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Burning Holy Books


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Its you LDV that keeps bangin on about a creator not i.


I simply maintain in my own irrational way, that the big bang, and everything that exists, the way it exists is not just randon chance, my feelings are there is design behind it.

Your quite within your right to think the opposite, that everything as it exists now is down to pure randomness, i however never will.



Maybe if LDV allows The Lord to cure him of those aspects of his life that are sinful he might be less looking for excuses to convince himself that he is not presently hell bound because of them.

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no idea jim, what made the atoms that spewed forth in the blink off an eye in the big bang, form our universe, and all the other universes out there.

why didnt they all just free float like a bowl full off fish eggs.


I will make it easier for you, we know roughly what 10% of the known mass of our universe is, what does the other 90% of the known mass that makes up our universe consist of, and how is that mass invisible to us.


But if we cannot see it and we do not know what it is then how can we prove it is there?

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science jim.


They know its there, they know its why the universe expands the way it does, but they cannot explain it, so they label it dark matter, and stick it on the to look at later shelf.

Ah so now this stuff they cannot see can actually be seen to exist therefore they can see it in some form. You know you should write a book about all this made up creationist stuff, you never know it may take off, call it the bible or something.

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Whereas what Manksman? Ok, so they don't know what this dark matter is? What's the significance?


You have said you are making it easy on Jimbms. Your fucking not! You have mentioned all these things, such as dark matter and the Big Bang and said that nobody knows why they happened or what these things are, etc. But then make references to intelligent beings or designers, etc. Make the CONNECTION if you think there is one!

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Im not a creationist jim, what gives you that idea, anyone that thinks the bigbang was only 6000 years ago needs their bumps felt.


I will say again i have no idea, !! what !! !! who !! !! why !! things are the way they are, but random chance just does not compute, not when you see the complexity of our surroundings on a universal scale.


Random my fucking arse.

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Come on then spook if this ficticious lord of yours made everything who made him and what proof is there that it is a he? are there pictures in the bible of his knob?


You would do well not to engage in blasphemy. You are already coming perilously close to committing the one unpardonable sin.


Now seriously, do not play with this matter. Your immortal soul really is in terrible danger. Even if today you dont believe in The Lord HE believes in you and even if today you do not (yet) know The Lortd HE knows you.


Dont screw with the possibility of eternal damnation just to try to be clever on a discussion forum.

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What do you mean by random? Things aren't really random in the sense of there being no order.

You know yourself that reactions, movements, energy, etc. are all governed by rules and events follow from that.

You seem to have a problem with phenomena we don't understand yet abd think these things are impossible or almost impossible unless there is some plan or meaning behind it all.

A few hundreds of years ago they knew far less about science than we do now. Would it have been correct of them to assume that SOMETHING was behind all the phenomena that they didn't understand but that we do now? The answer is NO.

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What do you mean by random? Things aren't really random in the sense of there being no order.

You know yourself that reactions, movements, energy, etc. are all governed by rules and events follow from that.

You seem to have a problem with phenomena we don't understand yet abd think these things are impossible or almost impossible unless there is some plan or meaning behind it all.

A few hundreds of years ago they knew far less about science than we do now. Would it have been correct of them to assume that SOMETHING was behind all the phenomena that they didn't understand but that we do now? The answer is NO.


I dont believe that out of the choas of the big bang came order, not without influence, no matter how you try to needle in, i think you are now fully aware of my thoughts, also that you will not change them without a logical explanation as to why, the bigbang came about, and how it was a totally random occurrence, i am not trying to convince anyone, of anything, i am simply stating what does and does not logically compute with me.

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