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Nobody Listens To Manx Radio Anymore


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Another reason not to tune in.

I understand that Roy McMillan has announced to his radio chums that he his going back to live in the UK

I think Roy did a damm good job on Mandate taking over the mantel from David Collister. Sure he had the "odd" moment but he was a hard worker. You know when you're doing a good job when the politicians don't want to do an interview with you!!!

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Another reason not to tune in to Manx Radio:


Very annoying, too loud, too often and very incessant News Jingle.



3fm or Energy here I come.




Yes, Roy McMillan was excellent on Mandate. Who will organise The Headlines Again if he leaves the Island? Some excellent pieces in tonight's recording at the Trafalgar btw.

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He's quite a witty guy if i remember right, as long as he doesn't suddenly appear on 3fm then thats ok. maybe they've poached him to replace that Mulhurn girl, is it me or does she sound like she really doesn't want to be there? it could be that she has a lazy quarter scouse, quarter fox'dall and half pram faced chav sound to her voice but thats just my detailed opinion

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Manx Radio seems to be targeted as - music for older listners, some for middle age & younger, arts, culture, community and way better quality news that the other stations come nowhere near, great local content compared to it's competion and something for everyone.


Energy - Dance music, purely for the younger generation, no decent news, no culture & no community.


3FM, No decent news, pop music, crap selection of other music, no culture, no community - still fumbling around trying to place itself, somewhere.


I'm not saying Manx Radio is perfect, but it still offers the majority of listeners on the IOM a service that Energy and 3FM, even put together can't match.


Edited to add:-


Hope Roy isn't leaving the IOM, he's got a great sense of humor and takes an interest in his job and local culture, would be a sad loss if the went.

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Manx Radio seems to be targeted as  - music for older listners, some for middle age & younger, arts, culture, community and way better quality news that the other stations come nowhere near, great local content compared to it's competion and something for everyone.


Energy - Dance music, purely for the younger generation, no decent news, no culture & no community.


3FM,  No decent news, pop music, crap selection of other music, no culture, no community - still fumbling around trying to place itself, somewhere.


I'm not saying Manx Radio is perfect, but it still offers the majority of listeners on the IOM a service that Energy and 3FM, even put together can't match.


Edited to add:-


Hope Roy isn't leaving the IOM, he's got a great sense of humor and takes an interest in his job and local culture, would be a sad loss if the went.

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"I'm not saying Manx Radio is perfect, but it still offers the majority of listeners on the IOM a service that Energy and 3FM, even put together can't match."


It is all horses for courses.


In my opinion neither 3FM or Energy could match the general coverage that Manx Radio gives and Manx Radio can only give such with Government subvention funding on top of the advertising revenue.


For a population of 77000 people Manx Radio does a good job. And also does 3FM and Energy to appeal to their selective audiences.


The real issue is in a fair world the BBC should give the Manx Government back a proportion of the license fee that they do to their UK local radio stations.


The BBC is shafting us Manx residents and our Government is too timid to take them on and fight them.

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Just who would pay for "our own TV station" ??


Would it be a terestrial service or satelite


Terestrial would require a number of transmitters to cover the Island, not cheap!


More importantly what would be broadcast, Manx Radio with picture?


Television programmes are expensive to produce, however I'm sure my company would be happy to accept large summs of money for the production of programmes.


If you spoke to Mr Hewit, the Director of Communications at the Commission you would find that despite his best efforts to have local TV, its a non start due to the costs. He has been trying since he took the position to find a company that would be interested in the license.

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partypolitics makes a good point. A parliamentary webcast would be good and objective.


The web represents an affordable cheap future for local and regional broadcasting. This BB offers more local news and comment than any of the local radio stations.


The ITV companies are in the process of merging towards one. The ITV companies would love to kill off the local TV. Only the government regulators really stand in their way. It's a hot topic.


But when, for example, did the Border News ever really investigate, critically, a local political story? Ever? Never ? They film traffic and report court cases - but they don't ask difficult political questions or explain an issue in any depth.

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Sorry but you are wrong on this matter, the network make a lot of money from the local TV stations.


Border was bought by Granada as it is a very profitable station, so to say that ITV would love to kill off local TV is wide of the mark.


On the subject of Border coverage, remember whilst the Island is important to the locals it’s only a small part of the region. ITV Border is primarily a news service with some local documentaries; it is not current affairs service. The station has to balance the needs for the whole region and not that of one small section. Remember that in terms of population the Island is a large town.


As someone who works in commercial television, I have a better understanding than the vast majority of forum users.

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What's wrong with having a tv station that's a regional version of ITV, like Border television for the channel islands?


Likewise, what's wrong with having the same for radio, like BBC Radio Guernsey/Jersey?

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There's nothing wrong in having a local TV station, it's just down to cost. There is not sufficient advertising revenue on the Island to support a TV station, the pots already stretched with 3 radio stations and they are a hell of a lot cheaper to run than TV.

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Sorry but you are wrong on this matter, the network make a lot of money from the local TV stations ..... As someone who works in commercial television, I have a better understanding than the vast majority of forum users.


Wrong on which bit specifically? Regional advertising is profitable. Sure. But there is already very little by way of regional variation with respect to the schedule.


Consolidation [ Carltonisation ] of the ITV companies has already seen various ITV1 regions and sub regions vanish. I'm willing to bet that Border TV won't exist as a brand 10 years from now. And I'm willing to bet that very few people will miss it.

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It's a hot topic. Lots of denials!


OFCOM moves to ease regional fears


ITV regulator OFCOM has denied that that its proposals to relax ITV's regional obligations are a "done deal" ....


... In its wide-ranging Phase 2 report into the future of PSB, OFCOM proposes that non-news regional output (out of peak) be cut from 3 hours a week to 1.5 hours from January 2005. OFCOM's review also places a significant and grave question mark over the entire sustainability of regional programmes and regional news output in the face of digital switchover


... BECTU will be pressing for early and detailed insight into OFCOM's plans for the BBC to assume principal responsibility for public service broadcasting in the UK and the regional element within that.

etc etc
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I think Simon, PP & mission raise some very valid points with their recent posts.


TBH I think radio & tv in the "classic" sense we have been used to them need to make quite a radical overhaul in the way they operate - as Simon pointed out , it would be very easy to create a local web based TV channel - also radio(music) channel as the recent MF "radio" has done and seems to be very popular with the forum members - as in more of a comunity based service (a bit like Manx Radio) compared to the other broadcasters we are used to (like BBC/Border et al).


As in "A local service for local people" - (mmm - sorry it it sounds a bit LOG!).


Look at the way the music/singles/chart system is moving - two years ago all the record labels were complaining about the internet and how it's ruining the music business and killing off sales of CD's - and now the online sale of music singles has totally overtaken CD sales (since the record comanies have taken the net onboard.


Something like this run by volunteers, interested in the local community, I think could run local adverts at a cheaper rate than the TV/Radio and have a better target audience (have a bunch of links for local content rather than it being forced down our necks, irrespective of us being interested in that particular advertising/product - or not).


Found a recent-ish link on the Beeb from a community run system in Austria - I see no reason why something like this couldn't be a commercial success over here (we've got at least 6-10 times the potential audience).


** Local net TV takes off in Austria **

An Austrian village is testing technology that could represent the future of television.




Of course just MHO, but I do really think this is where the furure of "broadcasting" will lie in the not too distant future, without the huge overheads of a transmitting license to pay.

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