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Wow: Cataclysm


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It was made official yesterday.


Shameless Plug - If anyone fancies either starting or restarting then we have a guild full of folk from the Isle of Man on Frostwhisper (Alliance) we are always looking for new people from the Island to join. Give us a shout either in game Character name = Silverburn or PM me here for further details.


Our website and forum is here - http://www.manxjam.com

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I've been getting back into playing WoW and have to say i am really enjoying it. The only downer is running heroic 5 mans over and over to save up Emblems of Triumph to swap for Justice points in Cataclysm. It gets a bit boring.


However, i only have about 3 RL friends on the server with me so not enough for ICC etc


I can't persuade my best mate to change servers either as he is in Crab People (on Talnivarr) who are one of Europe's better guilds!

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im so looking forward to Cata.... there aren't enough hours in the day to do all I want to do though hehe... my main is Arielli on Lightbringer and I play a few times a week usually, doing well in ICC and the like, and of course I want to get her to 85 and new raiding spec sorted... I would love to play with Manxies on Frostwhisper but I'd also love to hook back up with Manxies and mates on Runetotem which was our original server, maybe even play under the mighty Smite Club banner once more as a Worgen druid ... *sighs* ... and I am NOT going to play every night, I'm really not (probably) ... need more hours in the day *grin* xxx

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Addons that I think are a must are


Bartender4 - Customisation of your spell/ability bars

Perl - Unit Fram Customisation

Badboy – Stops gold trade spam in cities

Bagnon – Puts your bags into one frame

Gearscore – It’s what everyone tends to use to see what score your gear is, really only applies to lvl 80’s mind you.

Recount – Shows Damage meters and the like

Quartz – replaces your cast bar

Sexymap – Replaces the default mini map, some nice features

Atlas and Atlas Loot – Nice map addons

Prat – Nice chat addon

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the ones I use a lot are :


VuhDo, an awesome and very customiseable (but cool out of the box) healing/raid frames/buff n debuff watch solution


Decursive because cleansing is the most boring and crappy job as it is, this makes it a doddle and you cant miss the ones you are sposed to be taking care of


Deadly Boss Mods is seen as a must have by most raiding guilds, tells you about boss abilities and when to run away and stuff (not that I need it hehe) it is handy for countdowns to phase changes etc though, definitely makes raiding easier


AuctionLite - cool to have some kind of scanner to help with setting the price of things to sell, saves time


Gearscore lite - only because a lot of PUGs require you to know it, I dont care either way what mine is (much) hehe


Skada (the only heal meter that gives a decent attempt to show how good Disc priests really are) though I do also watch Recount too because it is still interesting to try and be as high on the list as poss, and/or check my overhealing isn't too horrendous ;-)


... that's pretty much it - if I were levelling up again and/or doing quests I'd pay attention to the likes of QuestHelper cos I hate questing/DPSing and struggle enough doing it as it is as a clothie healy priest, don't mind 'cheating' a bit on that.


I wish blizz frames were a bit better because I dislike having to 'rely' on addons and used to always pride myself on being a good healer without them........ I am a bit thrown these days with healing without VuhDo (well in anything bigger than a 5 man group anyway) which is a tad worrying - it probably wouldn't take too long to go back from mouse over heals to click to select then press 1-9 to fire off spell like I used to back in the days of lvl 60 raiding! ... its not just the click to heal, though it's also the ability to customise what info you need/want to see that is healer or even disc/holy priest specific from the standard everyone gets to see everything or nothing look.. so as much as I hate 'cheating' I reckon it's kind of Blizz's fault for taking so long in adding functionality to their interface hehe


... anyway, nuff ramble, I am a sad cow, love any chance to chat about any aspect of WoW *grin* xxx

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I must download Skada actually, being a disc priest i'm always bottom of the healing meters. I know i'm doing a good job but it would be nice to see some kind of stats to say I am :)


And totally agree about Vuhdo, tis an ace mod!!

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Best Add-on I have used in a long time is WoW Instant Messenger.


Being in one of the top 5 raiding guilds on my server (before I retired from WoW last month), I was constantly getting 6,000 whispers as soon as I logged on.


WIM creates a new messenger style window for each person whispering you, which can be collapsed away and brought back when needed. It also auto dismisses the window(s) when you go into combat.


Another good feature is that it stores all whisper conversations in a very handy interface. Extremely useful for showing others what was said (many an asshat put in their place but showing them exactly what they said not what they think they said).


The only down side is when someone uses whispers as part of their combat macros. A rogue in our raid has a TotT macro that whispers you with each application. Makes for a very annoying LK25 fight.

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I must download Skada actually, being a disc priest i'm always bottom of the healing meters. I know i'm doing a good job but it would be nice to see some kind of stats to say I am :)


And totally agree about Vuhdo, tis an ace mod!!


I played as a healer from the days of MC up to AQ40 and i got fed up of people giving me grief for being low down on the healing meters. I always said the same thing "i'm a disc priest, not holy!", "my skills are damage prevention / mitigation not just spamming COH and POH to land at the top of the healing meters". I was a pretty damn good healer though (as my guilds always told me) and was class leader in 3 of them. But, i just got fed up and took a long break from the game


I have loved playing wow since coming back though, respecced pure shadow and it's 10 x more fun than healing, plus you don't have any worries at all and no hassle / stress. Plus i love the fact you now choose your role before the dungeon, so people can't say to you "we don't want shadow, go healer". That used to really piss me off. Now you can play any role you want to. Every class and role has a part to play.


I won't ever heal again (vampiric embrace being the exception!)


Massive respect to anyone playing as a tank or healer though, the DPS classes have no idea how easy they have it.


I'm looking forward to my shadow priest having 40k-50k+ health though, it will make things very interesting. I reckon protection warriors will hit 100k health easily.

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