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Tony Blair donates book cash to injured soldier charity


Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is to donate the profits from his memoirs to a sports centre for badly injured soldiers.


A spokesman said Mr Blair would hand over the reported £4.6m advance payment plus all royalties to honour "their courage and sacrifice".


The Royal British Legion will receive the money, after the book, called A Journey, is published next month.


This would make a "lasting difference" to injured personnel, it said.


The money will go the Legion's £25m Battle Back Challenge Centre, which is due to open in summer 2012.


A spokesman for the former prime minister said:


"As Tony Blair said to the House of Commons on his last day in office: 'I believe that they [the Armed Forces] are fighting for the security of this country and the wider world against people who would destroy our way of life. But whatever view people take of my decisions, I think that there is only one view to take of them: they are the bravest and the best.'"




Guilt money?


A generous gesture?


Or what?

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No matter how much he donates it will not wash his hands of his guilt, I'm with Albert for once, I would rather see him and Bush in the dock in the Hague.

Dream on - it will never happen however justified.


More likely for him to be elevated to some additional international roles and to lecture others on 'My Part In The Northern Ireland Peace Process'.

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I agree with Albert


Blair is a disgrace. Better that we all send a donation to the British Legion and cut Tony Blair out of the equation.


Could it be coincidence that I spotted the book being touted at half price a few days ago? Worried about poor sales, maybe?



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Didn't realise the book had been published. Last post is a lie.

People forget what Tony Blair was involved in, the NI peace process has been mentioned, although started by others TB actually finished the process and gained an agreement, no mean feat.

If we knew all the pressures on TB, from the US among others, we might be able to criticise him from a standpoint the same as he enjoyed. The idea of regime change existed long before TB came to office, the US administration had plans in house as soon as, if not before, Bush engineered his own election. We now know the invasion was illegal, Tb was advised otherwise by his trusted and very well qualified, legal advisors. He was given assurances and promises that it was legal to help with the invasion. What was he to do in light of those assurances?

The idea that he went into it with total disregard for the consequences or legal position is a farcical suggestion.

He has decided to donate the proceeds and advance for the book to a charity that helps ex-armed personnel. At least he is giving something, how about the arms manufacturers, uniform manufacturers, oil companies that benefit from the invasion, personnel services (private armies) benefiting from armed conflicts around the globe perpetuated by the invasion and subsequent conflicts in Afghanistan and other areas?

He doesn't have to do it, he is under no obligation to do so. He acted perfectly legally within his powers as leader of the largest elected political party of the UK and Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury to order the armed forces of that country to war in assisting the US armed forces in their invasion.

If the conflict is so abhorrent to people posting here and highly illegal what does that make people actually fighting there now? murderers and criminals is what. Follow the light you misguided fools. No-one is forced to fight, Iraq poses no threat to the UK, never has. The threat was to near neighbours and friends of the US government and their oil interests that is all. With that threat a collection of debt was imposed by the US on the UK. The last world wars were won with the help of the US, not freely given but financed by the US. The UK owes them big time and will continue to do so long after we're all dead and buried. About time we all looked at the big picture and stop going on about TB being responsible for something he had absolutely no control over, the machine was running he was only a small cog in that machine. Do you think we wouldn't be after the head of Thatcher if the UK had lost in the Falklands, or Kuwait. Of course not, those conflicts were won by armed force, those conflicts were both about oil supplies. Thatcher allowed and ordered the sinking of the Belgrano, sailing away from the Falklands at the time, the price was paid in lives needlessly lost on both sides. There was total agreement in Parliament for the invasion to go ahead and for the UK to support the US. Who else is in line for a screwing by the media?

I'm not saying TB isn't a slime ball, all I'm saying is that he isn't the only one.

(If the Legion don't want the money I can name a few charities that would take it willingly.)

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How predictably boring.


All TB's detractors immediately start banging out emotive bollocks like "blood money", "guilt money", "shame". "repentance" and all the rest of their bullshit. Well here's a little fact to get hold of - he didn't have to donate anything - he didn't have to donate anything - he didn't have to donate anything - he didn't have to donate anything - he didn't have to donate anything etc etc. All the Brainless Blair Bashers got that one have they??? Well, that'll be a first...


