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Liu Xiaobo Wins The Nobel Peace Prize


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Well the Nobel academy has done it again.


Last year they really politicized the peace prize by giving it to Barak Obhama, this year they will have really annoyed the Chinese Communist Party.


I'm a little surprised, but overall I am glad that Liu Xiaobo will gain more recognition and a higher profile as a result of this - especially in China.


Charter 08 is an important voice in calling for democratic and human rights reforms in China - an entirely peaceful, non violent movement centred around freedom of expression and individual rights. Its members have been met with the jack boot, the midnight knock, arbitary imprisonment and harrasment by the Communist authorities and their sercurity apparatus.


That shameful response and the silencing of all debate in China on democratic reforms has made, in my view, this award worthwhile. China will react agressively against it - it would really like its scientists to be recognized, and would hype any such award on all the front pages, but it will try to stiffle and downplay this peace prize.


But no matter what Charter 08, and how to reform the politics of China, will get a higher profile in China as a result of this. People will talk and think, and hopefully read the Charter and see that it is not some subversive force, but people honestly hoping for a better, more democratic China.


Something which should be in the interests of all the world, but especially those of the Chinese people themselves.

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I'm not particularly surprised that you don't understand this:


I hope that the … moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become dangerously structured dams which block the flow of social progress. Martin Luther King


Liu Xiaobo is no a trouble-maker: the thugs that control the state and even censor their own Prime Minister are the trouble makers, damaging their country and surpressing the human rights of the whole population.


There is justice and dignity in peacefully exposing them for what they are - that is what Liu Xiaobo does - his bravery is incredible and worthy of recognition.


You can keep your certainties Spook - but there are times when Caesar should be opposed - freedom needs such people to stand up and say not in my name, though they are often crushed, imprisoned and destituted for their stand.

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Wrong with this trouble maker

Wrong with ObamaMartin Luther

Unbelieveably wrong with ArafatGandhi.


The whole thing has become a farce.


So what has Obama done to warrant being awarded the Peace Prize apart from not being Shrub?

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Fascinating news from China!


There is clearly a large debate going on behind the closed doors of the communist party about freedom of speech and other "political" rights.


Occassionally it spills into the open.


I feel the awarding of the Nobel Price to Liu Xiaobo is helpful in this process as it cannot just be ignored and so Cadres will be drawn into giving their opinion.


I don't think it is a coincidence that 23 party elders have released this letter with the following eight demands:


  • Dismantle system where media organisations are all tied to higher authorities
  • Respect journalists, accept their social status
  • Revoke ban on cross-province supervision by public opinion
  • Abolish cyber-police; control Web administrators' ability to delete/post items at will
  • Confirm citizens' right to know crimes and mistakes committed by ruling party
  • Launch pilot projects to support citizen-owned media organisations
  • Allow media and publications from Hong Kong and Macau to be openly distributed
  • Change the mission of propaganda authorities, from preventing the leak of information to facilitating its accurate and timely spread


The censoring of the Prime Minister clearly shows how divisive the issue is - no doubt political reform is a difficult road, but statis is far more dangerous and damaging to the 1.3 billion people unable to express their true feelings, or read diverse points of view.


BBC take on it

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  • 6 years later...

Very sad news Liu Xiaobo has terminal liver cancer. 


At least he's been released by the Chinese Communist Party. I hope they leave him, and his wife, alone. Sadly I doubt it.

About the best option for him is medical exile but what a sad way for someone who has worked all his life to create a more open and tolerant China to be treated by the violent cliche which controls that fascinating and complicated country. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Not entirely sure a nobel peace prize is anything to be proud of unless it's turned down by the prospective recipient but fair play to the guy all the same. Seems a decent enough chap

and one of the more deserving winners too. 

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This is the Charter 08 document Liu Xiaobo wrote which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize: Link.

For writing this document he and his wife were persecuted for years. Liu was sent to the Gulag until his cancer - I bet linked to hepatitis caught due to insanitary conditions while imprisoned - fatally metastasized.  While his wife was totally isolated under house arrest and tormented by government thugs.

Please do read the words that caused the Chinese Communist Party such fear, that caused them to jail and persecute a peaceful man who dedicated his life to looking for ways for China to be more democratic:

Chinese citizens are increasingly and more clearly recognizing that freedom, equality, and human rights are universal common values shared by all humankind, and that democracy, a republic, and constitutionalism constitute the basic structural framework of modern governance. A “modernization” bereft of these universal values and this basic political framework is a disastrous process that deprives humans of their rights, corrodes human nature, and destroys human dignity.

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