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Gas Checks / Primeshade Etc


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I don't know if a thread has already been started on this yet, but I could not see one. Going to Onchan this morning the traffic was backed up from the Manx Arms right up to Birchill. I was told this was because they have closed Governors Bridge road to check on the gas or something (why they closed it today, the last day of school rather than waiting until next week when the traffic would be quieter I don't know :angry: )


Anyway I hear that they are checking all of Primeshades work because they have now been struck of the Corgi register, is that correct? We have not been checked yet, but I also am told that some people who have been have been told there are problems with some of the installations such as gas fires giving out fumes. Luckily we only have gas central heating and not a gas fire, but it is still a little worrying if all of this is true.


Has anybody been checked yet, and if so did you have any problems?

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Had my fire and boiler checked about two weeks ago, and after numerous problems with the Primeshade lot, it was an Irish company called HEAT ( if I remember correctly) that did the checks , the bloke actually seemed to know what he was doing and found that my fire was leaking gas quite happily up the flue!!! After numerous months finally, the heating seems to be sorted, fingers crossed anyway.

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My boiler was checked and was 40% over-gassed. I wrote to Manx Gas asking for a discount on the bills I'd paid since the conversion and got a reply that although they acknowledge it was using 40% more gas, some of this may have not been wasted and they'll look into it. Regardless of what and wasn't wasted, the boiler has a maximum output based on the recommended input, increasing the input wont exceed the maximum output. Forgetting that, the fact is I never asked to have my boiler boosted to 40% and I had no knowledge (apart from stupidly high bills!) So i'm still on their case !


It doesnt take a genius to work out if they've got hundreds of properties overgassed by even 10%, thats plenty more income for them!

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We had a new gas fire put in 10 months ago by the Gas Board at a cost of over a £1000. primeshade condemed the fire as unsafe. The Gas Board were told about it but done nothing. Now the new firm has done the checks on primeshades work and they to have condemed the fire. I have refused to pay my gas bill untill its fixed and the Gas Board have said they will take legal action, they have quoted that the fitting is done by a different department, What a load of xxxxxxxx.

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Having had nothing but grief regarding these conversion things, my opinion of Manx Gas is that the organisation is run by muppets. Didn't the chairman or MD or someone high up in MG accuse the press of harassing them, because they reported that tons of people were unsatisfied with the conversion work done throughout the Island? I'll bet Primeshady didn't fit his boiler :D

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My boiler was checked and was 40% over-gassed.
I spoke to a local Corgi registered engineer recently who said that EVERY boiler they had seen since PrimeShade had been at work had been 'over gassed'



I wrote to Manx Gas asking for a discount on the bills I'd paid since the conversion and got a reply that although they acknowledge it was using 40% more gas, some of this may have not been wasted and they'll look into it. Regardless of what and wasn't wasted, the boiler has a maximum output based on the recommended input, increasing the input wont exceed the maximum output. Forgetting that, the fact is I never asked to have my boiler boosted to 40%


A cynical person might think that this was a deliberate act to re-coup the cost of conversion from the customers. Not me, of course...


So now they have a firm over from Ireland checking the job done by Primeshade.




I would love to know what percentage of units they check have been serviced in the interim. Seviced by local men who know what they are doing. Serviced by local men who have a reputation to protect.


I don't think that their report can be an accurate reflection of what happened.

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The team of men that are over from Ireland are first class, no bullshit from them,they are totally independant, they have no contract to put any faults right. All they are interested in is the safety of the Manx Public and for that I say THANKS

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I asked Manx Gas yesterday about whether we could be included in the checks and was told that they are doing only a selection from each post code, and if we wanted our conversion checked that we would have to pay for it.

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The team of men that are over from Ireland are first class
I have no doubts about that.


All they are interested in is the safety of the Manx Public



I do believe that they will be submitting a report on what they find, i.e. the 'quality' of the work done by Primeshade.


My point is, that in most cases it won't be Primeshades work they are checking! It will be the work of the local guys who have already rectified any faults.

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I asked Manx Gas yesterday about whether we could be included in the checks and was told that they are doing only a selection from each post code, and if we wanted our conversion checked that we would have to pay for it.
I'd really fight that one if I were you. A member of my family had theirs done the other day. A gas fire that had been removed by primeshade October 2003 and later - after appeals to get the damned thing reinstalled for Christmas 2003 - has been found, only this last week July 2004, to have been leaking gas (and yet again disconnected) into the private home of a husband, 2 year old daughter and 8.5 month pregnant mother.


Demand it's checked and insist they cover the expense. Simple as that.


If they don't, post it all - accurately and honestly - on here. If you are forced to do it privately, tell them you are recording details regarding treatment and results on here and also on Mannin Line if possible.


Establish who, in government, is in charge of this fiasco? Check if they've had their gas installation checked.


This whole procedure was not optional, therefore, someone other than you is responsible for the quality of your gas installation and the standard of workmanship.


I asked Manx Gas ... and was told ... if we wanted our conversion checked that we would have to pay for it.


Manx Gas, you haven't quite assessed the people power concept have you?


You'll be the ones paying compensation for any sub-standard installations. You are the ones who have a legally binding duty of care. You'll be the ones paying out compensation for any illness, damage or deaths attributed to or resulting from bad conversions.


If people are nervous, placate them by checking their installations. You are really in no position whatsoever to be calling the shots on this.


Go get 'em Minxie and good luck.

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My dad has been very careful with gas since the last £450.00 bill, he phoned me before to tell me his frugality had paid off and the bill was only £12.57 for gas plus the other charges. Mind you their house has been freezing and my mum is sick of having cold baths....

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