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Burning Holy Books


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Anyway back to book burning


Six arrested in Gateshead over 'Koran burning'


Six people have been arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred after videos emerged on the internet apparently showing copies of the Koran being burned.

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Evil Goblin - thanks for the debate!


I've things to do so hopefully will keep this short [edited - FAIL].


Over Egypt there is a chance they did come from Egypt, I agree - but it is also just as likely to be legendary in the same way Mallory had King Arthur claim Britons first conquered Rome and so off goes Arthur to Rome to defeat Lucius to once again have a Briton crowned Emperor. Its myth connecting the periphery to the percieved great historical power.


Over your interpretation of the New Testament - I am clearly going to have to read it again - my last go was the Jefferson Bible which at least has the advantage of cutting out most of the supernatural stuff! But basically I disagree with you - I very strongly feel Jesus was just as obsessed as Paul was with judgement after death and punishment of the soul for sins. There is a chance Jesus wasn't interested in the afterlife and was just using allegories to encourage his followers to be better people in this life, but it doesn't gel with me at all, and in my view early Christians didn't understand this interpretation either and very much applied his ideas literally to a supernatural with souls, heavens, repentence, hells and punishment.


You can, I suppose, say this developed after Jesus's death and the failure of his return as a Messiah which forced the theology to concentrate on redemption of the soul and not the body, but that is really what Christianity is - it most definitely is an otherworldly religion and I would say it has been right from the begining - my impression of what you are saying is that you think this twisting of it came from Paul.


Erm - I've not read the entirity of what he originally wrote, only commentators on his work, but I slightly feel that what you are saying isn't a mile away from what Nietzche wrote, especially the corruption of Jesus's message by Paul. Maybe, but I'm not convinced.


Its too convenient for modern, mundane commentators to reinterpret Jesus as a psychologist - but no one in the 1st century thought he was; and I see no reason to doubt he was just as superstituous as his followers. Sure nowadays you can interpret him psychologically - as Freud did with devastating effect, but that is with hindsight, and not, I beleive, what Jesus actually understood.


He may have been interpreting his Id and superego - but he thought it was God and that their was punishment for sins.


How can you make your case without just hand waving? Are you saying you can find genuine sections in the Gospel which make your case.


Can't really see it - everything I read in the New Testament tells me it is obsessed with a judging God who punishes sinners in an after life - Thessolonians, Revelations etc. Sure those come from later Evangelists, but I believe you can't get to your supposed "true" teachings of Christ from the Gospels - they are too accreted with Pauline superstition - and so all you are left with is hand waving - its too convenient - he was a superstitous peasant who took his ideas of a judging afterlife seriously not as allegory for life.


Edited for clarity; and to add - is there a book which you can recommend to support your ideas?

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If a servant is beaten and dies three days later what happens to the owner?

He is subject to the law.

Please don't quibble about the meaning of servant and owner - the issue is what punishment God has ordained for someone who has beaten their bondsman to death and has revealed through Exodus 21:20-21.


All that I will do would be to repeat what is written in The Bible, especially the whole of Exodus 20.


Moral cowardice.


Spook if a master beats his servant and the servant dies 3 days later what law is he subject to? And what relevence does exodus 21:20-21 have to this.

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