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License Cannabis Sales, Expert Says

- Paul -

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Why would you want it taxed, monitored, and distributed?

Personally I see it this way until shown a better alternative or corrected.

As like cigarettes, the revenue goes into the Govt systems and hey ho, I'd presume that it would assist in various projects about the place.

Monitored to me, means that there's some stats in showing a rise or fall in trend and would probably be used to see if the crime rate goes up or down.

Distributed to me means that drug barons are not in charge of the packages and therefore the profits go into the system and not someones luxury villa.


Ok, I can easily see that the above is open for sniping, but I don't really care one way or another and was just being polite in responding to a question as no-one else did.


LDV, I wouldn't waste much time looking for further answers regards this from me, but if you want your say, crack on but don't expect a reply as I'm busy today.

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Why would you want it taxed, monitored, and distributed?



Taxed- so that it can be licensed properly to deal with any negative effects in society, which it undoubtably will have to some degree


Monitored- so that any people who do sell it are doing so according to the laws


Distributed- through properly licensed outlets rather than dodgy geezers and people doing shady deals with society's undesirables


nuff said really

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Apparently, cannabis i.e. hemp was made illegal in america in the 1800's by lobbyists acting on behalf of the cotton manufacturers and growers to combat the influx of hemp fabrics and the companies growing from that particular product, the UK adopted the same laws as did other countries across the British Empire and other sub serviant nations and it has stuck since.


I don't use and also wouldn't if it were made legal, however I would support any realistic and worthy efforts to atleast decriminalise or legalise it if it were properly taxed, monitored and distributed.


Today 'Hemp' is legal.


There are no laws in the US that make possession of hemp illegal, this includes the sterilized seed, hemp seed oil, hemp seed flour, hemp seed cake, hulled hemp seeds, hemp clothing, hemp fabrics, hemp fuel or any other product made from INDUSTRIAL HEMP.


It's the THC content they don't like.



Granted that is as now, but it started out being made illegal due to the competition to cotton and other textiles manufacturers,companies like DuPont paid lobbyists to get laws passed in their favour.

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Taxed- so that it can be licensed properly to deal with any negative effects in society, which it undoubtably will have to some degree

What sort of negative effects do you expect?

What sort of situation do you think will arise from someone growing it themselves? Do you want them licensed as well?

Monitored- so that any people who do sell it are doing so according to the laws

It has to be asked first what sort of laws you expect surrounding cannabis. Clearly for you it isn't a carte blance to do what you will with the plant.

Distributed- through properly licensed outlets rather than dodgy geezers and people doing shady deals with society's undesirables

I don't see why government distribution makes sense. All other legal drugs are distrubuted through private hands. Why make an exception for this one? And if the drug was legalised, you would not get shady dealers, in the same way you think there are at the moment. Would you not expect that matters would mimic what has happened in The Netherlands?
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Why would you want it taxed, monitored, and distributed?



Taxed- so that it can be licensed properly to deal with any negative effects in society, which it undoubtably will have to some degree


Monitored- so that any people who do sell it are doing so according to the laws


Distributed- through properly licensed outlets rather than dodgy geezers and people doing shady deals with society's undesirables


nuff said really


Your an arrogant cunt matt.

those !! society undesirables !! as you put it were mainly born here, its their home, and in all honesty i dont think they give a toss what someone who ran away from where they or their parents were born, and that places undesirables.


Being an undesirable is merely a matter of perspective.



nuff said really

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Why would you want it taxed, monitored, and distributed?



Taxed- so that it can be licensed properly to deal with any negative effects in society, which it undoubtably will have to some degree


Monitored- so that any people who do sell it are doing so according to the laws


Distributed- through properly licensed outlets rather than dodgy geezers and people doing shady deals with society's undesirables


nuff said really


Your an arrogant cunt matt.

those !! society undesirables !! as you put it were mainly born here, its their home, and in all honesty i dont think they give a toss what someone who ran away from where they or their parents were born, and that places undesirables.


