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4 Bedroom House For Sale

Matt Bawden

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What would you take?


Well let's see.....it was bought for £392,500.00 four years ago, it's had atleast £40k spent on it plus my own time doing all the labour work for the gardens and the inside. I appreciate that if bought for £392.500.00 and I did nothing then it in no way, especially in the "current climate" I should make money from it. It was bought four years ago because we were expecting our first child and needed to move from our isolated house up in the hills to be near to family, friends, work and facilities.


Having moved into Douglas, my work was moved to Ronaldsway, that and that we miss being in the countryside forces our hand somewhat. Having said that we are in no hurry to move and are happy enough to stay here if the house never sells, it's a beautiful house more than adequate in size for our family (three children) in a very pretty and tranquil part of Douglas.


It's up for sale at £425k and we will take nothing much less than this, for a couple of reasons, firstly compared to other houses in this area our house is a lot cheaper and offers more (those that have recently sold and those that are still on the market), secondly, the amount of work and money which has gone in to this house more than justifies the price.


It's for sale and if someone wants to buy it at an agreeable price it will be sold, if nobody wants to buy it then my family's home will be here for the time being, it really is a simple as that because we aren't desperate to sell, we don't have a massive mortgage and our eldest will start school next September which will pretty much dictate that we remain here as for obvious reasons.


Personally I'm happy here, I've done well and am punching well above my weight so to speak, my wife is from farming stock and would prefer to live in the countryside. Living on the fringes of town has more benefits than living elsewhere, sure living in the countryside is nice but we would have to run two cars (fuel costs etc.), a lot of time wasted by travelling, running the kids everywhere, awkward for friends and family for visits, babysitting etc. so I am more than happy to stay here, it's up for sale because it's more important to me to see that my wife's wishes are fulfilled rather than my own.


Long winded answer I know, but thought whilst I am typing I might as well give an honest account of our reasons for the house sale.

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It's up for sale at £425k and we will take nothing much less than this, for a couple of reasons, firstly compared to other houses in this area our house is a lot cheaper and offers more (those that have recently sold and those that are still on the market), secondly, the amount of work and money which has gone in to this house more than justifies the price.


I think you're in for a very, very, very long wait. Confidence is evapourating fast.

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It's up for sale at £425k and we will take nothing much less than this, for a couple of reasons, firstly compared to other houses in this area our house is a lot cheaper and offers more (those that have recently sold and those that are still on the market), secondly, the amount of work and money which has gone in to this house more than justifies the price.


I think you're in for a very, very, very long wait. Confidence is evapourating fast.


Ah yes, but unlike you, he's not a virgin

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It's up for sale at £425k and we will take nothing much less than this, for a couple of reasons, firstly compared to other houses in this area our house is a lot cheaper and offers more (those that have recently sold and those that are still on the market), secondly, the amount of work and money which has gone in to this house more than justifies the price.


I think you're in for a very, very, very long wait. Confidence is evapourating fast.


I'm happy to wait, in fact as stated earlier I'm happy to stay (this is our first family home and two of our children were actually born in the house), there is plenty of room for our family but should we need more there is a large back garden and a massive loft space.


I will say this, even in a depression property is bought and sold, personally I am hoping for a 50-70% drop in prices, this'll mean the greedy people will make less, if any at all, it'll shut the morons up who witter on about the value of their single property, allow young couples/families to buy their own homes at affordable, realistic prices and bring most back down to earth.

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It's up for sale at £425k and we will take nothing much less than this, for a couple of reasons, firstly compared to other houses in this area our house is a lot cheaper and offers more (those that have recently sold and those that are still on the market), secondly, the amount of work and money which has gone in to this house more than justifies the price.


I think you're in for a very, very, very long wait. Confidence is evapourating fast.


What a bellend.

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I will say this, even in a depression property is bought and sold, personally I am hoping for a 50-70% drop in prices, this'll mean the greedy people will make less, if any at all, it'll shut the morons up who witter on about the value of their single property, allow young couples/families to buy their own homes at affordable, realistic prices and bring most back down to earth.


I'm in 100% agreement with you - a 50% drop will help those on lower incomes with essential jobs. I would be in favour of a massive tax on capital gain made on property.

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I will say this, even in a depression property is bought and sold, personally I am hoping for a 50-70% drop in prices, this'll mean the greedy people will make less, if any at all, it'll shut the morons up who witter on about the value of their single property, allow young couples/families to buy their own homes at affordable, realistic prices and bring most back down to earth.


I'm in 100% agreement with you - a 50% drop will help those on lower incomes with essential jobs. I would be in favour of a massive tax on capital gain made on property.

well obviously you would agree to prices dropping 50% now you have sold your late families home. Why is it you smugly want to see the arse fall out of the Isle of Man?
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I will say this, even in a depression property is bought and sold, personally I am hoping for a 50-70% drop in prices, this'll mean the greedy people will make less, if any at all, it'll shut the morons up who witter on about the value of their single property, allow young couples/families to buy their own homes at affordable, realistic prices and bring most back down to earth.


I'm in 100% agreement with you - a 50% drop will help those on lower incomes with essential jobs. I would be in favour of a massive tax on capital gain made on property.

well obviously you would agree to prices dropping 50% now you have sold your late families home. Why is it you smugly want to see the arse fall out of the Isle of Man?


I don't want the market to crash - it's going to happen anyway, the sooner it does the better it will be for the less well-off.


The present state of the market helps no-one.

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If you're scraping to buy a house now and can't work out what you'd be paying on an interest rate rise or factor in property markets dead and there's only one way it can go then I have little sympathy.


Only motivation for me to buy now would be to buy a family home on a long term basis. In that regard it wouldn't matter what the market did as it's your home.

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