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Burning Holy Books


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The reason for war will be that they won't tolerate our views and we won't tolerate their views. This sort of Mexican stand-off is what will lead to wars - either that or one side really does push things too far. The way Islam is going perhaps we should be giving the Poseidons a good check over in case we need them!

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EvilGoblin -

Tolerance is a word to avoid, in case we are unclear as to what we mean. But respect is most certainly something that should not had. The best advice to give is that those will extraordinarily silly beliefs should at least think before attacking others for theirs.


An ecumenical process cannot be undertaken with these religions. They hold fast to what they believe to be the truth and what is laid out in scripture. What other people believe is simply wrong. And let's face it, so many Christians and Muslims just can't bear it that others don't accept their supposed truths.

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Religion has been about control through fear for centuries. In the British Isles, it worked quite well up to the industrial revolution and from then on its powers have been waning slowly but surely. I can understand someone living back then (or now in a less developed country) , that the big story was much more plausible. However now, with the better understanding of so many things that were completely unexplainable then, I fail to see how I can ever find any common ground with someone trying to live modern life to the rules of a very old story book. I'm not saying we understand everything, that would be ludicrous, but the pace of science is accelerating all the time. Unfortunately that science gives us the ability to destroy ourselves and its likely that this will happen because of religion.


My old mum was very religious and, boy, was she frightened by the concept of god. She led her whole life worrying about something nobody can see, hear, feel or prove. Only when she was dying from one of the most cruel diseases we know, did she start questioning her faith. Me? I've never had any faith. I well remember sitting in sunday school thinking 'this is a load of nonsense'. Nothing throughout my life and scientific education has changed that assessment. Unlike, religious people, I brought my son up with no reference to religion and it was only last weekend at the age of 20 did he bring the subject up. He has come to the same conclusion as me. It's not for him.


Now I just don't care if anyone has faith just like I don't care if they like fishing or playing golf. It's a personal thing that is none of my business UNTIL they try to tell me 'we are doing this because it says in chapter x verse xx that xxxxx' and for no other reason. Wot? You think I should respect/tolerate that decision making process? It matters not one jot what the religion is, it's just the blind faith of whatever religion that I can't accept.


Just wondered, what does the old book say on the subject of satellite phones? Go on, I want to know......I need guidance.

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You are being too much of a positivist here, LDV. The weight of evidence for his existence, having conducted some sort of ministry and his death under Pilate c33AD are really incontrovertible.

What weight of evidence though? What sources are you referring to? I only know of Tacitus and a few others who wrote some time after Jesus was supposedly around.


I mean, I do think the man existed. But it is in no way certain or almost certain. Just likely.


I suspect you will need the Second Coming to convince you, although, with your views, perhaps you should not welcome the event!

There are a number of different conceptions of what is meant by saying that Jesus was divine. I assume you are referring to the traditional understanding with the physical resurrection, etc. (which Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, actually rubbishes), in which case I would agree that he was not divine. However, there are other conceptions of divine, some of which extend to all humans.

I am referring to the traditional understanding, in particular respect of the fact that he was God in the flesh. I don't need the 'Second Coming' to believe that Jesus existed, for I am quite certain that he was just a man. I therefore would not be expecting any show.


You have not said what is immoral about Jesus' teachings.
Conding slavery. Take no thought for the morrow. Apparently telling people they would go to hell for sinning. And wanting non-believers to be brought before him for slaying. And in general his commandments to obey God.
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How comes when the Mozzies destroy bibles at border crossings or desicrate Christian churches as they do on a regular basis no one says a word, yet when theres the slightest sign of us pissing on their things all hell breaks out and we let them get away with it even going so far as supporting them in their howls of hyterical rabble rouding.


Theres sometning about Islam that I'm getting bad vibes about.

Because Christianity is all about being weak and enjoying masochism.

A little vague there LDV, not all masochists are weak, not all weak people are masochists, not all christians are weak, not all christians are masochists, not all masochists are christian, not all weak people are christian, therefore your theory holds little water.

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Conding slavery.


Jesus didnt condone slavery. Where in any of his teachings does he say he did?


Take no thought for the morrow.


When thinking about big things and the here and now deal with whats biting you now instead of what might bite you tommorow. Actually Jesus time and again made the point that a persons future was very important and was why people should take the gift of salvation that he offered.


Apparently telling people they would go to hell for sinning.


They will. Unless they accept him as their personal saviour, do their best to live according to what he did and what he taught, and did their best not to repeat sins. There is only one unforgivable sin.


And wanting non-believers to be brought before him for slaying.


If by that youre talking about Luke 19 : 26 then youre just being thick.


And in general his commandments to obey God.


So wheres the problem with that? In fact he says try to and that’s all that anyone can do. Jesus provides the salvation for those who fail but keep on trying.


