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Blair's Book


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I very much doubt I will ever read it. I really don't like the idea of reading autobiographies. Not my sort of read.


I am still unsure if it will have any value to given consideration to whether Blair was right to go to war. I think is extremely unlikely.


I haven't reached that bit yet! I'm reading it as carefully as I can.


However I can tell you that in my world some people have to make impossibly difficult decisions and then others have to get hard, ugly things done.


Not because they want to. But because they have to.



You would have to do that with him, because its reading between the lines thats always the most tricky.




We are all in awe of you !! get it done guys !!

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However I can tell you that in my world some people have to make impossibly difficult decisions and then others have to get hard, ugly things done.


Not because they want to. But because they have to.[/font]

That happens in most people's lives. The difference is that they usually own up when they make a mistake.

I bet when he became a Catholic his first confession must have needed a number of priests working shifts to hear it.

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I bet when he became a Catholic his first confession must have needed a number of priests working shifts to hear it.


I bet he became a late Catholic convert purely because of its acceptance of absolution. Every other Religion in the world would have him believe he'd burn in hell for an eternity with a scalding hot pitchfork up his arse after what he is responsible before. Not the Catholics though, just say a few hail Mary's and shake a few beads and your conscience is clear. The man is a total piece of shit.

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PK - I cannot comment on Bliars' book as I have not read it - neither do I intend to spend any of my hard-earned money on a copy. I strongly suspect that it will be a normal politicians' attempt to write history as they would like it to be known i.e. not very truthful.

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However I can tell you that in my world some people have to make impossibly difficult decisions and then others have to get hard, ugly things done.


Not because they want to. But because they have to.[/font]

That happens in most people's lives. The difference is that they usually own up when they make a mistake.


This is just a wild stab in the dark I know but I strongly suspect that in most people's lives they don't have to decide that a lot of people have to die and then send others out to do their killing for them - some of whom lose their own lives in the process.


Or have I got that wrong somehow?

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I bet he became a late Catholic convert purely because of its acceptance of absolution. Every other Religion in the world would have him believe he'd burn in hell for an eternity with a scalding hot pitchfork up his arse after what he is responsible before. Not the Catholics though, just say a few hail Mary's and shake a few beads and your conscience is clear. The man is a total piece of shit.


Did you see Blair being interviewed by Andrew Marr?


I suspect not because if you had done you would realise that you're talking nonsense. Blair remains convinced that on Iraq he was absolutely right on the decisions he made. It comes across very strongly in the book as well which you clearly haven't read.


Blair's conscience is clear. Care to try again?

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That happens in most people's lives. The difference is that they usually own up when they make a mistake.


This is just a wild stab in the dark I know but I strongly suspect that in most people's lives they don't have] to decide that a lot of people have to die and then send others out to do their killing for them - some of whom lose their own lives in the process.


Or have I got that wrong somehow?


Yes you have it wrong.


Blair didnt !! have !! to send those soldiers to their deaths, nor did the many thousands of civilians !! have !! to die by their hands, blair lied to parliment to MAKE the situation happen, he may well still believe he made the right choices, the majority do not, and many of them want to see him punished..

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I bet he became a late Catholic convert purely because of its acceptance of absolution. Every other Religion in the world would have him believe he'd burn in hell for an eternity with a scalding hot pitchfork up his arse after what he is responsible before. Not the Catholics though, just say a few hail Mary's and shake a few beads and your conscience is clear. The man is a total piece of shit.


Did you see Blair being interviewed by Andrew Marr?


I suspect not because if you had done you would realise that you're talking nonsense. Blair remains convinced that on Iraq he was absolutely right on the decisions he made. It comes across very strongly in the book as well which you clearly haven't read.


Blair's conscience is clear. Care to try again?


In all seriousness PK do you honestly really think that Tony Bliar is anything but an utter sleezeball, a con man who perpertrated the biggest con job in recorded history, and the worst prime minister that Britain has ever had bar none?


Blair or more like B Liar by his own admision about what he did to swindle a Norther Ireland deal is awful in every way, his sucsesser Brown would have been even worse if he had the cunning of Bliar but instead he did his damage by ruining the UK with his economic mismanagement.


How can anyone with any sense at all see what took place any differently?

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Yes you have it wrong.


Blair didnt !! have !! to send those soldiers to their deaths, nor did the many thousands of civilians !! have !! to die by their hands, blair lied to parliment to MAKE the situation happen, he may well still believe he made the right choices, the majority do not, and many of them want to see him punished..


What lies did Blair tell to parliament?


I vote Lib-Dem, although probably never again after Cleggy gave my vote to Cameron, and I still think Blair made the right decision re Iraq.

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In all seriousness PK do you honestly really think that Tony Bliar is anything but an utter sleezeball, a con man who perpertrated the biggest con job in recorded history, and the worst prime minister that Britain has ever had bar none?


Blair or more like B Liar by his own admision about what he did to swindle a Norther Ireland deal is awful in every way, his sucsesser Brown would have been even worse if he had the cunning of Bliar but instead he did his damage by ruining the UK with his economic mismanagement.


How can anyone with any sense at all see what took place any differently?


"In all seriousness" - with your posts you've just GOT to be having a laugh!


The "Brainless Blair Bashers" (BBB's) actually get a mention in "A Journey." Maybe you should actually read it before making judgements on it. TB openly admits his admiration for John Major, N.I. and all that, but still attacked him for weak leadership, divided party, civil war on the EU and so forth. And yet the counter-attacks were all personal - "liar" "cheat" "fraud" and so forth with no actual facts to back the accusations up.


Sound familiar? It should...


By the way spook have you had Thatcher's baby yet? Because we all know you want to...

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