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Alexander launches 'ruthless' tax evasion clampdown


The government is pledging to raise billions of pounds by clamping down on "morally indefensible" tax evasion, a senior Lib Dem minister has said.


Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander announced plans to attack offshore havens and other tax "dodges".

In particular

Ministers want to see a fivefold increase in prosecution for tax evasion and Revenue & Customs will be given £400m in extra resources to create a dedicated team of investigators to bare down on offshore tax havens and online tax evasion.


Given the curent Uk circumsatnces, quite predictable

No doubt Arkwright and the Crazy Gang have anticipated this and will rise to the challenge....

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Nothing new here - just Alexander trying to placate the LibDem Conference by trotting out the same line that's always been spouted. The real threats are already in course of action - i.e. EU over the 0/10 system and the EUSTD Amendments.


Arkwright and Co. will, as usual, be the helpless rabbits in the headlights. Heaven help us.

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Alexander launches 'ruthless' tax evasion clampdown


The government is pledging to raise billions of pounds by clamping down on "morally indefensible" tax evasion, a senior Lib Dem minister has said.


Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander announced plans to attack offshore havens and other tax "dodges".

In particular

Ministers want to see a fivefold increase in prosecution for tax evasion and Revenue & Customs will be given £400m in extra resources to create a dedicated team of investigators to bare down on offshore tax havens and online tax evasion.


Given the curent Uk circumsatnces, quite predictable

No doubt Arkwright and the Crazy Gang have anticipated this and will rise to the challenge....

About time too

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Something else for Arkwrights vast intellect to contemplate for the future


Source - http://www.manxradio.com/newsread.aspx?id=47501

End of year before EU decision on zero-10?

Published online at 20/09/2010 03:07:53


It seems the Crown dependencies, including the Isle of Man, will have to wait a while longer for the European Union to make a decision on the zero-10 corporate tax regime.


The European Union's Code of Conduct Group will hold its long-awaited September meeting in Brussels on Thursday to discuss the matter.


But a report on the International Adviser website says the group's recommendations are unlikely to be considered by the Econfin Council until its next meeting in December.


The Code of Conduct Group on Business Taxation monitors the 27 EU member states' tax codes, to ensure they comply with Council of Economics and Finance parameters, which were set out 13 years ago.


Although the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey aren't part of the EU, the article says compliance with such codes is considered increasingly important as scrutiny of offshore financial centres by the likes of Britain, the United States and Europe intensifies.


The Isle of Man was the first of the three Crown dependencies to introduce a zero-10 regime in April 2006, and it was initially examined by the Code of Conduct Group and found to be sound.

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Isle of Man drops in GFCI rankings


The Isle of Man has suffered a blow in the latest Global Financial Centres Index.


It has fallen eight places to 32nd since the previous list was published, in March.


The Island continues to lag behind both Jersey and Guernsey, which are ranked 22nd and 26th respectively.


The Global Financial Centres Index ranks the competitiveness of financial centres, based on 26,629 financial centre assessments from an online questionnaire, together with over 60 indices.


It is compiled by Z/Yen Group and published twice a year by the City of London Corporation.

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