The point the BBB's don't want to get is that Blair is fully aware that his extremely generous gesture, the biggest donation the RBL has ever had, will not change history, will not change a single decision, will not bring back a single casualty, will not assuage the grief of a single bereaved family. BLAIR KNOWS THIS YOU BIGOTED TOSSERS! Such a shame you don't seem to.


I feel very sorry for the relatives of those lost in conflict. However if you let your son, husband, brother join the forces then you have to shoulder some of the blame if they end up falling foul of the ultimate risk all service personnel face - instead of trying to foister all the responsibility for your loss on someone or something else. It's no good bleating on about "Illegal" conflicts because if the HoC votes on it then it's legal. Think Saddam Hussein or the Taliban cared about legal niceties? If you do I sincerely hope you have a truly wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit.


PS - can you see planet Earth from up there? Because somehow I doubt it...

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Didn't realise the book had been published. Last post is a lie.

People forget what Tony Blair was involved in, the NI peace process has been mentioned, although started by others TB actually finished the process and gained an agreement, no mean feat.

Fair enough.


If we knew all the pressures on TB, from the US among others, we might be able to criticise him from a standpoint the same as he enjoyed. The idea of regime change existed long before TB came to office, the US administration had plans in house as soon as, if not before, Bush engineered his own election. We now know the invasion was illegal, Tb was advised otherwise by his trusted and very well qualified, legal advisors. He was given assurances and promises that it was legal to help with the invasion. What was he to do in light of those assurances?
I don't think you are considering Tony Blair's desire to be tied to US Foreign Policy rather than moving towards security from within Europe. It was both the Labour Party's and Tory Party fault that Britain gets placed under the pressure it does. But what do you want to think about this matter of pressure?

Besides, we don't even have to look at the legalities, because they are not what influences and directs such foreign policy. The legalities provide the excuse and makes such decisions all that easier.


At least he is giving something, how about the arms manufacturers, uniform manufacturers, oil companies that benefit from the invasion, personnel services (private armies) benefiting from armed conflicts around the globe perpetuated by the invasion and subsequent conflicts in Afghanistan and other areas?
After taking so much away.


What about the other names people and organisations? Even WE are to blame. People may grumble a hell of a lot, but we are all responsibly for not putting a stop to such things we don't like. If the British (meaning Manx too in this context) really cared and were outraged we would do more than simply bleat about how wrong the war is. Maybe we feel powerless though. But everyone is involved to varying extents.


If the conflict is so abhorrent to people posting here and highly illegal what does that make people actually fighting there now? murderers and criminals is what.
A bit unfair. If they are murderers then we are partially culpable too for such murders. It is the stupidity and ignorance of the British public that condemns such wars with nothing but words but then are quite happy to shower the troops with praise and admiration when they partake in illegal, criminal, and immoral wars. The myths are too powerful and make it easy to overlook the death and destruction.


I think it unfair to level the terms murderers and criminals to many of the people who are just products of their society in the sense that they are motivated to join the Armed Forces out the general public misunderstanding of what they do in Afghanistan and Iraq and ignorant ideas of who they are fighting for.

If you are brought up to think that the British people are being protected, freedoms are being protected, and you get a lot of kudos from joining the military, then I can understand the appeal (especially to those who need/desire praise or respect) even though these ideas and sentiments are misguided.

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It's no good bleating on about "Illegal" conflicts because if the HoC votes on it then it's legal. Think Saddam Hussein or the Taliban cared about legal niceties? If you do I sincerely hope you have a truly wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit.



I agree that there is no point discussing the legalities. The morality of the matter is more important, I think.


I don't understand your point about Hussein and the Taliban though, especially in the case of the Taliban. What point are you trying to make?

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Erm Amazon are offering it on preorder and the book is actually being published in September - yeah its at a discount, but don't pretend that the book won't bring in a lot of sales and cash for the British Legion.

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