he was an old friend - totally forgetting that the whole thing was being recorded for broadcast until he smiled and said something like, "Okay, that should do nicely."

I actually had to listen to the broadcast to recall what I'd said! As Stu said - Roy is a natural broadcaster!

I know he'll be very difficult to replace, but I do hope they'll be able to find someone with the kind of enthusiasm and knowledge that he brought to the local arts and culture programmes and that they aren't just left on the back burner.

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Manx Radio says:

Latest audience research figures show there has been an increase in the total and average hours that Manx Radio is listened to in the Isle of Man.


Compared with the last quarterly summary of statistics from Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) the average individual now listens to the national broadcaster for 14.3 hours - that's up 2.1%.


Total listening hours are up 0.8% from 568.6 to 573.1.


Manx Radio's market share and audience reach have also remained stable over the survey period.


The most significant gains have been at the weekends, with 3000 more listeners at certain times of the day.


Energy FM says: that less people are tuning in. Confused? Who's tell the truth

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Well i stopped tuning in when the mannin line was axed, and i will not be tuning in until it comes back.


I listen to Energy FM find it a lot better and more fun, sometimes listen to 3fm also, i find 3fm is also a good station, no offence to anyone working at Manx Radio but it has gone down hill.


The only person on manx radio worth listening to is chris kinley he is a top bloke on Radio TT opps sorry you changed it to manx radio tt haha what a mouth full, if it aint broke lads don't fix it, us manx like don't like change you should know that now.



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MR. com, today:

"Latest audience research figures show there has been an increase in the total and average hours that Manx Radio is listened to in the Isle of Man.


Compared with the last quarterly summary of statistics from Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) the average individual now listens to the national broadcaster for 14.3 hours - that's up 2.1%.


Total listening hours are up 0.8% from 568.6 to 573.1.


Manx Radio's market share and audience reach have also remained stable over the survey period.


The most significant gains have been at the weekends, with 3000 more listeners at certain times of the day. "

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This is from the Energy website


The number of people listening to Manx Radio continues to fall according to figures published today.


The Island's national broadcaster has lost ten per cent of its audience over the past year, results also show a decrease of two per cent for the past three months.


The information comes from RAJAR, the organisation which calculates listenership for Radio stations across the British Isles.


The latest audience figures show sixty-three per cent of the Island's population listen to Manx Radio compared to seventy-three per cent twelve months ago.


The Government owned and funded broadcaster, has seen listenership decline according to each quarterly  report over the pat year.


Whats that saying about figures?

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I used to listen to it alot until I rediscovered Radio 1, carpark catchphrase on Moyles show is classic. Then there's Radio 2 in the afternoon with Ask Elvis, Manx Radio can't compete with features like that. One thing I did notice when I was still listening though. At least one of the callers on the Mystery Voice every morning was from off-island. Maybe most of the listeners to it are from the mainland nowadays...

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Mystery Voice - what a bore. It was Pete Best's mother once (who?). Not a single clue in the voice clip whatsoever. Then it was F. Murray Abraham (who?) another time. And the vast majority I haven't a clue who they were. How yawnful it all was.


There's never a local connection despite the callers naming every MHK and local sports person in that week's newspaper.


And despite the clip being played over TWENTY times per session. How annoying and irritating can this quiz become? Although I appreciate that some people like it because they phone in don't they and expext to win some book tokens


Anyway, has anyone taken part or know anyone who has taken part in one of these surveys? Someon must do, surely.


I get the feeling it's Lunchtime O'Booze sat in the back bar of _________* pub putting these figures together.




*enter name of pub here. I don't know where our local journalist type people go anymore since they knocked the Dogs Home down.

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It's true the mystery voice isn't the best radio feature in the world though I do know at least one of the names you listed there. Does anyone know who the current one is? It's been going since Christmas or something stupid. The prize is over £50 now!!! It's almost Euromillions scale!

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Being good with figures (I do my company's accounts, and have done various business accountancy courses whilst working for a local bank a couple of years back) Both Energy and Manx Radio are correct with their stories with accordance to the RAJAR results.


What Manx Radio have done is give their story a bit of "spin" by not telling you the whole story.


Their average listener may be listening for 2.1% longer but the number of listeners is down by 10% on this period last year.


In simple terms:


100 people work at the hob goblin toilet brush company, 10 of them no longer listen to Manx Radio at all although the rest are listening to it whilst on the toilet which they never did before.

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Yes, but how do RAJAR know who's is listening whilst sitting on the toiler ot whatever.


No one ever asks me my opinion although there was once a Manx Newspapers reporter taking opinions on Strand Street once (and taking their photos). But he pretended to be tying his shoelace or something when I came near.

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Aye, that's the theowy they use.


But neither myself nor my (albeit few) friends, associates and family have ever, ever, ever been asked to fill in a questionnaire or been asked our viewing habits.


IMO the figures are made up whilst sitting on the toilet á la Desperate Dan's post. Probably by the same person who said there were 76,000 people living on the Isle of Man.

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