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Blair's Book


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Erm Amazon are offering it on preorder and the book is actually being published in September - yeah its at a discount, but don't pretend that the book won't bring in a lot of sales and cash for the British Legion.


T.W.A.T. said it was a 'lie' that the book was being touted for half price. It isn't a lie, it is available to order at half price.

Of course it will make a lot of money.

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Didn't realise the book had been published. Last post is a lie.


No it isn't you stupid cunt. Amazon have it at £12.50, half the RRP of £25. There really are some thick cunts on here who lack the education and vocabulary necessary to make a valid point without having to resort to foul, obscene and gutter language.

Click for the cunts



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No it isn't you stupid cunt. Amazon have it at £12.50, half the RRP of £25. There really are some thick cunts on here.

Click for the cunts


You're either trolling or and idiot.

And you are a bully


I was right censorship you're an idiot. Am I still bullying you? Bless.


You can delete all your posts again if you like?

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Hmmm, what an interesting thread with some strong, obviously heartfelt opinions. I can envisage one or two posters screaming at the screen in frustration and giving their keyboards a right hammering in an attempt to get their points across. All good stuff.


The UK political system since the Second World War is bound to result in politically polarised viewpoints and I find my opinions lie to the left of centre. If I had a vote there, it would no doubt be for labour and therefore I should be a TB supporter. I well remember the elation I felt when he came to power and I genuinely thought it would the the start of a new, different, more just Britain. Unfortunately, I now look back on the last 13 years with much disappointment and with a degree of disgust on many events.


Sure, there have been many, many changes for the better such as minimum wage legislation, the Freedom of Information Act, devolution, human rights legislation etc etc. However the Good Friday Agreement was not all his work although he got all the praise for it. When it was signed, they hadn't even been in power for a year and all the groundwork that had been done by John Major was conveniently ignored. Exactly the same can be said for the early success of the economy. Remember Brown's economic miracle ?


Of course all governments have and will always have their successes and failures but imo, all the successes of the Blair years are completely swamped by the memories of a totally unnecessary Iraq campaign and all of the lies and spin manufactured by his mates Mandy and Campbell. I have no doubt in my mind that he went to war on manufactured evidence just to be in with the gung-ho, kick-ass yanks to be up there on the world stage. This was never fully sussed by the muppets in the cabinet and we are now where we are with a reason for a large part of the world to hate us.


I don't really think saying this makes me a Brainless Blair Basher or a bigoted tosser (but you are entitled to your opinion :rolleyes: ) and I agree that it won't bring back anyone who was killed. However you would think we could learn from it, but no. We were led, like lambs to the slaughter, into another unwinable conflict and so the grief goes on. To now make out he is really a good guy misunderstood by us uneducated fools really does seem faintly ridiculous. Of course he didn't have to donate a damn thing, but with his income, he's hardly going to miss the money. With his 'previous' for lies and spin, I can only believe it is because of his shame and a desperate attempt to make things look better for himself. Mind you, if he has any shame, that puts his above George dubbleya. Whilst I'm not at all religious, I'd like to hear what TB says in Confession (now he has the need to find god) to justify what he did.


I also have a bit of a problem with the thinking that the war was legal just because a bunch of muppets in HOC working on duff gen. voted for it just as I have a bit of a problem with the concept of 'if you join the army you deserve all you get'. Oh well......... :(

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I remain committed to my mission to have the C word accepted into mainstream vocabulary and will use it as often as possible until it becomes as common as 'and' or 'banana'.

T.I.N.G., I genuinely meant no offence - I don't really think you're a cunt, although you were wrong - I just like the C word, it's such a wonderfully satisfying sound.

Slinkydevil, you are a bully - you are known for it, and not just on this forum.

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Think Saddam Hussein or the Taliban cared about legal niceties? If you do I sincerely hope you have a truly wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit.

Which makes it even more disturbing that the political classes in the West used to be their biggest supporters with money and arms and this support ensured their survival. I wonder what planet politicians were living on?

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Which makes it even more disturbing that the political classes in the West used to be their biggest supporters with money and arms and this support ensured their survival. I wonder what planet politicians were living on?


Well, they justified it with "My enemy's enemy is my friend" as someone on here recently posted. Recognise it? You should...


They are all playing "The Great Game" as Rudyard Kipling liked to put it. And they will continue to do so...

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The UK political system since the Second World War is bound to result in politically polarised viewpoints and I find my opinions lie to the left of centre.

Just curious, but why after WW2?


If I had a vote there, it would no doubt be for labour and therefore I should be a TB supporter.
But why? You don't necessarily have to like Blair if you are a member of the Party.
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Which makes it even more disturbing that the political classes in the West used to be their biggest supporters with money and arms and this support ensured their survival. I wonder what planet politicians were living on?

It's disturbing, but should never be surprising in the least. It's how the elite operate. You can't expect anything more of them.


Though I am not aware of the Taliban ever getting a great deal of support from the West. Do you mean the Mujahideen?

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Wow I'm loving that! And where else am I a supposed bully? In your mind? You can post up your evidence if you like. Good trolling though...

Look, unlike you, I don't delight in cruelty so I won't go down the route of discussing your personal, off-forum life in public. You are fully aware of what I'm talking about and it is up to you whether you wish for people on here to know about that particular aspect of your private life.

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I well remember the elation I felt when he came to power and I genuinely thought it would the the start of a new, different, more just Britain. Unfortunately, I now look back on the last 13 years with much disappointment and with a degree of disgust on many events.


As did a previous generation who had hoped for so much from Harold Wilson - but who later supported Mrs Thatcher because she seemed to be about them buying homes and starting their own businesses.


If the Tories and the Lib Dems end up doing a deal on some form of PR there may never again be a majority Labour govt. That could well be the Blair - Brown legacy. I'm not sure former Blairites would necessarily see that as a bad thing.


the Good Friday Agreement was not all his work although he got all the praise for it. When it was signed, they hadn't even been in power for a year and all the groundwork that had been done by John Major was conveniently ignored.


The British Foreign Office out of Dublin and their patient contacts with the Republican leadership made that possible according to the books and articles. Coming up with the sort of inclusive language and signals and policy measures which would bring as many people as possible into more conventional politics from their various difficult positions. "Two roads were leading in the same direction" they said - according to one of Peter Taylor's excellent BBC documentaries IIRC. The point was that the war was a stalemate but also potentially an economic disaster for the City of London. + the north of Ireland was of no strategic importance to Britain and there there was a recognition that an ever more united Ireland with inclusive politics was an inevitability. It was therefore only question of how the politics could be maneuvered.


Jonathan Powell was Blair's Chief Of Staff during this period. His brother Charles had been Mrs Thatcher's foreign policy advisor. He has written various articles recently about how, ultimately, the west will negotiate with the Taliban and possibly even Bin Laden.


We will talk to Mullah Omar, and maybe to Bin Laden too

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Wow I'm loving that! And where else am I a supposed bully? In your mind? You can post up your evidence if you like. Good trolling though...

Look, unlike you, I don't delight in cruelty so I won't go down the route of discussing your personal, off-forum life in public. You are fully aware of what I'm talking about and it is up to you whether you wish for people on here to know about that particular aspect of your private life.


You have nothing then? You're quite sad really aren't you?


Keep trolling though, you are reeling me in good and proper :lol:

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You have nothing then? You're quite sad really aren't you? Keep trolling though, you are reeling me in good and proper :lol:

It does make me feel quite sad that you find your behaviour so funny, especially given the impact it has had on people, people who didn't deserve it. However, as I said, that is not a matter for this forum, and as little as I disrespect you I will show respect for the privacy of your personal life.

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