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In all seriousness PK do you honestly really think that Tony Bliar is anything but an utter sleezeball, a con man who perpertrated the biggest con job in recorded history, and the worst prime minister that Britain has ever had bar none?


Blair or more like B Liar by his own admision about what he did to swindle a Norther Ireland deal is awful in every way, his sucsesser Brown would have been even worse if he had the cunning of Bliar but instead he did his damage by ruining the UK with his economic mismanagement.


How can anyone with any sense at all see what took place any differently?


"In all seriousness" - with your posts you've just GOT to be having a laugh!


The "Brainless Blair Bashers" (BBB's) actually get a mention in "A Journey." Maybe you should actually read it before making judgements on it. TB openly admits his admiration for John Major, N.I. and all that, but still attacked him for weak leadership, divided party, civil war on the EU and so forth. And yet the counter-attacks were all personal - "liar" "cheat" "fraud" and so forth with no actual facts to back the accusations up.


Sound familiar? It should...


By the way spook have you had Thatcher's baby yet? Because we all know you want to...

Lets face it fellas, any PM of the adjacent Isle is going to be unpopular and generally for very good reason. PK I've got to imagine acting as a self appointed mouth piece for TB must be a kinda lonely furrow to plough. You've got to imagine that carrying on a tradition of one of the most barbaric countries on earth weighs heavily on the shoulders of any leader across the way. Puts Arkwright's shortcomings into perspective though doesn't it?

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In all seriousness PK do you honestly really think that Tony Bliar is anything but an utter sleezeball, a con man who perpertrated the biggest con job in recorded history, and the worst prime minister that Britain has ever had bar none?

I never liked Palmerston and MacDonald was a big disappointment. But Thatcher was pure evil!
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Lets face it fellas, any PM of the adjacent Isle is going to be unpopular and generally for very good reason.



PK I've got to imagine acting as a self appointed mouth piece for TB must be a kinda lonely furrow to plough. You've got to imagine that carrying on a tradition of one of the most barbaric countries on earth weighs heavily on the shoulders of any leader across the way.
Go on, what do you think of the UK?
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Lets face it fellas, any PM of the adjacent Isle is going to be unpopular and generally for very good reason.



PK I've got to imagine acting as a self appointed mouth piece for TB must be a kinda lonely furrow to plough. You've got to imagine that carrying on a tradition of one of the most barbaric countries on earth weighs heavily on the shoulders of any leader across the way.
Go on, what do you think of the UK?

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Lets face it fellas, any PM of the adjacent Isle is going to be unpopular and generally for very good reason.



PK I've got to imagine acting as a self appointed mouth piece for TB must be a kinda lonely furrow to plough. You've got to imagine that carrying on a tradition of one of the most barbaric countries on earth weighs heavily on the shoulders of any leader across the way.
Go on, what do you think of the UK?

Why? Because leaders are generally unpopular.

If you can't tell what I think of the UK from my previous post then I'll elaborate. The United Kingdom is an administration made up of the countries of England, Scotland and Wales (collectively know as Great Britain as they form the biggest, if not the best of the British Isle) plus Northern Ireland. Despite the name the United Kingdom is no longer ruled by a king as the name would suggest, it is now effectively a country and many would suggest that the first sylable the word country better represents the ruling of the place both now and throughout history.

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I was kinda getting at something else when I asked that. It was just that you appear to have a poor opinion of England (or the UK) and maybe vis-a-vis the Isle of Man. I just wondered what this was about exactly. Doesn't matter.

I suppose I do have a fairly poor opinion of England (or the UK) generally but that is a personal opinion based on my experience of the place and not something I would necessarily try to impose on others. I don't really know what vis-a-vis means as my Latin is non existant but I do think you are right to assume that I don't necessarily think that refering to the UK for legislation or any other kind of guidance is the best way to provide la dolce vita for the people of the Isle of Man. Also I strongly beleive that the foreign policy of the place is something we should distance ourselves from at every opportunity, we are after all a traditionally peaceful nation & long may it continue.

