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St Kilda Celebrates 80Th Anniversary Of Island Evacuation

- Paul -

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St. Kilda should be a warning to the us all. St Kilda economy failed when it lost its export earnings and the people had nowhere to turn and so life on the place was impossible. Our economy is on the way out so we’d better be looking for something new and not try to patch up a lost cause. Tourism is sunk, fishing is sunk, now the banking is on the way out and we can’t eat stone walls and cushag.


It makes me think anyway. The island might be facing something along the same lines as St K in the not so distant future. No way to earn what we need to pay for our essentials, and no one to give them to us.


Maybe a population of a couple of thousand could just possibly get by on the island as long as there was a constant supply of wealthy retired people to bring their money in to spend in local shops and busnesses and then peg out but without money coming in from off the island its not going to be long before were buggered.

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Well cheese comes in different sixes and flavours, chalk comes in different kind and colours and what screwed St K and what the island faces today are in both cases either chalk or cheese. Not one of each. Look at what there is not what you wish it was.

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Try cost of imports compared with value of exports.


How long could the island manage to buy oil, gas, food, clothes, cars, busses, in fact all the things needed to live and that can not be made on the island when the banking sector craps out as it is going to.

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