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A British Nobel Prize


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Robert Edwards, along with Patrick Steptoe, worked out how to safely do IVF.


It was pioneering technical science which has allowed millions of people world wide to be able to have children.


Infertility is a cruel medical condition, which leaves many couples struggling for many years. Dr Edwards has in many cases stopped this being an incurable condition and given couples joy.


His work has been recognised by the Nobel Academy LINK


It is a great honour recognizing an advance in science which has benefited millions, but guess what the Vatican disaproves.


Because the research involves sperms and eggs the Vatican ensouls them and insists such research is beyond the pail.




That attitude, if it had its way, would stop all stem cell research, all fertility research and leave women unable to control their reproductivity.


That attitude is the way of the dark ages, not the enlightenment.


And the lobbying of religious conservatives can have a very real impact on such important issues as fertility research and pioneering medical techniques. I feel we have to be on guard against such luddite attitudes and encourage cutting edge science.


Well done on the Nobel academy for recognizing such important work.


... and British too!

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