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Burning Holy Books


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I have explained the way that Genesis aligns perfectly with what took place and how there is no discontinuity with what science observes, just that scientific THEORY is wrong. Speculation built on itself or failure to rationalise what is seen with creation.

I am going to have one last go at this - do you believe that God created plants before stars?

And that science is wrong in saying that this cannot be because plants contain atoms which could only exist after the formation of the stars.

Your advice to scientists would be to throw away all their theories because they cannot allow for the existence of plants prior to the existence of stars. Is that it? - science is wrong, because you "know" that plants existed before stars.

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As a christian you learned what Jesus did and what he said and did your best to follow what he said and did as well as you could.


Go back to window licking on the Strang bus.





No, not fail. Because I am a Christian it doesn mean that I am a pushover,as a Christian I can be just as brass necked as anyone. Bearing Good Witness is much more than being soft and gentle, Jesus certainly wasn't. People who think Christianity is all about nicety and never showing steel really dont understand us at all. There are times we have to bear witness to that so others who think Christianity is only for the effete and polite can see that it is far more and as a result hopefully will see that there is a place for everyone who wants to accept Christs invitation.


Using derogatory terms to mock the mentally retarded is not an example of showing "steel" and standing up for yourself. It's a needlessly crass statement designed to cause offence.


You're going to hell. A special hell, for stupid people who have bought needless luxuries such as cars and TVs.

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I have explained the way that Genesis aligns perfectly with what took place and how there is no discontinuity with what science observes, just that scientific THEORY is wrong. Speculation built on itself or failure to rationalise what is seen with creation.

I am going to have one last go at this - do you believe that God created plants before stars?

And that science is wrong in saying that this cannot be because plants contain atoms which could only exist after the formation of the stars.

Your advice to scientists would be to throw away all their theories because they cannot allow for the existence of plants prior to the existence of stars. Is that it? - science is wrong, because you "know" that plants existed before stars.


I believe what is in the Bible. I believe that science is either a set of things that can be repeated much as making a Victoria sponge, and a set of things that are unprovable theories.


In direct answer to your question, why should The \Lord not have created plants as a set of plans that he would use to make the physical things on our world after he had created it much as a man will design a thing in his head before constructing it materially?


You and others limit the scope, will, and ways of The Lord with our own puny ways and means. That is both silly and bound to fail, and the work of satans influence by exploiting the natural pride and arogance of man by diluting his thoughts from the majesty of the all mighty Almighty to mans own pathetic capacities.

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As a christian you learned what Jesus did and what he said and did your best to follow what he said and did as well as you could.


Go back to window licking on the Strang bus.





No, not fail. Because I am a Christian it doesn mean that I am a pushover,as a Christian I can be just as brass necked as anyone. Bearing Good Witness is much more than being soft and gentle, Jesus certainly wasn't. People who think Christianity is all about nicety and never showing steel really dont understand us at all. There are times we have to bear witness to that so others who think Christianity is only for the effete and polite can see that it is far more and as a result hopefully will see that there is a place for everyone who wants to accept Christs invitation.


Using derogatory terms to mock the mentally retarded is not an example of showing "steel" and standing up for yourself. It's a needlessly crass statement designed to cause offence.


You're going to hell. A special hell, for stupid people who have bought needless luxuries such as cars and TVs.


If and when you ever become saved then in the process you will see the foolishness of your words and thoughts and understanding.


I hope that you will open your mind and see that you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian and that even after being saved you dont have to be sweetness and light. That a person can be as they are, warts and all, and still bear good witness by opening that concept to others who might otherwise be turned away.


One day you MIGHT learn. I do hope so and before it is to late for you. The time "twixt saddle and ground" exists but that time is short and we never know when the horse of life on which we ride will falter.

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If and when you ever become saved then in the process you will see the foolishness of your words and thoughts and understanding.


I hope that you will open your mind and see that you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian and that even after being saved you dont have to be sweetness and light. That a person can be as they are, warts and all, and still bear good witness by opening that concept to others who might otherwise be turned away.


