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Ed Miliband Is The New Labour Leader

- Paul -

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Sure it affects everybody. So I'll explain how it furthers the imbalance.


Those at the top can afford it.


Those at the bottom can't.


You ignorant prick...


You are totally and utterly wrong. Life's essentials are not taxed with VAT. Therefore the people genuinely at the bottom are not paying it at all. So basically it is a tax on the rich. Or to give VAT it's original name Luxury Tax. If you omit luxuries, you pay no tax. You choose. How much more fair can you get? Half wit. No, actually scratch that. You are not a half wit, you are totally at your wit's end!!! :D

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You are totally and utterly wrong. Life's essentials are not taxed with VAT. Therefore the people genuinely at the bottom are not paying it at all. So basically it is a tax on the rich. Or to give VAT it's original name Luxury Tax. If you omit luxuries, you pay no tax. You choose. How much more fair can you get? Half wit. No, actually scratch that. You are not a half wit, you are totally at your wit's end!!! :D


I rarely, if ever, resort to pathetic name-calling such as in "You ignorant prick". I try to rely on balanced argument based on stated facts. But sometimes, no matter how much supportive evidence you produce, as in the Institute For Fiscal Studies report on the Osborne budget, some complete and utter prats on here just ignore what's actually the proven facts because it simply doesn't fit in with their narrow, bigoted, tiny-minded view of the world around them. What to do then? I mean, how to express myself at their deliberately obtuse and deliberately ignorant take on the facts they simply need to ignore?


So I consider myself very fortunate indeed in that Cambon has totally justified my use of the words "You ignorant prick...".


Many thanks for that Cambon!


Ignorant prick...

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OMG "Tony Brown and Anne Craine to attend Conservative Party Conference"


Without Bell?


Hope to god they don't tell everyone how well the Island is doing i.e. not in recession or ever been in recession.


Mr Brown would not be that daft to brag, would he? Oh hold on that sounds farmiliar.............

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The top 20% of UK households get 15 times more than the bottom 20%. Disgraceful in a modern society.

Erm PK That is before TAX and benefits!!! After Tax and Benefits is only 4 times.


That is a huge redistribution.


Sorry but a 4 times difference between the poorest quintile and the richest is not such a difference. Only the 4th and 5th quintiles make positive tax contributions - the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quintiles get more in benefits than they do in tax.


The "evidence" you have put up in my mind totally nullifies your argument. The UK is a very redistributive state where even the middle quintile - the classic white van man, sole trade, petty bourgeoisie entreurpeneur is a net benefit recipient.


To have Milliband saying he was going to increase support for this group - and further tax the higher quartiles to do it - shows the dangers of a dependency state. The third quartile has to contribute to state finances and be economically productive.


Labour has made them dependent - that's wrong.



P.K. - Just a reminder of how "unfair" the tax system is to the poorest - including one of your own posts, if you read back your own links properly you will see.

You can read can't you?


As for me being a prick. I think your monica is a lot closer - as it your attitude!

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P.K. - Just a reminder of how "unfair" the tax system is to the poorest - including one of your own posts, if you read back your own links properly you will see.

You can read can't you?


As for me being a prick. I think your monica is a lot closer - as it your attitude!


Who cares what you think?

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some complete and utter prats on here just ignore what's actually the proven facts because it simply doesn't fit in with their narrow, bigoted, tiny-minded view of the world around them. font]

A very long-winded way of saying 'Tories.'

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Not at all.


"The scum that Thatcher spawned" are well named...


You are Arthur Scargill, and I claim my £10.


After 13 years of labour rule, the country is £1,000,000,000,000 is debt. That is more than 2.5 times more than the debt was when they took over. Due to this massive overspending and handouts to the "work shy" by that bunch of assholes, most of whom have disappeared into the woodwork over the last few months, having known what they have done, someone has to pick up the pieces. And, the answer as to who will pay is EVERYBODY, as everybody always has to pay after the Reds have been in power.

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the answer as to who will pay is the poor, as they always have to pay when the Tories are in power.

Edited for truth.

Oh look, another LOONY LEFTY.


Labour have had the poor paying through the nose for the last 13 years. They have just been delaying your repayment!

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