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Blair's Book


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Because why comment on what others are doing when you have not done it yourself. Too many armchair critics here methinks!

So what are people on this forum qualified to talk about? Films we watched last night, is that it?

Well you said it - do you watch films or do you all just bitch here?

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Great idea! (But do we have to lick Dubya's arse, falsify a load of information and send loads of people to an early grave first?) :unsure:

No write about what inspires you and make the bestsellers list and send the money to the soldiers fund - I'm sorry is this too difficult for you? Jeez!

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Because why comment on what others are doing when you have not done it yourself. Too many armchair critics here methinks!

But I have wrote and published a couple of short books in the past and over the years have donated to the SSAFA therefore in your eyes I can make comment whereas yourself have earned the right to shut the fuck up.

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Because why comment on what others are doing when you have not done it yourself. Too many armchair critics here methinks!

But I have wrote and published a couple of short books in the past and over the years have donated to the SSAFA therefore in your eyes I can make comment whereas yourself have earned the right to shut the fuck up.

What sort of books have you written? Well done for writing a book and also donating (I have so many ideas and half- started, half-hearted plans to tackle a novel)


I just felt this topic was backbiting Tony Blair and ok whatever we feel about the man as long as he writes the book and donates the money forget all the other grievances. Not forgive and forget but lets look at this for what it is - a huge donation to a worthwhile charity that will help injured soldiers. Surely we all know someone out there risking their lives.Blair can never make any of his decisions good now - but dont look a gift horse in the mouth - I say.

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It is biting at Blair. That's the point. He is responsible for the deaths and INJURIES in Iraq and then donates to those who are injured. There would be less of a need for charity if it wasn't for the Iraq War. People are just questioning why he has done this. Is that not understandable and obvious to you?

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Watched Blair being interviewed by Andrew Marr. It's easy to see how he was such a formidable politician that he changed UK politics for ever. I doubt if he changed anyone's views on the Iraq war and so on though but then he doesn't have to. If you don't like it, ts is the message as you're clearly too thick to understand all the issues which is why you vote in clever folks to do your thinking for you. Fair enough.


Apparently his book is the fastest selling autobiography ever. My Grauniad did a big splurge on it today. Fascinating stuff. Can't wait to get my copy and "support our lads at the front" as it were.

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The fact that he converted to Catholicism shows that he's gullible enough to believe anything - he must have been a complete pushover for Dubya!

As for his 'autobiography' - he dropped the UK in the deepest shit imaginable and blamed Brown for not being able to get out of it.

In 1997 I had high hopes of the incoming government. Blair's determination to claim a place in history and let his ego rule his conscience meant that my hopes were misplaced. He is the epitome of sleaze.

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If you don't like it, ts is the message as you're clearly too thick to understand all the issues which is why you vote in clever folks to do your thinking for you. Fair enough.
That's not the case though P.K. People don't vote politicians in because they are mor capable or clever. If that was the case then you certainly wouldn't have Blair directing matters. They're just given information that the public is not with which to make decisions on.


Apparently his book is the fastest selling autobiography ever.
I am genuinely surprised that it is. I didn't think it would be as popular celebrity autobiographies.
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The fact that he converted to Catholicism shows that he's gullible enough to believe anything - he must have been a complete pushover for Dubya!

Problem is that you could say that about every Christian. And how many politicians in Britain and across the world are Christians or Muslims? Of course they are gullible, they all are. But who isn't?


In 1997 I had high hopes of the incoming government. Blair's determination to claim a place in history and let his ego rule his conscience meant that my hopes were misplaced. He is the epitome of sleaze.
I agree. A smarmy seeming git. I can't stand him. Though you do look at other politicians such as Brown and Thatcher and see equally awful qualities about them.
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