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Burning Holy Books


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Accept Christ and you WILL be saved. YOUR choice.

Accept or eternal damnation (torture). Hmm, that's a toughie. Thank goodness none of it is true.


Before people there were animals and people who acted as animals.
You really think the people of the Levant had absolutely no idea that murder and stealing was wrong before God popped out of nowhere? I'd like to know civilisations in Sumeria and, more interestingly, China advanced so far without morality.


Not a sacrifice, a taking on of all of the punishments for the ages on behalf of all men and women who will exchange their sin for his guidence.
It is termed a sacrifice by so many Christians. Pardon my misuse of the term in that case. But there was no agreement to exchange sin. Not then and not today. And to do it in that manner was disgusting.


Because of the original sin by man in the Garden of Eden. We all now have the choice to accept God and his authority through Jesus, or not and so perpetrate the individual sin we inherit as sons and daughters of Adam.

And here's the hilarity. The absurdity of it all. God creates man, creates this matter of original sin, and then makes up some loophole to deal with it by allowing his mortal self to die horrifically.


Regarding atheists

No they dont. When they do learn they rapidly change their position/.
Many do turn and rapidly change their position. The human race is very susceptible to this sort of stuff.


Regarding slavery

No, just accept him as your saviour, accept his love and love him in return.
Or what? What if I don't?


Faith is the reason.
Maybe you misunderstand me. Faith is nothing. Believing on the basis of no evidence. Not a good way to form your opinions and perspectives on the world.


False pride in themselves. As a Christian I certainly don’t think the world was created for me, I know I was created form this world.
Yes, to a degree I have pride in my achievements, rather than partly or wholly attributing them to a God with thanks.


Because you don’t understand the crucifixion and what it means and why it took place you cant understand the morality.
What is there to understand that you haven't already mentioned. I know what it's purpose was. I find that purpose immoral and people who think it is are immoral.



My friend, you have no doubt been invited to accept Jesus and sin no more. You obviously have decided not to do so.


I find it sad this is so.


The Alpha course, and I reccomend the one in Peel, would be a no cost for you to attend. Please give it one more try.

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I believe every word in the bible is true but translation will have caused some distortion and so simply reading the KJV alone is not enough. What I believe is that much of Genesis is an explanation that has to be read outside of how we understand time now, and that the expulsion from Eden is more about people rejecting the authority of God and facing the uncertainties and doubt that loosing the comfort in keeping the faith brings. The bible tells me that the pain of childbirth the price women must pay for Eves sin. It is as good an explanation as any and consistent with what she did in the Garden so yes.

I obviously do not believe there was an Adam and Eve. But why do you believe that should have accepted God's authority?


And do you honestly think it is moral to punish their children and their children on and on because of the mistakes of Adam and Eve?


Original sin is important and it is the knowledge of good and evil that makes an evil act evil because without that knowledge it would be an innocent act. Ignorance of the law is a defence and the world would have been perfect if Adam had obeyed Gods wishes.
My understanding was that they came to have this understanding of what was right and wrong upon eating from the tree. Prior to that they had no idea of what was correct or not.


I dont understand how you get the idea that I reject the omniscience of God because I certainly dont, and the Tree of Knowledge was part of the testing of the fidelity of Adam and Eve. How an you tell a blade unless it is put to the stone?
No doubt you think he is omnipotent as well.


Why do you believe that everything in the Bible is true?


Also it is a work of man. The Christian Bible is a series of man-made works hashed together over a long period of time with certain works rejected and others introduced.

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If I get the time later this week I'll have a go at enlightening you all (its a pet subject of mine!).

Nah, dont trouble yourself...we will have moved on to white dog poo and the steam packet by then......you need to be more "de jour" to win at the internets.

I think it would be interesting if we are mistaken in our understanding. (I'll read it anyway)
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My goodness Spook - what convolutions - I asked why are those people allowed such an explicit demonstration of God's power and reality while we are left with empty murmurings and extollations to faith? No doubt Christians believe Jesus physically demonstrated his resurrection to Thomas and to many others - quite definitely God/Jesus wasn't worried about removing the importance of faith in Thomas's relationship with the creator - why is he worried about it now?


And over the Prophets of Baal - I think you are missing out more than half the story - it wasn't just about the failure of the Prophets of Baal - no doubt they failed, - and if that the issue Elijah could have stopped there, but he didn't - he went off and deliberately water logged the firewood etc and demonstrated God's power with a bolt from heaven* - no such demonstrations are available today.


Why? - the only answer is special pleading about the importance of faith - well the physical reality of Christ and lesson of Elijah are in direct contradiction to that. Christianity is being absolutely two faced in both claiming God does not provide material evidence for its claims because of the importance of faith, and then talking of Jesus's physical presence and existance - its is totally contradictory.


* and of course he then murdered all of them - nice hey.

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My goodness Spook - what convolutions - I asked why are those people allowed such an explicit demonstration of God's power and reality while we are left with empty murmurings and extollations to faith?


Part of being a Christian is faith and trust, it’s a sign of the love we have for our loving God.


No doubt Christians believe Jesus physically demonstrated his resurrection to Thomas and to many others - quite definitely God/Jesus wasn't worried about removing the importance of faith in Thomas's relationship with the creator - why is he worried about it now?


The incident to Thomas wasn’t about removing the importance of faith, it was about establishing then bonafide of Jesus for the faithful in the future. Remember at first Mary Magdelaine didn’t recognise him when she first saw him.


And over the Prophets of Baal - I think you are missing out more than half the story - it wasn't just about the failure of the Prophets of Baal - no doubt they failed, - and if that the issue Elijah could have stopped there, but he didn't - he went off and deliberately water logged the firewood etc and demonstrated God's power with a bolt from heaven* - no such demonstrations are available today.


On the contrary. For one thing look at what happened to the Cathedral at York in 1984 and the statements that were being made by David Jenkins.


Why? - the only answer is special pleading about the importance of faith - well the physical reality of Christ and lesson of Elijah are in direct contradiction to that.


See above.


Christianity is being absolutely two faced in both claiming God does not provide material evidence for its claims because of the importance of faith, and then talking of Jesus's physical presence and existance - its is totally contradictory.


Not at all. See above.


* and of course he then murdered all of them - nice hey


Yes. That was the law. They had blasphemed.

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My friend, you have no doubt been invited to accept Jesus and sin no more. You obviously have decided not to do so.


I find it sad this is so.


The Alpha course, and I reccomend the one in Peel, would be a no cost for you to attend. Please give it one more try.

I have no good reason to go. No evidence for your claims and your God's a prick. I would not want to worship anyone, nevermind a monster.
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My friend, you have no doubt been invited to accept Jesus and sin no more. You obviously have decided not to do so.


I find it sad this is so.


The Alpha course, and I reccomend the one in Peel, would be a no cost for you to attend. Please give it one more try.

I have no good reason to go. No evidence for your claims and your God's a prick. I would not want to worship anyone, nevermind a monster.


Then maybe you are one of the tares after all.

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Yes. That was the law. They had blasphemed.

And you think blasphemers deserve death?


That was the law at that time. Who am I to question the law of the day? Especially Gods law.


Only recently practising male homosexuality was illegal, it follows that male homosexuals who practiced their perversion of the sex act were law breakers and deserved punishment for their criminality.


Today male homosexuality between consenting adults is not criminal so no secular punishment is appropriate as no criminality has been engaged in but when it was illegal the punishment was correct.

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