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Uk Budget

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Stamp duty thresholds doubled to £120,000


Inheritance tax currently starts being paid on estates worth £260,000 - that will rise to £275,000 this year, £285,000 next year and then to £300,000


Income tax and national insurance to remain unchanged


Petrol duty inflation rise postponed until 1 September due to high oil prices


Mr Brown said he would freeze: corporation tax, capital gains tax, air passenger tax, insurance premium tax, climate change levy, aggregates levy and company car levy



Tax breaks on ISAs extended until 2010


Personal income tax allowance to be raised in line with inflation


The 100% VAT refund for renovations to religious buildings to be extended by three years.

Alcohol and cigarettes



Duty up 1p on a pint of beer and 4p on a bottle of wine, but frozen on cider, sparkling wine and spirits.


Tax on a packet of cigarettes to rise 7p.

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Duty up 1p on a pint of beer

A price rise of 1p per pint. That's absolutely outrageous!


Bit lucky it's my pub night tonight. One of those situations where the more you drink the more you save....



When I get back I'll let you all know how much of my hard-earned wonga I managed to keep from the Chancellor's greed.


As for Gordon Brown, well, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask!



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Well, I was kinda hoping they'd put the duty up on fags enough for B&H to hit the £5 a pack mark but they stopped 3p short.


Oh well, guess I'll give up anyway, it's near enough £5 a pack now and it'll do me (and my bank balance some good). Come April 1st, no more ciggies for me.

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Well, by applying myself with due diligence I managed to save between 6 and 8 pence.


Actually, after about four pence it got kind of tricky if you know what I mean.


Still, G Fawkes would have been proud of me - I think...



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