One day you MIGHT learn. I do hope so and before it is to late for you. The time "twixt saddle and ground" exists but that time is short and we never know when the horse of life on which we ride will falter.


If that were true (which it isn't - you definitely ARE going to hell), and heaven was populated by unpleasant, nasty, stupid people like you, then what would be the point of going there? That place shouldn't be called "heaven" - it should be called "a place not too disimilar to the one you're in now, except it lasts forever (so bring lots of crosswords)". You're not really selling it to me.

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spook I cannot see why you attack the Roman catholics when your lot are as bad, here are a few examples of how wonderful your baptist sex offender clergy are,

Nice list of baptist abuse

A singular example of the great Baptist ministers

Site dedicated to stopping Baptist preditors

It seems sexual abuse of minors is rife throughout the christian church. Fantastic religion you have there. Well at least we know all the peodophiles will be in heaven and hell will be safe from them.

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I have spent a lot of time studying the various belief systems that people espouse.

The reason is that I believe there is something - some force or superior intelligence - that inhabits, and possibly controls, our universe. It is a long way beyond our present understanding of the physics and other sciences of the universe and may, perhaps, always be beyond the reach of our intelligence and comprehension. If someone wants to describe that as a god, or gods, then so be it.

I am convinced, however, that it is a natural phenomenon which is certainly not concerned by, or with, our daily lives. We are insignificant creatures on a tiny planet that is little more than a speck in the vastness of space.

ThereforeI do not think we able to contact or appeal to that 'force' to help us through the various crises that we all, at times, have to face. We are unbelievably arrogant if we think that.

At the same time, that 'force' does impact on our lives from time to time - its almost as if the edge of some vast curtain is lifted and we see just the tiniest glimmer of the light beyond.

Of all the religions I've studied, I've found Muslims to be the most uncompromising and Christians to to be the most smug and arrogant about what they perceive as their 'truth'.

Presenting written works such as the Qu'ran or the Bible as evidence of the faith's foundation is acceptable - but they cannot understand that nothing in such a book can be deemed to be 'proof'.

I do not deny evolution in any way whatsoever - the evidence for it is so overwhelming that it constitutes proof - nor would I deny the 'big bang' theory of the beginning of what we know.

All I would question - and do so sincerely - is whether what we see at present is simply the latest in a series of such events (possibly one every 50 or 100 billion years or so), whether there is only this one universe or whether there are others existing in parallel to ours, and whether the 'force' I spoke of may have been responsible - either deliberately or accidently - for creation.

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spook I cannot see why you attack the Roman catholics when your lot are as bad, here are a few examples of how wonderful your baptist sex offender clergy are,

Nice list of baptist abuse

A singular example of the great Baptist ministers

Site dedicated to stopping Baptist preditors

It seems sexual abuse of minors is rife throughout the christian church. Fantastic religion you have there. Well at least we know all the peodophiles will be in heaven and hell will be safe from them.


Sexual abuse of minors is a thing that some people with power over them will engage in be it in schools, families, yoiuth cluubs, young persons institutions, whatever.


I attack the Roman Catholic “church” because of its claim to be Christian when it is not. It perverts The Scriptures, it presents blasphemy and heresy, and it proposes a relationship between Man and God that is contrary to that which The Lord established.


The actions of pedophiles and the way that they have been treated by the Vatican is nothing short of an obscenity.


Of course there are criminals of ever form throughout every thing in which man is engaged but for an orginisation to systematically divert the course of justice amounts to nothing less than collusion in the offences that relate to the justice that is being impeaded.


You assume, wrongly, that when a person is saved they will not burn in hell. Such is not the case. Being saved involves more than accepting Christ as your personal saviour, it also requires that a person should lead their lives as closely as they can in the footsteps of Our Saviour. If a man sins, or rather WHEN a man sins for we are none of us perfect, then he must recognise that he has sinned, genuinly repent of what he has done, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and go forward with the intent to sin no more.


These people can not be given absolution by some other man as is done in the Roman Catholic “church” They can only be given absolution by The Holy Spirit, and he is a hard taskmaster when it comes to absolution.