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Oh I see and I would agree with much of what you say in that case. I don't quite know where you get the idea from that the Isle of Man is a traditionally peaceful nation. What makes it seem peaceful?

The fact that we have never declared war on any other nation? Peaceful in the sense of not warful (is that a word?)

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Ok, but we have. For when it comes down to foreign policy the Island's government follows where the mother country (in this context) leads. Throughout the past centuries the Island has been heavily involved in Britain's wars. In fact, I would think that the Manx were more British then than they seem now.)

But WW1 is a very good example of the Island's involvement. Just as the British elite declared war and caused the horrific butchering of millions the Manx elite were quite happy to go along with it. And what of today? We regularly hear pronouncements from the government, the media, and unfortunately from other people of the proud that the Manx supposedly have in fighting with Britain and continuing to do so today. No, the Island is not peaceful, it just doesn't make the decisions.

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I was kinda getting at something else when I asked that. It was just that you appear to have a poor opinion of England (or the UK) and maybe vis-a-vis the Isle of Man. I just wondered what this was about exactly. Doesn't matter.


You were baiting, you set your trap, and missed him, nothing more, nothing less, your a naughty boy on the quiet.

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But Thatcher was pure evil!


If you think back to the mess that the UK was in when she was elected what else could she have done to save the country from disaster.


The unions had to be sorted out, lame duck industries had to be shut down, common sense and good finances had to be restored to government. People did take the pain but that pain had to be. Facing what she was facing what would YOU have done to save the country?


Where you even born when she became PM? Or like so much of what you come out with theoretical drivel based on an ignorence about what things were and are really like?

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In all seriousness PK do you honestly really think that Tony Bliar is anything but an utter sleezeball, a con man who perpertrated the biggest con job in recorded history, and the worst prime minister that Britain has ever had bar none?


Blair or more like B Liar by his own admision about what he did to swindle a Norther Ireland deal is awful in every way, his sucsesser Brown would have been even worse if he had the cunning of Bliar but instead he did his damage by ruining the UK with his economic mismanagement.


How can anyone with any sense at all see what took place any differently?


"In all seriousness" - with your posts you've just GOT to be having a laugh!


The "Brainless Blair Bashers" (BBB's) actually get a mention in "A Journey." Maybe you should actually read it before making judgements on it. TB openly admits his admiration for John Major, N.I. and all that, but still attacked him for weak leadership, divided party, civil war on the EU and so forth. And yet the counter-attacks were all personal - "liar" "cheat" "fraud" and so forth with no actual facts to back the accusations up.


Sound familiar? It should...


By the way spook have you had Thatcher's baby yet? Because we all know you want to...


So you really cant see through Blair and his sleeze. he was marked down as a horror even at school and hasn't changed his charcter a single bit.


How about Brown and his handbook on how to sponge off others? Another piece of filth who was a part of the deverstation of the UK.

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It is. There was clearly something demonic about the woman.


If you think back to the mess that the UK was in when she was elected what else could she have done to save the country from disaster.


The unions had to be sorted out, lame duck industries had to be shut down, common sense and good finances had to be restored to government. People did take the pain but that pain had to be. Facing what she was facing what would YOU have done to save the country?


Where you even born when she became PM? Or like so much of what you come out with theoretical drivel based on an ignorence about what things were and are really like?

Oh no, not back to this again. I already explained myself and disagree with your assessment of why the economy had gone tits up and where the problem was. Importantly, although the industries needed sorting out or shutting down, the manner in which it was undertaken was awful. She deserves no praise for leaving many thousands out of work. Nothing commonsesne about just closing the industries and leaving people to suffer wuth no job. Nor did her government sort out finances - in respect of the long term, her government only further liberalised the financial markets. And look where liberalisation of capital gets us.


She also had a disdain for the working class and their attempts to have some control over their work. Understandably, she was the enemy who were aware of their status as working class people.


And certainly for me, Section 38 doesn't make me much of a fan. I would be glad when the old bitch pops her clogs.

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