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Mea And Another 50 Million?

Billy One Mate

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It is so pleasing to note that nobody is concerned about future increases in the cost of our already inflated electric !!!!!!!!!


This is becoming very serious.


There is absolutely sod all we can do about it now. The money has been spent and that’s it. Thanks to our illustrious Government we have been sold down the river once again by a hair brained project to generate electricity from natural gas when the rest of the world is spending millions on developing low cost renewable energy.


The technology already exists in the form of wind powered generators and as we all know, there is no shortage of wind on the isle of Man. (be it from the South West or the House of Keys).


Bloody environmentalists opposed to wind turbines combined with a Government who can’t see further than their next election have created a situation that neither suits the economic future of the island nor the developed world policy on Carbon Dioxide production from the burning of fossil fuels.


To rub salt into our wounded bank balances we are also facing another scandal with the ‘power from waste’ fiasco at Richmond Hill. Personally I can’t see where the power comes into it, only the WASTE!


Natural Gas prices are going to rise, make no mistake about it. Our electricity prices are going to rise too. The cost of Wind Power is actually going to come down as wind turbine technology becomes more efficient.


To all those who are going to say “But we don’t want those ugly looking wind mills all over the place” think about this. Our Government has been allowed to place two toxin spewing power plants in or near to our most densely populated areas. The Richmond Hill monstrosity is an eyesore of unparalleled disgrace in what should clearly be considered a green belt area. Each day hundreds of people travel along that road and into Douglas along the old Castletown road where you can clearly see Pulrose power station too. How many people have to look at the south west face of south Barrule? And to those who are concerned by the effects on Barrule’s wild/bird life, what is more important? Safe, renewable energy from wind power, or a potential problem with the migration of wild life to another part of the island?


Yes, I am concerned with the problems the island faces with power prices. Can anyone suggest what we can do about it? Short of going back in time and kicking some MHK arse that is. :angry:

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Surely that should be plural?


I would have thought that either Trade & Industry or/and Treasury should be considering their futures - and not as MLCs either - after the events and expenses incurred by the Business School and the MEA.


Is nobody responsible for anything anymore? What a slither of invertebrates they seem.

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well i will tell you a interesting fact about the energy from waste plant.


The government used the figures from the bride tip to come up with the size of plant needed to burn the rubbish, what i found out was they also counted the inert material i.e builders rubble, soil and green waste etc.


This is why the plant is only running at 25% of its capacity lol as del boy say's "you plonkers"

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It was to erect a wind driven generator at his cottage ( the cottage on the right just past B&Q)

But now that they have approved one, how can they stop others from doing the same thing


Reason for rejection?

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Surely that should be plural?


I would have thought that either Trade & Industry or/and Treasury should be considering their futures - and not as MLCs either - after the events and expenses incurred by the Business School and the MEA.


Is nobody responsible for anything anymore? What a slither of invertebrates they seem.


The most regrettable omission from Manx law is the one that would make stupidity amongst MHKs a crime. As for the MLCs, some might say stupidity is a requirement. :ph34r:


But accountability and responsibility appear to of been overlooked in all but governmental rhetoric. They have become words that fob people off with promises of enquiries into the mistakes already made. No mention of accountability or responsibility before going in feet first and making another multi million pound blunder.

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well i will tell you a interesting fact about the energy from waste plant.


The government used the figures from the bride tip to come up with the size of plant needed to burn the rubbish, what i found out was they also counted the inert material i.e builders rubble, soil and green waste etc.


This is why the plant is only running at 25% of its capacity lol as del boy say's "you plonkers"


If the incinerator is capable of burning organic matter I can think of a number of things we could burn this week and each of them costs us over £36,000 a year. After which, if there is any left, we could use them to form a new Government.



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And an other MHK has just been on a nice SUNNY FREEBEE, yes DTI Minister Alex Downie and his Staff have just had a weeks trip to Athens/Greece paid for by the tax payer again. Whats he trying to give away this time

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There is absolutely sod all we can do about it now.  The money has been spent and that’s it. Thanks to our illustrious Government we have been sold down the river once again by a hair brained project to generate electricity from natural gas when the rest of the world is spending millions on developing low cost renewable energy.




Bloody environmentalists opposed to wind turbines...






To all those who are going to say “But we don’t want those ugly looking wind mills all over the place” think about this.  Our Government has been allowed to place two toxin spewing power plants in or near to our most densely populated areas.  The Richmond Hill monstrosity is an eyesore of unparalleled disgrace...




The rest of the world, it seems, is spending money on renewable energy, apart from the UK. Oh, and America. And China.


Environmentalists are not opposed to wind turbines, it's the ones who think it spoils the landscape, and have concerns about noise/frequency who are opposed. I don't know how much I agree with them.

Re the 'eyesore' at Richmond Hill, if we can have it there are you saying we can have wind turbines everywhere too?


Really really not having a go, your post confuses me a bit. Maybe your rage did it?! ;)


And I beg to differ on your 'toxin spewing' theory but that's not for here.



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Thanks for the link Rip.

What I need to do at some point is compare that to other incinerators and see how they compare emissions-wise.

I don't feel too annoyed about it because I am flying about a lot at the moment for work, and I reckon that pollutes the Island more than the incinerator. So I shall feel guilty for that instead of blaming the government!

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There is absolutely sod all we can do about it now.  The money has been spent and that’s it. Thanks to our illustrious Government we have been sold down the river once again by a hair brained project to generate electricity from natural gas when the rest of the world is spending millions on developing low cost renewable energy.




Bloody environmentalists opposed to wind turbines...






To all those who are going to say “But we don’t want those ugly looking wind mills all over the place” think about this.  Our Government has been allowed to place two toxin spewing power plants in or near to our most densely populated areas.  The Richmond Hill monstrosity is an eyesore of unparalleled disgrace...




The rest of the world, it seems, is spending money on renewable energy, apart from the UK. Oh, and America. And China.


Environmentalists are not opposed to wind turbines, it's the ones who think it spoils the landscape, and have concerns about noise/frequency who are opposed. I don't know how much I agree with them.

Re the 'eyesore' at Richmond Hill, if we can have it there are you saying we can have wind turbines everywhere too?


Really really not having a go, your post confuses me a bit. Maybe your rage did it?! ;)


And I beg to differ on your 'toxin spewing' theory but that's not for here.




Rage? Hell, that's me on a calm day. I'll save the rant and put it in simple terms:-


The Future = Low cost, clean, infinate and environmentaly friendly.


The Past = Burning


Isle of Man has now spent it's entire energy budget (and then some) for the next 20+ years on something that is no good.


The alternative would have been renewable wind power developing clean, infinite energy at low cost to the Isle of Man for many years to come. Low cost electricity that could help to make the island a better place for people and business.


As for toxins, its simple chemistry and if it isn't being sent up the chimney where else do you think it is going to go? Er, well, Foxdale apparently. :huh:

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£120m and now another £50 m. That's over £5000 per Manx household! Who is doing their financial planning - Coco the clown?


It's a joke. Where is their business plan? Why weren't these shortfalls in their finances anticipated months ago? It's all basic stuff in running a company and yet they seem to be just blundering from crisis to crisis.


This is really worth a VERY good look. Something smells very bad indeed.


I mean, are they running a business or a circus?



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