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I hope they plan to expand their tour to Iran and Saudi Arabia. I'm sure the reaction might be somewhat different, possibly a little more extreme.


I think the problem with the Niqab/Burka is that it breaks the public/private barrier that western society is comfortable with. Your bank manager (or MHK) might spend his weekend being beaten by a dominatrix, but as long as he doesn't come in to work in a gimp mask, it's not a problem.


Wearing a Niqab forces your private belief system on others in the public space, invading the "neutral space" with something that might be seen as extreme behaviour.


After all the work of feminism in the last century, it's odd to see women retreating behind the veil, especially when it's not something their mothers and grandmothers would do in many cases. It strikes me as a tool of male oppression that's been cunningly rebranded as some kind of faux-feminist freedom.

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What public/privagte barrier? Religious beliefs are not necessarily private matters, though in any case although the burka/niqab is a cultural aspect of Islam it is not itself THE belief or a part of the belief but an aspect of that culture. The analogy with the Bank Manager is a poor one. What does a sexual pursuit have to do with the wearing of a niqab?

Furthermore, there is nothing 'neutral' about the public space in which people operate and how they behave.

But I would agree, it is a nasty and horrible aspect of religion and its legacy. And also a reflection of female oppression by men.

It isn't odd to see women wearing them in the UK. As I said, it is a re-affirmation of their religion and also an attempt to forge a separate and distinct identity based on heritage and culture that they feel might come under threat from living in Britain.

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Its quite simple really.

They are not protesting about the new laws. far from it.


What has happined is, these 2 girls have been hit the ugly stick, so are scarred to show there face, but they were lucky on being given a great set of pins.

so they show them off instead :cool:

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