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Blair's Book


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PK , I admit to haver never read Janes Weapon Systems and I'll wager most of the MPs who voted and their constituents haven't either. If, as you suggest, the dodgy dossier and 45 minute threat were media manufactured/encouraged, then the government at the time did nothing to refute that. Much of what you have said on this thread is now fairly obvious now with the huge benefit of hindsight. We/they didn't have that benefit we we were lead to war by a government who were masters of spin.


Unfortunately you have got me interested in this damn book but I think I'll wait until its in the second hand bookshops.

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PK , I admit to haver never read Janes Weapon Systems and I'll wager most of the MPs who voted and their constituents haven't either. If, as you suggest, the dodgy dossier and 45 minute threat were media manufactured/encouraged, then the government at the time did nothing to refute that. Much of what you have said on this thread is now fairly obvious now with the huge benefit of hindsight. We/they didn't have that benefit we we were lead to war by a government who were masters of spin.


Unfortunately you have got me interested in this damn book but I think I'll wait until its in the second hand bookshops.


Well BB, Dr kelly is a good place to start, without PKs revisionist history.


Its this simple, blair and Co wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with georgieboy.

And in order to do so, they inserted intelligence reports into the dodgy dossier that the intelligence community knew to be false.


The sexed up dossier included the 45 minute warning, which ultimately was what swung parliment, however parliment were not informed that the 45 minute warning was just lifted from some IRAQI taxi drivers statement, without any corroborating data.




Norman baker MPs book is a good place as any to start.

ken clarke is now under real pressure to lift the lid on this whole sordid affair, that all boils down to blairs fantasies about himself and nu labours place in the history books.


We are in a situation now where some in the british press are actually accusing the british government of assassinating KELLY.

No hiding behind just snide comments etc etc, but straight up accusations of murder by the establishment.

The mail on sunday, flatout accused the blair government of murder.


Oh the shit is going to hit the fan alright, just a matter of time.

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For someone who usually prefers historical novels of the inferior fiction variety I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying Blair's book.

Errrmm.... no. Too obvious.


Ah yes, the trademark of the classic BBB - posting nothing of any significance whatsoever to the issue under discussion.


Sometimes I wonder if someday the BBB's might be able to join us adults and actually make a serious contribution to a serious debate like this one. But mostly I couldn't give a toss about them and their inane nonsense...

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PK , I admit to haver never read Janes Weapon Systems and I'll wager most of the MPs who voted and their constituents haven't either. If, as you suggest, the dodgy dossier and 45 minute threat were media manufactured/encouraged, then the government at the time did nothing to refute that. Much of what you have said on this thread is now fairly obvious now with the huge benefit of hindsight. We/they didn't have that benefit we we were lead to war by a government who were masters of spin.


Unfortunately you have got me interested in this damn book but I think I'll wait until its in the second hand bookshops.


Well BB, Dr kelly is a good place to start, without PKs revisionist history.


Its this simple, blair and Co wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with georgieboy.

And in order to do so, they inserted intelligence reports into the dodgy dossier that the intelligence community knew to be false.


The sexed up dossier included the 45 minute warning, which ultimately was what swung parliment, however parliment were not informed that the 45 minute warning was just lifted from some IRAQI taxi drivers statement, without any corroborating data.


Norman baker MPs book is a good place as any to start.

ken clarke is now under real pressure to lift the lid on this whole sordid affair, that all boils down to blairs fantasies about himself and nu labours place in the history books.


We are in a situation now where some in the british press are actually accusing the british government of assassinating KELLY.

No hiding behind just snide comments etc etc, but straight up accusations of murder by the establishment.

The mail on sunday, flatout accused the blair government of murder.


Oh the shit is going to hit the fan alright, just a matter of time.


Oh dear, yet another one who simply can't differentiate between "facts" and "intelligence".


Here's a little clue to help you - "intelligence" is rarely "factual".


As to The Mail on Sunday accusing Blair et al of murdering Dr Kelly it says it all about The Sunday Wail more than anything else. I'm convinced The Wail calling itself a "newspaper" is against the Trades Description Act.


As far as I'm concerned the post below is more than enough reason to topple that quite revolting dictatorship:



All this talk about dodgy dossiers, 45-minute claims, the pathetic "No WMD found in Iraq" mantra spewed out by the BBB's as though it's everything they need to condemn and all the rest of their bs completely misses the point - exactly as intended.


The West needs a stable Middle East to function. Unassailable facts are that Hussein invaded two of his neighbours, used WMD on the Kurds and the Iranians and basically totally destabilised the whole region ie he had to go. Because of the thousands of Iranian casualties caused by Hussein's WMD in his invasion of Iran the Mad Mullahs determined that they would develop their own WMD's to ensure it would never happen again. So because Hussein wasn't removed sooner rather than later we now all face a proliferation nightmare. What's to stop Iran selling on nuclear weapons to Al Queda, the Chechens, N Korea??? The correct answer is "Well, fuck-all actually..."

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He may of !! had to go !! and if as you say was the case then parliament would not of needed to be decieved.


We live in interesting times, and things will out.


All your handwaving and shooting the messenger wont alter nowt.


And your attempts to marginalise people by accusations of being in a fringe element thinking blair actively decieved parliament etc, are plain dumb, as it is you who is in the minority.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PK who's your pick for Labour leader?


Now that's a very difficult one but they need to sort it asap. The Ins for Fiscal Studies report should have enabled the opposition to give the coalition a right good kicking over their unequal budget and quite rightly. But it's in disarray. I used to vote Lib-Dem but because of Cleggy selling out to Cameron I probably wont vote for them again. As I have a social conscience I guess that just leaves me with Labour so my preference would be for David Milliband. If Ed gets it he will move it back to traditional (for that read unelectable) Labour values. So I hope David but Ed might shade it. If it's Ed he won't get my vote that's for sure.


Labour just lost my vote.


It's Ed. Mainly due to the union vote - no surprises there then...

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