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Deleted Topics


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Can someone explain why factual topics are deleted from the forums, Its called a Local News Forum. I posting I put up this morning has been deleted and all I did was copy it from the Manx Indy, the idea of posting it was that not everyone reads the Indy and some may only look at these forums for the news. Why have a news forum if you cant report the news. What was posted is from page 9 of todays Indy.


The other posting that was deleted was a good story, something that if not reported would not be known to the public or could not be proved or questions asked.


The possibility of someone getting the chance of a cheap house should be looked into, if an offer has been made. To find out if the offer is true, people need to know.


A news forum is for news not to joke about or take the Pizz, so treat it as such.

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You have been warned about posting unsubstatiated and factually incorrect posts in the past and both were pure speculation.


Given your history, I'm not prepared to have this forum endangered, nor the people who run it.


Thread closed, please go and whinge/complain in private. Repost this topic and I will put you on moderator review.

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