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Nobody Listens To Manx Radio Anymore


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Ah, the Rondie. Lovely coffee and cheese and tomato baps, even though they seemed a bit expensive at the time. I think I first met two girlfriends there. Remember the prom outside where you could park your motorbike and saunter over?


Douglas Head, yeah - Black Mass and then the midnight movies at the Strand. I had a car as well by then and you could park in the centre of the prom in winter.

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Yes TOG, Black Mass. I still see Willy Black and Flash around, amazing!


The Douglas Head was also a good venue for some other acts, the best I recall was P J Proby, turned up late (apparently imbibing in the Rosemount) but, wow what a show!

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From the Manx Radio web site

Manx Radio celebrate the delivery of 5 new promotional vehicle from Ray Motors of Ramsey.


In a 2 year promotional deal with Raymotors MANX Radio staff will be able to drive the very latest Seat, Suzuki, Mazda and VW models brought the the Island by Raymotors, all over the island. Its a great opportunity for both companies to have their brands seen and heard every day by a lot more people said business director John Marsom


Thats why we are getting all those Raymotors commercials

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A reminder then...


Wouldn't it be good to have R4 or MR in the hairdressers? No more "Are you going out tonight?", "Are you going on holiday this year?" or "Have you got a boyfriend?" (I nearly choked at the last one!!?! at my age!).


My dentist plays MR, but also has the Daily Mail in the waiting room, so I don't suppose that is much of a guide!


Anyway Red Fox, I have silky charms. Official.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I would hand out my radio awards for 2004-05


Best Manx News Reporter 2005, the person who ask the questions we want to know

(Drum Roll)

For the first time ever the judges are tied between Beth Espey & Jason Roberts

Both have proved that Manx Radio still has some political thoughts, post David Callister. Manx Radio claimed they want to set the News Agenda; these guys are doing their best under a very restrictive News Editor.

Beth is surely destined for a TV career in the next year. She is hot!!!

Jason is happy to challenge the MHK spin and is not yet going for the easy options; we wish you well and trust you keep with the faith.


Congratulations to them both, keep pushing for trying to get real answers


BTW the person who polled the least votes is……….

(Drum Roll)

Sorry, but it goes again to Stu Peters

Top tip… Take the smile off your face when you interview your guests.

Try not go get the “usual subjects” in to your show, the “easy” interviewee appears far too often on your programme. How many times can you “chat” to Pam Crow, Allan Bell etc. Treat them as hostile – not your mates


Best Breakfast Show

Terry Wogan was pushed hard this year by Chris Moyles

Locally Jason Quinn gets the nod but is getting very “samey”, new ideas and features are need.

The judges have not placed the other local nominations. One is still poor and the other appears to be recorded and therefore does not qualify.


Best Local Station

1st Place Energy FM – Doing the most to keep re-inventing themselves. No way are they playing to the kids any more, they are lively and have personality.

The judges note that they have moved away from their target audience. We wait to see if the Manx radio authorities try to get them back in line.


2nd Place Manx Radio – It’s still going to be tuff for a company that lose over £20,000 a week. How can they keep losing so much money? But the station has turned the corner. It’s still is the place that people turn to for news and information. We are still waiting for the management to make a few key changes to some of their main shows.


3rd Place 3FM – Great launch – but now they appear to be happy to sound like a computer just churning out the hits. We think it remains popular with offices but no so with anyone with half a brain, three track back to back all day just won’t get the big audience.

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Listening to the news on Manx Radio I was intrigued by the story of Cornish being spoken on the Isle of Man. I could've sworn I'd heard this before. So I went onto their website and lo and behold their it is.


18 November 2005


If you are planning a trip to the isle of Man, swot up on your Cornish!


That is the message being given on large glossy maps presented to Members of the European Parliament by the Government of Catalonia.


The maps show language diversity across Europe but they quite obviously get some things wrong.


The Isle of Man, where Manx Gaelic is on the increase, is labelled as 'Cornish speaking'.



26 November 2004


Maps with empty spaces where the Isle of Man should be are nothing new, but the latest slip-up has caused a stir among Euro MPs.




On a chart compiled by the governmenrt of Catalonia, showing the language diversity of Europe, the Island is marked as being an area where Cornish is spoken.




Manx language specialist Dr Brian Stowell (pictured) is surprised at the mistake as there are close international ties between Manx and Catalan speakers


good to know the team at MR is keeping us up to date with things that happened a year ago!


Obviously £800k is not enough money, perhaps it should be increased to £1.5m if they need more resources to get up to date news.


If anyone from Manx Radio is reading this let me tell you there were Millennium celebrations in 1979 and the birch was banned sometime before that. I look forward to hearing those reports again.


Useless c***s.

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Maybe they should give the £800k to you ccm as a researcher, so they don't make such a terrible mistake again - how dare they! You seem to be so anal to have looked that up that I'm sure you would be a welcome addition to the team.


Maybe the chart is compiled annually. Dates seem pretty concurrent.







Edit - typo

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  • 1 month later...

There hasn't been a Manx Radio thread to entertain us for a while, so I thought I'd dig this old one out to offer this for discussion:


From MR today


Manx Radio has just won the Radio Academy’s Nations and Regions Gold Award for the North West Region.


This award is aimed at stations with an audience of under 300,000, and gives Manx Radio automatic entry into the Sony Awards in London.

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Well deserved too, they do a fantastic job imo.


Only critisms are: the guy who reads the weather (Neil Young is it?) - he mumbles and is so boring that even when I'm specifically listening to the weather I accidentally switch off. (my mind that is...not tha radio)

And the God Slot: "Thought For The Day" - argh! do they pay for that slot? So patronising I instantly switch to 3FM.

Oh, and all the useless business updates - shares prices etc that that boring arse from some stockbrokers reads out - no need. Get rid. Especially the one that's on at the exact time everyone is driving home. Who listens to MR for their share prices anyway?


Other than that, it's all good.

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