Being an undesirable is merely a matter of perspective.



nuff said really


Wow!!! I nearly rose to the bait with a personal insult, but luckily I stopped myself.


The phrase "society's undesirables" was intended to target those that are morally bankrupt and make money without paying any taxes or national insurance whilst claiming benefits, and to be honest it shouldn't matter where in the hell they were born here or Timbuk-frickin-tu, and wether or not I personally was born in England or the Isle of Man is completely and utterly irrelevant, I pay my taxes and my NI here, my wife is Manx from many generations past and our two boys are Manx.


Any other worthwhile contribution you may like to add would be most welcome.


Peace out

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Taxed- so that it can be licensed properly to deal with any negative effects in society, which it undoubtably will have to some degree

What sort of negative effects do you expect?


Dependancy, relationship issues, long term adverse mental and physical effects


What sort of situation do you think will arise from someone growing it themselves? Do you want them licensed as well?


Young kids and adults who are unable or ill equippped to make the best decisions for themselves.



Monitored- so that any people who do sell it are doing so according to the laws

It has to be asked first what sort of laws you expect surrounding cannabis. Clearly for you it isn't a carte blance to do what you will with the plant.


I believe that it is most definitely not carte blanche to do as one wishes, if a person grows tomatoes to sell through an official outlet then there are standards and procedures to adhere to.


Distributed- through properly licensed outlets rather than dodgy geezers and people doing shady deals with society's undesirables

I don't see why government distribution makes sense. All other legal drugs are distrubuted through private hands. Why make an exception for this one? And if the drug was legalised, you would not get shady dealers, in the same way you think there are at the moment. Would you not expect that matters would mimic what has happened in The Netherlands?


I have been to the Netherlands and it's not leagl it's decriminalised and there are shady dealers trying to sell you their gear, leaglising it and keeping the prices low would stop people selling it without a license. The government wouldn't distribute it, merely issue the licenses pretty much the same as how alcohol is sold.

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I have been to the Netherlands and it's not leagl it's decriminalised and there are shady dealers trying to sell you their gear, leaglising it and keeping the prices low would stop people selling it without a license. The government wouldn't distribute it, merely issue the licenses pretty much the same as how alcohol is sold.


Have you really been Matt? Because every time I have been to Amsterdam in the past I can go into a coffee shop, browse a selection of different types and make a choice. You don't have to go to any shady dealers to get it, when you can just buy a few grams with your espresso.


On your 'decriminalised' technicality in Holland, what difference would it make if it was sold by licensed premises as opposed to 'coffee shops' that are openly selling it over counter pretty much the same as how alcohol is sold anyway?

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I have been to the Netherlands and it's not leagl it's decriminalised and there are shady dealers trying to sell you their gear, leaglising it and keeping the prices low would stop people selling it without a license. The government wouldn't distribute it, merely issue the licenses pretty much the same as how alcohol is sold.


Have you really been Matt? Because every time I have been to Amsterdam in the past I can go into a coffee shop, browse a selection of different types and make a choice. You don't have to go to any shady dealers to get it, when you can just buy a few grams with your espresso.


On your 'decriminalised' technicality in Holland, what difference would it make if it was sold by licensed premises as opposed to 'coffee shops' that are openly selling it over counter pretty much the same as how alcohol is sold anyway?


Yep as part of my honeymoon! I didn't say you haveto go to shady dealers to getany gear, just said that they are present and of course there are coffee shops which are actually licensed to sell, there are also shady dealers who try and offload there wares unlicensed.


Unlicensed would generally mean that any old shite could be sold, soap bars with loads of plastic in the middle, cannabis with a higher or lower THC content than is allowed per type or strain, being licensed and monitored would mean that only decent stuff was being sold not mental mind f**king shit with a ridiculously high THC content, also cannabis which is at the stated THC content level, not some dodgy cat nip mixed shite.


All selling premises have to be licensed, and like licensed alcohol outlets, the ones that offer the best deals or the best ambience make more money and do better business.

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