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Exploding Children

- Paul -

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Environmental campaigners 10:10 have withdrawn a film showing a teacher graphically exploding two of her students who refuse to reduce their carbon emmissions, after complaints.




NB Probably not suitable for children to watch or those of a nervous disposition.


IMPO Totally over the top, ill judged and tasteless



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Bit of a theme developing these days


Believe in Allah or get blown up

Believe in God or burn forever in the fires of eternal damnation

Reduce your Carbon Footprint or get blown up


Merry Christmas

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Now I think that polar bear video is a good one for hitting home a certain message. Even if the connection might be indirect or tenuous.

The exploding kids just seems like a poor hash between shock tactics and a strange sense of humour thats badly executed. It doesn't work well together. If it's to shock, you don't want to depreciate the impact by adding humour.

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Environmental campaigners 10:10 have withdrawn a film showing a teacher graphically exploding two of her students who refuse to reduce their carbon emmissions, after complaints.



NB Probably not suitable for children to watch or those of a nervous disposition.


IMPO Totally over the top, ill judged and tasteless




Obviously stating the impact on the world if you don't take action.

I can't say it made me laugh, though I did wonder how exactly the button being pressed managed to exactly target those who did not want to take part.

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well with the way the facts about climate change being maybe altered to suit a lot of views, they had to turn to more shocking things to make us think its real :rolleyes:


My mate had his replies removed by moderators of the Guardian for liking these lot akin to the Naz..sorry....National Socialist Workers Party. His comments were brill and to have them removed really struck home the arrogance that the Environmentalists have.


Not too far removed from a certain Austrian born vegetarian's ideals several moons ago.


I was going to post his comment up here but think it would cause a conflab.


At least I recycle my wine glass and don't use a new one for each top up. Don't kill me smug enviro nazis!

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well with the way the facts about climate change being maybe altered to suit a lot of views, they had to turn to more shocking things to make us think its real :rolleyes:


My mate had his replies removed by moderators of the Guardian for liking these lot akin to the Naz..sorry....National Socialist Workers Party. His comments were brill and to have them removed really struck home the arrogance that the Environmentalists have.


Not too far removed from a certain Austrian born vegetarian's ideals several moons ago.


I was going to post his comment up here but think it would cause a conflab.


At least I recycle my wine glass and don't use a new one for each top up. Don't kill me smug enviro nazis!


go on post them up, be worth a laugh :ph34r:

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Could we get this idea operated in restaurants and pubs, so children could wear exploding neck bands operated at high noise levels or something?


'Johnny, shut up, people are paying and trying to enjoy themselves here, so eat your...toast...toast...toast'.


...and maybe extend it to women that shreak-laugh in pubs too?

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go on post them up, be worth a laugh :ph34r:


You asked for it

My name is Adolf Hitler and I approve of this message.


Just to introduce myself, I lead an organisation of like minded indviduals called the National Socialist German Workers Party (yes, we really are socialists, I know its hilarious!). We also believe in a brighter, better future for those of a like mind and we too believe that in extreme times extreme measures must be put in place to realise our dream of a cleaner, greener future. On this, we agree with the 10:10 organisation.




As some of you may be aware we have suffered some bad publicity due to our campaign, known as the Final Solution. As such we sympathise with the 10:10 organisation as they will undoubtably suffer criticism due to the content of their film.

But you are not alone! We too believe in the execution of those children who stand in the way of out socialist dream (remember, I did say we are sociallists!). Not only do we agree with your suggested course of action we actually stand in awe of your vision, we salute the strength of character it takes to, not only execute children, but to do it publicy and without trial or recourse to an appeal process. We can only marvel at the power of persuasion such a course of action must have on those children who stand witness to this calculated act of barbarism!

Of course the public execution of adults who disagree with our program of societal improvement has long been a traditional method of educating others. But, even we with our secret police organisation, felt the need to execute our children in complete secrecy and to destroy as much evidence of these acts as we possibly can.

Since there is so much on which we agree I would like to publicly invite the 10:10 to our Global Climate event next year. In June, 1941, i mean 2011, we shall be launching a drive into the heart of Russia (tentatively called Operation Barbarossa) in which we will seek to make the world a better place. We would ask that the 10:10 organisation work with us, behind the lines and out of danger, to help eradicate the pestilence of carbon misuse.

As a mark of our utmost respect we would assign you the top position as Einsatzgruppen 1, the premier league if you will, of our educational organisation.


Now, it is regrettable that during our Global Climate meeting we will be accused of hypocrisy since we will, in fact, emit quite a lot of carbon through our operations. Well, you cant run a Panzer Division on hot air! However it is our earnest belief that this carbon jackbootprint will be more than offset by the reduction in carbon users (or abusers I should say!) at the end of our operation. You cant make an omlette without executing millions of others as the old saying goes!


So I hope to see you all on the Russian steppe next year!


Warmest Regards


A. Hilter,


Leader (or Fuhrer if you will) of the National Socialist German Workers Party.

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go on post them up, be worth a laugh :ph34r:


You asked for it

My name is Adolf Hitler and I approve of this message.


Just to introduce myself, I lead an organisation of like minded indviduals called the National Socialist German Workers Party (yes, we really are socialists, I know its hilarious!). We also believe in a brighter, better future for those of a like mind and we too believe that in extreme times extreme measures must be put in place to realise our dream of a cleaner, greener future. On this, we agree with the 10:10 organisation.




As some of you may be aware we have suffered some bad publicity due to our campaign, known as the Final Solution. As such we sympathise with the 10:10 organisation as they will undoubtably suffer criticism due to the content of their film.

But you are not alone! We too believe in the execution of those children who stand in the way of out socialist dream (remember, I did say we are sociallists!). Not only do we agree with your suggested course of action we actually stand in awe of your vision, we salute the strength of character it takes to, not only execute children, but to do it publicy and without trial or recourse to an appeal process. We can only marvel at the power of persuasion such a course of action must have on those children who stand witness to this calculated act of barbarism!

Of course the public execution of adults who disagree with our program of societal improvement has long been a traditional method of educating others. But, even we with our secret police organisation, felt the need to execute our children in complete secrecy and to destroy as much evidence of these acts as we possibly can.

Since there is so much on which we agree I would like to publicly invite the 10:10 to our Global Climate event next year. In June, 1941, i mean 2011, we shall be launching a drive into the heart of Russia (tentatively called Operation Barbarossa) in which we will seek to make the world a better place. We would ask that the 10:10 organisation work with us, behind the lines and out of danger, to help eradicate the pestilence of carbon misuse.

As a mark of our utmost respect we would assign you the top position as Einsatzgruppen 1, the premier league if you will, of our educational organisation.


Now, it is regrettable that during our Global Climate meeting we will be accused of hypocrisy since we will, in fact, emit quite a lot of carbon through our operations. Well, you cant run a Panzer Division on hot air! However it is our earnest belief that this carbon jackbootprint will be more than offset by the reduction in carbon users (or abusers I should say!) at the end of our operation. You cant make an omlette without executing millions of others as the old saying goes!


So I hope to see you all on the Russian steppe next year!


Warmest Regards


A. Hilter,


Leader (or Fuhrer if you will) of the National Socialist German Workers Party.


and i wonder why it was pulled.

made my day :lol:


has he emailed it to the 10/10 lol

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The Adolf Hitler comment was probably removed due to the fact it was evidently not him who wrote it and they are trying to avoid being sued.

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