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Burning Holy Books


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In my last entry on this thread I stated that it was time for me to draw a line.


I am doing.


Those who refuse the invitation of The Lord know what they’re future will be.


Those undecided would be well advised to find out the truth about the promise of The Lord by taking Bible classes which all Christian churches hold or can direct people to if the church is too small (sad) and or attend an Alpha course as a step in the right direction to making an informed choice, or best of all simply accept the invitation that Jesus makes.


Those who reject or ridicule the invitation from Jesus WILL endure eternal damnation and WILL burn for ever in the fires of hell when they die.

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Those who reject or ridicule the invitation from Jesus WILL endure eternal damnation and WILL burn for ever in the fires of hell when they die.


Thanks for that.

You have a nice day too.

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So spooks I take it your answer is "No there is no proof that the christian god even exists or that he is better than all others". Never mind back to a life of hedonism and perversion for me, better take the whips, floggers, cuffs, canes, riding crops and St Andrews Cross off ebay then.

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Well Jim - you were warned:


They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For that reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth, but have delighted in wickedness.

2 Thess 2:9-12


But maybe you're not to blame - Maybe God has stopped you having free will so he can be certain he roasts you.

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Nothing to worry about. Spook has probably done more to turn people off religion than all those who've argued against him.


Spooks incredible ability to weaken the religious position, i freely confess makes my own arguments feel inadequate.

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Well Jim - you were warned:


They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For that reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth, but have delighted in wickedness.

2 Thess 2:9-12


But maybe you're not to blame - Maybe God has stopped you having free will so he can be certain he roasts you.

There may be pain but who's complaining.

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IN whose opinion yours and a few other over confident muggs.


Just cause you say there is no creator does not alter the fact that everything in existance, just appeared poof in the blink off an eye.


Do you not find that alittle strange.


Everything we smell touch and see, poof and there it all was, including us.


See youve been told where it all came from, but have chose not to believe, even tho you have a nil hypothesis as an alternative.


Fucking smart going if you ask me.

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Just cause you say there is no creator does not alter the fact that everything in existance, just appeared poof in the blink off an eye.


Everything we smell touch and see, poof and there it all was, including us.


Are you saying that you were created by an enormous poof ? Is this your 'Big Poof' hypothesis ?

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