LDV, you got problems. Maybe if you had a good Christian upbringing and learned about Christianity properly you wouldn’t be so confused about so very much in your life. Jesus can help you if you will open your heart to him, understand that He loves you though he might hate any form of sin that forms part of your life. Jesus is not just the way to God, Jesus is the path to a good and decent life for those who accept him.


Try it, You have nothing to loose except an eternity in hell and everything to gain.

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LDV, you got problems. Maybe if you had a good Christian upbringing and learned about Christianity properly you wouldn’t be so confused about so very much in your life. Jesus can help you if you will open your heart to him, understand that He loves you though he might hate any form of sin that forms part of your life. Jesus is not just the way to God, Jesus is the path to a good and decent life for those who accept him.


Try it, You have nothing to loose except an eternity in hell and everything to gain.

I really hope for your sake that you're just a troll.
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LDV, you got problems. Maybe if you had a good Christian upbringing and learned about Christianity properly you wouldn't be so confused about so very much in your life. Jesus can help you if you will open your heart to him, understand that He loves you though he might hate any form of sin that forms part of your life. Jesus is not just the way to God, Jesus is the path to a good and decent life for those who accept him.


Try it, You have nothing to loose except an eternity in hell and everything to gain.

I do not often defend LDV but what a load of bollocks, why should he have to worship a limpid symbol of mans inadequacy and impotence hanging from a rotting tree, Christianity is all about a ruling body trying to opress and control the poor, they are a bunch of fucking hypocrites, the leaders live in palaces whilst the ones they preach to starve, get a grip and stop being brainwashed by religion and look at life. God is a made up fictional character and this jesus moron is just one of the better conmen who made a living off this fiction, the only thing all religious books are fit for is starting fires or wiping your arse when you run out of bog paper. Yes maybe if he had a "good " christian upbringing he might be as anal as yourself and not a free thinking individual who is tollerant of most things and feels free to question what people try to impose on him, like religion. On your grounds I should be totally fucked yet I am happy with life, have been married 28yrs and we still are very happy, I may have a wind up with people but on the whole bar a couple I do not really hate anybody, oh and we have plenty of fun, somme bits would even make your inquesition look tame and all without that fictional god of yours.





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A little vague there LDV, not all masochists are weak, not all weak people are masochists, not all christians are weak, not all christians are masochists, not all masochists are christian, not all weak people are christian, therefore your theory holds little water.

I don't think Christians are weak at all. It just appears that Christians revel in their persecution and get very sheepish when their religion is criticised.
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LDV, you got problems. Maybe if you had a good Christian upbringing and learned about Christianity properly you wouldn’t be so confused about so very much in your life. Jesus can help you if you will open your heart to him, understand that He loves you though he might hate any form of sin that forms part of your life. Jesus is not just the way to God, Jesus is the path to a good and decent life for those who accept him.


Try it, You have nothing to loose except an eternity in hell and everything to gain.

I really hope for your sake that you're just a troll.



So that’s your answer. You dismiss me as a troll. Why?


Is it really so outlandish in your strange way of seeing things that there are people in this world who are committed Christians and who gladfully and joyfully accept the presence of the living God? People who have seen Christ in action in their lives and the lives of people around them? That the possibility that YOU might be wrong and your rejection of Christ the result of the work of satan in your life? That there is an invitation to you to be saved and that comes at no cost beyond accepting that Christ has taken on your burden of sin and that you will try to lead a good and decent life in the way that Christ taught?


What a gift, what a gift to turn down.


I don’t know what your life is like or how you live it but from what Ive seen you write on here you may lead a life that is more sinful than most, at least in one way.


Just remember that while God hates the sin he loves the sinner and that in heaven as Christ said and is written by Luke “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”


Like us all you are not getting any younger and while there is no time limit for when you can accept Jesus as your saviour every day lessens the possibility that you will do so before you die and once dead then your opportunity has gone.


This forum and this thread at this time may not be a random event, a thing of no consequence, it may be in some strange way a message to YOU to rethink your life, your values, your relationship with Christ, for that relationship exists like it or not, reject it or not, its there.


Be brave, accept what is on offer, become born again in Christ, born washed free from sin and with redemption from future sin if you genuinely repent any you commit and try to follow closre the teaching of Christ. You don’t have to be perfect, you and I never can be. You don’t even have to be good, all you need to do is to try to be and try not to repeat things you do that are not good and follow the values of Jesus.


LDV, YOU may so far have rejected acknowledging your relationship with Christ but he has not rejected his relationship with you. While you draw breath that relationship and the invitation stands.


Theres an old saying, I don’t know where it comes from but it goes “twixt the saddle and the ground, salvation sought, salvation found” and its about a man who fell from his horse and sought Jesus before he was killed in the falling. He was saved even at that point.


You can be saved, you now know what you need to do, what the cost will be, and what will face you if you refuse His offer. Im not a troll, LDV, I live in the light. The light of Christ.

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