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Upholding The Law

- Paul -

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Quite amazing behaviour which I'd like to think is rare. 19 seconds into the vid he appears to hit her which causes her to fall to the floor then requiring her to be dragged. Whilst it would be naive to think restraint of a prisoner is never necessary, this appears to be assault that I hope she progresses through the legal system to obtain significant damages. Of course we don't know if she was drunk or not, but even if she was, she seemed to be cooperating. However, I wonder why there appears to be some video missing at the beginning. Was there some editing before it was put on the website?

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1. He has been convicted of assault

2. Her injuries apparently have not settled down, but Wiltshire police will be negotiating damages as we speak

3. Not sure about the reference to an "independent inquiry". He was shopped by a fellow officer and has been charged, tried and convicted of assault. The only question that arises is why he was not suspended before conviction when his bosses saw the CCTV originally

4. He is to be sacked

5. This is why there is CCTV in all police custody areas and cell blocks, to protect vulnerable members of the public from police abuse and to protect officers from false allegations. My only worry is someone lip reading or recording what my client says to me or the advice I give to the client. I do believe that all statements should be recorded on video however

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My only worry is someone lip reading or recording what my client says to me or the advice I give to the client.


A good point John. Whatever happened regarding the secret bugging of the client interview rooms at Police HQ on the Isle of Man? Has that mattered fizzled out or was it indeed proved that the police were acting quite lawfully.

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The report has never been published. I understand it to say it was the work of one rogue officer, since convicted of other offences and dismissed from the force (suspended on full pay in 2002, convicted 2005 and dismissed early 2006). I cannot believe colleagues at the time did not know and wonder why they did not report him. Most have now moved on and retired.


It only ever affected the old CID interview room. The use of that was abandonned after custody suite was centralised and the Police Powers and Procedures Act came into effect along with Police Station Duty Advocate scheme. The evidence was it ws non operational when discovered and had been for a long time.


There was no evidence that any evidence illicitly gathered had been used or anyone wrongly or unfairly convicted

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