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Burning Holy Books


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Talk about fucking infantile. But the worst thing about it all is the South African Court ruling it ILLEGAL to burn a Bible, simply because it is considered sacred in a diverse society.

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He's doing what American's do best - using their poor education and failure to understand other cultures to spread global ignorance and prejudice. You only have to look at that guy to see he's a complete fuckard. He's probably like every other US bible-belt preacher man: a self publicising, drunken, wife beating, misogynistic, pederast who is convinced that everyone else is going to burn in hell because he knows sure as fuck that he will.


He's the perfect foil for the Muslim fanatics as his world view, beliefs and politics are as equally blinkered and fucked up as theirs is. So its a marriage made in heaven at the moment - one bunch of brain dead intolerant fuckwitts, goading another bunch of brain dead intolerant fuckwitts.

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On a more serious note there are two issues here.


Firstly an intolerent bigoted American Christian claiming that all Muslims are demonic and that their holy book is of the devil.


And second the idea that people are unable to view with contempt the idea that God sent his arch-angel down to dictate a perfect book to a clan leader living in the Arabia one thousand four hundred years ago for fear of the violent reaction of the followers of that religion.


People have no right not to be offended, and the idea that people cannot ridicule someone elses beliefs because of a threat of a violent response from those people is deeply concerning to me.


The religous are demanding that people have to respect their beliefs. This is to me highly problematic and symptomatic of counter-reaction of the faiths to their loss of influence.


I do not believe in Djinns, Arch-Angels, the stoning of adulterers, the resurrection of crucified Gods or the idea that a God has sent his prophets down to tell us what orifices are used for what purpose and what head coverings a women should wear in church.


These ideas are primitive suspicion and I for one don't think they should be respected.

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He's doing what American's do best - using their poor education and failure to understand other cultures to spread global ignorance and prejudice. You only have to look at that guy to see he's a complete fuckard. He's probably like every other US bible-belt preacher man: a self publicising, drunken, wife beating, misogynistic, pederast who is convinced that everyone else is going to burn in hell because he knows sure as fuck that he will.


He's the perfect foil for the Muslim fanatics as his world view, beliefs and politics are as equally blinkered and fucked up as theirs is. So its a marriage made in heaven at the moment - one bunch of brain dead intolerant fuckwitts, goading another bunch of brain dead intolerant fuckwitts.

Christ boy you don't sit on the fence do ya. I think your post is very funny, although I don't necessary agree with it. (think I'd be worried if I did)

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How comes when the Mozzies destroy bibles at border crossings or desicrate Christian churches as they do on a regular basis no one says a word, yet when theres the slightest sign of us pissing on their things all hell breaks out and we let them get away with it even going so far as supporting them in their howls of hyterical rabble rouding.


Theres sometning about Islam that I'm getting bad vibes about.

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I was listening to an interview on R4 yesterday about an american who had been held hostage by some muslims. His captors had gps, sat phones etc yet believed every word (and more stragely kept quoting their interpretation of phrases which could be read more than one way depending on punctuation) of the qur'an. They based their whole life and virtually every daily decision on its contents. Rational discussion was impossible due to constant reference of (what they thought) the qur'an said.


Of course it's not just moslems. Start talking to anyone who is deeply religious and they just start quoting their particular Haynes Manual of Life at you as justification of, well, anything. It's very convenient of course that none of the contents these centuries old texts can be proved in any way, just like the existence of their particular god, so no discussion required! Just do what (you think) your particular Haynes manual says. Hey, you don't have to prove a damn thing , just have faith.


If any problem can't be rationally discussed and a rational compromise found then we are in for a very hard time and it has to be said that compromise is not part of any religion.


I have no particular wish to offend anyone religious but if in the analysis of what they spout becomes plainly ridiculous and they get offended by it being challenged, they the problem of offence is theirs. Of course, (generalisation on its way) most religious nutters are queuing up to be offended at the slightest thing that questions or ridicules their faith.


I think we as a nation (sorry monkey boy, I'm referring to the British Isles here) have become far too apologetic and we should not fear offending religious followers. That is completely different to getting up in the morning on a mission to cause offence for the hell of it or for your own ends. Furthermore, I think all faith schools and RE(or whatever its called now)at all schools should be banned by law. If adults want to follow any religion, that's up to them but brainwashing kids is evil imo.


Cue LDV.....

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