A pedophile must hand himself over to the civil authorities as part of absolution because he is in debt by theft to his fellow man irrespective if his fellow man if jew or gentile and he must pay that debt as part of any absolution.


A man who sins but does not repent and repay for a sin is in debt to himself, to those against who he has sinned, and to The Lord. The Lord demands of us that we pay our sin debts to our fellow men before he will accept payment from us in the form of genuine repentance and a declaration of intent to sin no more. We should keep short accounts with The Lord.

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Of all the religions I've studied, I've found Muslims to be the most uncompromising and Christians to to be the most smug and arrogant about what they perceive as their 'truth'.


Oh how I wish I could argue about what you write about so many of us, at times me included, but I cant! Ouch!

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If and when you ever become saved then in the process you will see the foolishness of your words and thoughts and understanding.


I hope that you will open your mind and see that you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian and that even after being saved you dont have to be sweetness and light. That a person can be as they are, warts and all, and still bear good witness by opening that concept to others who might otherwise be turned away.


One day you MIGHT learn. I do hope so and before it is to late for you. The time "twixt saddle and ground" exists but that time is short and we never know when the horse of life on which we ride will falter.


If that were true (which it isn't - you definitely ARE going to hell), and heaven was populated by unpleasant, nasty, stupid people like you, then what would be the point of going there? That place shouldn't be called "heaven" - it should be called "a place not too disimilar to the one you're in now, except it lasts forever (so bring lots of crosswords)". You're not really selling it to me.

Why do you call me nasty? Unpleasent? Stupid?


Uncomfortable I would accept, I do believe that when I remind some people of Gods words and Gods intent and Gods message they must become uncomfortable because they are living so far removed from the way in which The Lord asks of them, asks of them in the process of refining gold from ore that they should show that they are the gold and not the dross.


If you don’t want to receive The Lords gift then that is your choice. Many are called but few are chosen, or choose to be chosen. One of satans curses on Man is the sin of pride. Maybe you have already decided whose call you will listen to. If that is so then judging by your words the call would seem to be from satan, and listening to that call, now that IS stupid.

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Why do you call me nasty? Unpleasent? Stupid?


Uncomfortable I would accept, I do believe that when I remind some people of Gods words and Gods intent and Gods message they must become uncomfortable because they are living so far removed from the way in which The Lord asks of them, asks of them in the process of refining gold from ore that they should show that they are the gold and not the dross.


If you don’t want to receive The Lords gift then that is your choice. Many are called but few are chosen, or choose to be chosen. One of satans curses on Man is the sin of pride. Maybe you have already decided whose call you will listen to. If that is so then judging by your words the call would seem to be from satan, and listening to that call, now that IS stupid.



El Loco?

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I have spent a lot of time studying the various belief systems that people espouse.

The reason is that I believe there is something - some force or superior intelligence - that inhabits, and possibly controls, our universe. It is a long way beyond our present understanding of the physics and other sciences of the universe and may, perhaps, always be beyond the reach of our intelligence and comprehension. If someone wants to describe that as a god, or gods, then so be it.

What is your evidence for this?


I am convinced, however, that it is a natural phenomenon which is certainly not concerned by, or with, our daily lives. We are insignificant creatures on a tiny planet that is little more than a speck in the vastness of space.
And you're convinced of it too? Please let me know what evidence you have to support this.
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As a Christian in common with other Christians I’m used to all manner of abuse for my beliefs.


We see them as attacks by the evil one on us and as a means of devaluing us and so ridiculing the Good News that we try to tell people is there for them, it is after all so much easier to ridicule a person that the gift of Salvation that is there for the taking.


There comes a point when what is written in Matthew 7 verse 6 has to be considered, when continuing with the Good News becomes counter productive, when those that will hear and those who do not want to hear will continue to be deaf.


I think this point has been reached. I have enjoyed discourse with a some people, not least “Chinahand” for one and “La Dolce Vita” for another and I hold animosity towards none.

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