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Abortion - And An Obsessive Sanctimonious Cleric


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This has been an interesting debate to read and it's something very close to my heart.


My sister gave birth to a disabled child a decade ago, she is fully dependant and my sister is her full-time carer. The same sister recently gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby after refusing the tests which would have told her at around 20 weeks if her child had any disabilities. The test results wouldn't have changed her mind about having the baby and waiting for the results would probably have caused her much unnecessary stress.


I don't pass judgement on any parent or carer of a disabled child. We're not all strong enough to cope. Most people would crumble if they spent just an hour in my sister's shoes.

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Only read a couple of posts from the thread but i'm all for abortion even though I think it's a very sad situation to find yourself in.


I had a baby at 31/32 weeks gestation and to think I could have aborted her only 7 weeks earlier fills me with dread.


Don't know if they've changed the law but if the baby is severly handicapped and cannot have any kind of life then fair enough 24 weeks is okish. I'm sure the parents must go through pure hell to make that decision.


But for a girl who's known that she is pregnant from 6-7 weeks and then get to 24 weeks and decide to abort is possibly selfish. Surely you can think logically about it for a few weeks and decide to have an abortion and cause the least amount of mental damage to yourself and physical distress to the child.


Anything under 12 weeks i'd say is not ok but ok, if you know what i mean. This has saved many a young girl of 14's life, even families with too many kids or a single parent with one child who doesn't want to put her only child into a situation where the mother would be put under too much stress having another.


After all, the amount of children you have should be based on how much energy/love/patience you have.... for some that could be 1 or for some it could be 4.

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