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Popes Visit


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Some people's inability to understand logic is just incredible.


The pope doesn't believe in fairies.


The UDF doesn't believe in fairies.


Therefore the pope supports the UDF and its terrorism.



Oh I did like that!



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So the Pope wishes young people to become more like saints than stars...well says he who is blinged up to feck (P Diddy has nothing on this dude), requires security, an entourage, has official merchandise in his form and name and has celebrity status himself, not like the catholic faith to be completely hypocritical in any way!


For a man who allegedly has a direct link with God, why on earth would he need a bulletproof Pope mobile? Surely all he would have to do is just ask his bestie God for protection.


As for the images and effigies of the Pope being flogged, I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible to not worship idols, images or effigies of me (referring to God)and worhsip no other got but me(again referring to God) and yet the faithful do, in addition they worship the "Virgin Mary" rather than Jesus, surely this is a contradiction.


Seems to me the Catholic faith is one of the best religions for business and I wonder if it is on any companies registers?

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if God exists he is ok
Why do you think he would be 'ok' if he exists? I don't think he would be. He sounds like a complete dick.



Well if he does exist "he" therefore created all the peole that I love, and the planet which we live on and that is an amazing place, so "he's" pretty much ok there. "He" may well sound like a dick because "he" has been misrepresented. You sometimes sound like a dick but I'm sure you would be ok if I were to meet you.

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Usualy I cant stand anything to do with god and all the shite that goes with it, but this week ive decided to watch the popes visit and to me he just doesnt seem arsed.


I'm finding it hard to even care. Sky News was interviewing a lot of over excited middle aged women this morning who were saying how "fantastic" it was that he was here in a news feature that just ran and ran when there is much more news worthy stuff going on. I couldn't be arsed even watching it as the Popes existence means absolutely zip to my life. I have filed it under "Couldn't honestly give a shit" in my mental filing basket. He's just some outdated irrelevant religious relic.

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Usualy I cant stand anything to do with god and all the shite that goes with it, but this week ive decided to watch the popes visit and to me he just doesnt seem arsed.





Religion causes wars

I was going to respond to this but then I thought "pearls before swine" and decided it wouldn't be worth the effort.

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Well if he does exist "he" therefore created all the peole that I love, and the planet which we live on and that is an amazing place, so "he's" pretty much ok there. "He" may well sound like a dick because "he" has been misrepresented. You sometimes sound like a dick but I'm sure you would be ok if I were to meet you.

Oh dear. It seems you haven't thought much on this one considering you provide only one narrow reason for why he seems ok - just because he made people you love is ok. You're missing out on his character, what he has done in the past, what he wants from you, etc...
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Well if he does exist "he" therefore created all the peole that I love, and the planet which we live on and that is an amazing place, so "he's" pretty much ok there. "He" may well sound like a dick because "he" has been misrepresented. You sometimes sound like a dick but I'm sure you would be ok if I were to meet you.

Oh dear. It seems you haven't thought much on this one considering you provide only one narrow reason for why he seems ok - just because he made people you love is ok. You're missing out on his character, what he has done in the past, what he wants from you, etc...


Oh dear right back at ya!


Again, you describe a God as per indoctrinated religion as opposed to my own personal view of God, who if exists wants nothing more from me than for me to become the best that I can be,


How d'you like them apples?

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I haven't gone into much detail about God, only assuming that we are talking about the traits, characteristics and acts of the Christian according to the Bible.


You do seem to be coming out with some WEIRD stuff. You saying that you are unsure if YOUR God exists, but if he did he would be 'ok'. What is this God? What else does he do apart from create people you love? Define him. (Bearing in mind you don't even think he exists) It sounds more like you are taking off with your imagination with any bother to what is true.

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I haven't gone into much detail about God, only assuming that we are talking about the traits, characteristics and acts of the Christian according to the Bible.


You do seem to be coming out with some WEIRD stuff. You saying that you are unsure if YOUR God exists, but if he did he would be 'ok'. What is this God? What else does he do apart from create people you love? Define him. (Bearing in mind you don't even think he exists) It sounds more like you are taking off with your imagination with any bother to what is true.



I am unsure as to the existence of God or a God and as such all I can go by is to dismiss any religious doctrine of what God is and what it wants from me as all religions claim to be the only true religion and they can't all be right so I'll dismiss all of them based my opinion that they are all arrogant and want to control people, this in mind if there were a God then this God created humankind either by creation or by starting the "Big Bang and Evolution" thus creating the people I love and who love me. You state above initially that I am unsure as to the existence of God then later on you state "bearing in mind you don't think he exists" well make your mind up!


Again if God exists, and that is without proof then I would imagine that God would be dismissive of any religious doctrine as faith is found within not forced onto someone, and the God I would imagine to exist would give me total freewill in my life and would not be the vengeful, selfish, demanding, testing God that most mainstream religions would have us believe.


As to the last sentence in your post "It sounds more like you are taking off with your imagination with any bother to what is true." If I dismiss the religious doctrine then all I have is my imagination, furthermore define truth in the context that you have mentioned.

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You already seem to be imagining a possible God on the back of certain attributes you think he already has. You refer to God and not A God, yet even so, your ideas are pure speculation. If he is some creator there is nothing to indicate that he would afford humans free will, nothing to indicate that he wouldn't approve of religion and faith being forced on people, nothing to say that he isn't vengeful, selfish, demanding, etc. You also mention that if this God created humans and thus love then he must again be 'ok'. But presumably he would also have created hatred. Also, if he has so much power to create then what sort of a God is he to create the ills and problems in the world that men have suffered under. He could be absolutely indifferent or even rather cruel or a complete bungler.


In the context of what we have been talking about, I refer to truth as knowledge of what is or what is not. Knowing things. And we can only know from piecing things together from evidence.

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Pope Benedict XV has arrived in Britain brandishing an outspoken anti-secular message sure to further anger his opponents. In a speech outside Holyrood House, the Pope warned against "aggressive forms of secularism" and "atheist extremism". The comments had strong overtones of those which came from his advisor, Cardinal Walter Kasper, who stepped out of the trip yesterday after a German magazine quoted him saying the UK was in the grip of "a new and aggressive atheism".



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