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Burning Holy Books


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Come on then spook if this ficticious lord of yours made everything who made him and what proof is there that it is a he? are there pictures in the bible of his knob?


You would do well not to engage in blasphemy. You are already coming perilously close to committing the one unpardonable sin.


Now seriously, do not play with this matter. Your immortal soul really is in terrible danger. Even if today you dont believe in The Lord HE believes in you and even if today you do not (yet) know The Lortd HE knows you.


Dont screw with the possibility of eternal damnation just to try to be clever on a discussion forum.

Oh please oh enlightened one guide me so I may commit this one unpardonable sin. The lord can kiss my immortal arse my immortal soul is very happy thank you give me eternity of debauchery and deperivation anyday.

p.s. will these two help with my ticket to eternal damnation.


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I dont believe that out of the choas of the big bang came order, not without influence, no matter how you try to needle in, i think you are now fully aware of my thoughts, also that you will not change them without a logical explanation as to why, the bigbang came about, and how it was a totally random occurrence, i am not trying to convince anyone, of anything, i am simply stating what does and does not logically compute with me.

Out of the CHAOS of the Big Bang? What chaos? What scientists have proposed happened from the moment of the Big Bang and aftereards does not appear to be chaotic.


This your problem though, because you aren't being logical. You have a fixation on the idea that something that appears unlikely or impossible to you needs to be explained by some intelligent influence. Something you think is chaotic then took an ordered process in your view, if so that doesn't imply that some intelligence influenced it or there's plan or point to it.


It might well be a random occurrence. We do not know. We don't know what brought it about and what was before the Big Bang, as I said it is possible that we can't even talk of a 'before the big bang'.

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There was no pre bigbang on that we agree.


Then there was a magical mystical billionth of a second and poof, everything we know, and everything we dont know, came into existence, just like that, expansion and cooling formed the multitude of universes in all their majesty,and i know you dont think that was influenced, i do. .


Please explain to me, how its logical to you to think that the above was just a random event.


Out of nothing, it all came, and filled nothing, and is still expanding out into nothing.

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There was no pre bigbang on that we agree.


Then there was a magical mystical billionth of a second and poof, everything we know, and everything we dont know, came into existence, just like that

Please explain to me, how its logical to you to think that the above was just a random event.


Out of nothing, it all came, and filled nothing, and is still expanding out into nothing.

Firstly, I could not propose a logical answer other than there is no evidence that an intelligence did it.

But you seem to be of the understanding that there was absolutely nothing before the Big Bang, if we CAN talk of time. Nbody has proposed this, only that there was nothing in terms of what understand and know in our universe, i.e. THE universe. Nobody has any idea what can be said to have existed or how things operated prior to the Big Bang.


But considering that we don't know what would trigger the Big Bang and why it happened, it is still foolish to think an intelligence did it without any indication of this. When we don't know anything about something it would be silly to ponder about it and think that an intelligence did it.

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Aye righto, maybe we will understand better when we can explain what the 90% of our universes mass consists of, the stuff we cant see.


i missed this quote.


What do you mean by random? Things aren't really random in the sense of there being no order.

You know yourself that reactions, movements, energy, etc. are all governed by rules and events follow from that.


There were no rules before the BB, then there were, rather defeats your logic.

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The idea of a god so childish and petulant as that put forward by the christian faith is so repugnant to me, that were i wrong about its existance i would still not embrace such a creature of lower inteligence than my own as my father and creator, its logical inconsistancies, over-reactions and misguided descisions have shown this god theory to be an unsophisticated mixture of populace control and the attempts of bronze age people to explain the things they didnt understand.


With that, all thats left to be said is:


My name is Andrew Lawrence, and i deny the existance of the holy spirit.

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