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Well after installing Skada last night, I did the weekly and the VOA stuff and was top of the healing+absorb meter quite easily in fact. Cant wait to try it in ICC.

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I'm looking forward to my shadow priest having 40k-50k+ health though, it will make things very interesting. I reckon protection warriors will hit 100k health easily.



My Druid tonk hit 97k HP in ICC 25 with full buffs (full 264 and some Heroic gear). If I was to continue playing into Cata (not likely) I fully expect to be in the 150k bracket at end game.


DPS are going to get a very rude awakening come Cata, when the AOE fest that WoTLK comes to a close. If they cant learn to manage aggro, focus fire and follow simple kill orders, there is going to be a QQ storm of epic proportions coming from hard done by DPS.


Edit to add:


You only have to look at the mob patrols in RS. A lot of people got a shock when you couldn't just AOE tank and spank.

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Go to wowwikki and use patch mirrors or rs/hotfiles rather than using the blizz downloader. Once you have all the files it takes about an hour.


I downloaded and installed everything from scratch in 4 hours (thats not including the 10gig pre patch from 2 weeks ago)

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Massive respect to anyone playing as a tank or healer though, the DPS classes have no idea how easy they have it.



I think it should be mandatory for every player to have a stint as both tank and healer, so that your average DPS-er understands what the roles actually entail.


The awful attitude of players in random dungeons and PUGs in ICC was one of the reasons I decided to take a short break from the game (still not decided whether to try and finish ICC with Guild Manx or just wait for Cat).


It was particularly hard work for my pally healer, as we have no HOTs and very little damage mitigation, so to cast a heal you basically have to be standing still, and with the massive nerf Illumination got a couple of patches ago, mana can be a problem too.


I lost patience completely with one group when I asked to stop for mana during a total clusterfuck of a random heroic, and one of the gobshite DPS-ers said 'pallies don't need mana' and proceeded to pull the next group of mobs. Needless to say I let him die horribly and then emo-quit the group.


I'm definitely a much better DPS-er with my hunter now that I've done both tanking and healing as well, you gain a lot of respect for how difficult and involved the roles are compared to DPS.


Fortunately Guild Manx has enough players now to put full 10-mans together, so the curse of the random fucktard is hopefully a thing of the past.


I'm really looking forward to the new aggro/AoE/pull mechanics in Cat, might give a few of the AoE spammers a nasty surprise :D

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Very true words spoken Twonky, anyone who has only played pure DPS has no idea whatsoever how hard and stressful this game can be! I tried switching to Holy from Disc and informed the PUG group i was in that i hadn't played Holy before and was just practicing. I found it pretty hard as i was used to shielding instead of using circle of healing. I will admit i wasn't very good (as i expected) but one guy in the group was giving me loads of grief for being crap. I changed and stuck to shadow after that, i thought "why bother with the grief"

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