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Nobody Listens To Manx Radio Anymore


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Good to see the old thread has been resurrected. As I have said before there are some interesting points raised here. Some are factual, some are wildly inaccurate but that's the joy of living in a democracy where people are free to think and speak as they please.

Two points that need clearing up straight away before you get out of hand though.


"Soundtrack of the Sixties" has been broadcast in pre-recorded form since November last year. It is a credit to Andy Wint that most listeners didn't know. The competition winners are chosen from the previous weekends programme. In other words the show runs a week in advance.




Soundtrack of the Sixties is commercially sponsored and as such we recieve direct feedback from the client whose business the winners visit. The client knows his money is well spent and we know that the programme is popular, so it works for both of us.


I don't quite understand the comment about presenters "jumping ship".


Mark Burrows is covering the Breakfast Show for Alex Brindley who is on his way to Shetland with Tim Glover and Chris Kinley to provide coverage of The Island Games. As in Guernsey two years ago, the Island should do very well again as we have some first class sports men and women. Ben Hartley left the station eighteen months ago to seek his fortune and returns regularily to present programmes, such as Manx Radio TT recently. Roy Macmillan left the station in June to pursue other interests and has moved to the South of England and Mike Buttel made the decision to concentrate on his full time career and promotion prospects. These movements are typical of any company as people have their own lives to lead.


As I have mentioned before, please feel free to call me in the office at anytime if you wish to comment on any of what you have read from contributors and I will be happy to clarify any points raised. If you want to know the truth, ask the Horse.


Chris Williams

Director of Programming

Manx Radio


Tel: 682600

e-mail: chriswilliams@manxradio.com

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but the jingly thing that say "MAAANNX RAaaaDiiiiOo" all day is to loud and from in the next room all i hear is this nosey sound all day. Please be quiet withis sound all day.


good and best dj and sound on radio is at nightime with western lady when i'm working late sometimes.

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Okay, I haven't stopped listening to Manx Radio - I just listen a lot less than I used to. I don't wish to go on about the Mannin Line again, I think most people would agree that it is greatly missed and that nothing in the current line-up has adequately replaced it, but it gave a reason to switch on and, probably captured listeners for the rest of the day.

I also use their website less frequently now because, to be honest, it just isn't up to it any more - especially the local news.

I used to enjoy scanning through the news vault to get background on the stories of the day and really miss that facility. I also find that IoM Online is now far more likely to be up to date than MR, something that was rarely, if ever, true in the past.

Overall, it probably does it's best - but I really would like to hear more incisive questioning of the the 'great and the good'. At the time of writing this there is, for example, no mention on their news site of the Examiner story about there being no one to blame in the MEA fiasco!

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That'll be because they interviewed the Chief Minister about it at length yesterday morning on Mandate! It's primarily a radio service rather than a web site.


I think that their website news pages are much more up to date these days, and refrain from annoying phrases like 'More on today's Mandate programme' like the papers website does.


Horses for courses - I listen to the radio for up to date news and read the papers for detail and background. They complement each other perfectly for me, but I don't expect either to do it all

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Manx Radio should investigate the news and lead the agenda.


For example. They should have been door stepping everyone involved with the MEA story, these past few weeks, at least; Barclays, Mike Proffit, PKF, Donald Gelling, Alan Bell, the ex MEA board members. Get them all talking.


Manx Radio should have been thinking up the questions and demanding answers - rather than merely reporting what was being given.


And they shouldn't let the matter rest now either. They should be asking whether the answers we've been given, so far, are adequate.



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Royalties are paid by PRS, Stations pay a fee which covers them for re-broadcasting copyrighted material. Once in a while the station will be asked to make a note of everything they play in a 24 hour period and send it to PRS. This company then do the sums as to the distrobution of royalty fee's from a massive database of station, concert venue's, shops, disco's and so on for feedback.

There is no discrimination in fee as to the age of a song, it is purely on usage.

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Manx Radio should investigate the news and lead the agenda.


For example. They should have been door stepping everyone involved with the MEA story, these past few weeks, at least; Barclays, Mike Proffit, PKF, Donald Gelling, Alan Bell, the ex MEA board members. Get them all talking.



Excellent point as ever Simon.


What you constantly fail to provide though is a method by which Manx Radio's already sweated assets can better be deployed to provide the scale of resource required to do things like that. Reporters having doors slammed in their faces can't be reading the news or preparing stories for regular bulletins or current affairs programmes.


The station simply doesn't enjoy the funding to have people wasting days on end 'digging' in the hope of getting people to talk who refuse to go on record (which is probably ALL the people you mention above with the exception of the people we've interviewed regularly in some detail). It's a small island with a tight-knit community, and even the best tabloid journalist from across would find it hard to make a living here.


Enough people have moaned already about the public's contribution to funding the station - their 25p a week would have to increase substantially to cover even half a Paxman!


Damn - I said I wasn't going to feed radio trolls...but they just keep pulling me back in!!

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Manx Radio should investigate the news and lead the agenda.


For example. They should have been door stepping everyone involved with the MEA story, these past few weeks, at least; Barclays, Mike Proffit, PKF, Donald Gelling, Alan Bell, the ex MEA board members. Get them all talking.



Excellent point as ever Simon.


What you constantly fail to provide though is a method by which Manx Radio's already sweated assets can better be deployed to provide the scale of resource required to do things like that. Reporters having doors slammed in their faces can't be reading the news or preparing stories for regular bulletins or current affairs programmes.


The station simply doesn't enjoy the funding to have people wasting days on end 'digging' in the hope of getting people to talk who refuse to go on record (which is probably ALL the people you mention above with the exception of the people we've interviewed regularly in some detail). It's a small island with a tight-knit community, and even the best tabloid journalist from across would find it hard to make a living here.


Enough people have moaned already about the public's contribution to funding the station - their 25p a week would have to increase substantially to cover even half a Paxman!


Damn - I said I wasn't going to feed radio trolls...but they just keep pulling me back in!!



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I'd have a real job hosting that from inside Victoria Road jail!


It's much more difficult to gently moderate a live phone-in programme than (with all due respect to the mods here, who do a great job) it is to protect an interweb forum from an army of screaming libel lawyers.


My daily nightmare on the Mannin Line was that someone would call in and throw caution to the wind by repeating malicious gossip or slandering someone live on air.


However many disclaimers we put out, WE are also responsible in law for what is said on the station.


And don't let the rose-tinted spectacles of fond memory cloud your judgement - few Mannin Line callers were actually able or willing to bring anything new to the debate.


Talking Heads provides a great forum...as do Mandate and Midday Mandate. Issue a press release, have it checked by your lawyers to make sure neither of us will end up in The Big House, and send it to me.


I love the idea of a hot news story, but can't responsibly publish rumour, gossip or innuendo.

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Sure, but those with nothing to lose can get you into deep manure well before you hit the dump button...and in my experience they know how to manipulate the system to confound even the sharpest presenter (i.e. not me!).


I really AM going now...

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