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both Libertines albums - imo - are f*cking class. lie on your bed, listening to the second album, turn out the light and put a candle on, listen, and i mean listen to the lyrics, its like a love/hate relationship between two star crossed lovers. but best friends. i think its really sad. the first album is amazing, really gets me int he mood for going out! specially "up the bracket"! i saw The Libertines twice, both without Pete, and i have to say that it was like they had lost their whole world. no soul in the singing. but when i watch them on dvd with Pete, its like their world can never end, its just one big fun song. i think they were a good band, and i hope Pete gets his act together and totally rocks with Babyshambles, who i have seen live twice now and they are amazing. pure punk rock with all the trimmings. rant over.



and i met Pete and he is a very nice, polite chap indeed. after i met him, he got totally mobbed, Beatlemania style, and i felt totally sorry for him, you could see the sadness in his eyes.


SWTB - waiting for the ear bashing...


i dont care, i like both bands. and Pete.

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