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Wanted - 19" To 22" Monitor


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Am after a monitor between 19" and probably 22" for an arcade machine I'm building.


The cheaper the better and possibly it could be an old crt one if there is enough room, although I suspect it will need to be an LCD monitor.


Please let me know if you have anything suitable, but bear in mind I'm after something as cheap as I can get since I have loads of other parts to buy as well.



Please PM me or reply on here if you have anything suitable.



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Hello, i just sold mine to faze 2 22" 1920x1080 and they are selling it for £80.



Hope this helps


Thanks for the heads up John. A little more than I wanted to cough up but probably would have if I'd seen it quicker, as I just paid a bit less than that for a 19" one (albeit a very nice one!)



Case closed I think now thanks all.

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