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Sounds Like Sound Advice To Me


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I appreciate that some people might find it a bit strange to deal with someone from their bank with piercings like those in the picture above but so long as they do their job and do it well - who cares? I think personal merit needs to take precedent more.

I'm shallow enough to question the judgement of someone who'd do something like that to themselves.

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I appreciate that some people might find it a bit strange to deal with someone from their bank with piercings like those in the picture above but so long as they do their job and do it well - who cares? I think personal merit needs to take precedent more.

I'm shallow enough to question the judgement of someone who'd do something like that to themselves.


Then if that's the case surely you ask everyone you deal with on a day to day basis about what their hobbies are in case they do something in their spare time that you view as a little odd?

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I have a couple of facial piercings myself (nose and lip) and have never had a single problem with employers. At the moment I work full time in a non client facing role in a large company on the Island and as I said, they don't seem to mind the piercings.


I appreciate that some people might find it a bit strange to deal with someone from their bank with piercings like those in the picture above but so long as they do their job and do it well - who cares? I think personal merit needs to take precedent more.


You're completely missing the point. All of us, you included, have a certain level of expectation. When I walk into a bank I expect the staff to be neat, smart and helpful. I don't expect to see a face full of piercings. As Rory McGrath once put it so well "What's with all the metal shit in the face? I mean, you're supposed to kiss that or something?" And no matter how many times you are told you shouldn't go by first impressions the reason you're told it is because everybody does.


Basically she has drastically cut her employment options. Why should Joe Public pay for her stupidity?

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Because the issue is with the poor judgements and prejudices of those like you(and me) who expect people to look a very particular way when we go to do particular things but when there is much good reason behind it. Fair enough for her to be helpful and maybe also look neat, but looking smart is the one to ditch.


Really it shouldn't matter what people look like. But yes, everyone does it and a lot of the time it is for poor reasons and it is irrational. Not her problem if she COULD not get a job because of it.

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