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Whos Scared


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We were told that the closing of the forums was due to a complaint. We were told it wasn't to do with Richard Corkill and it wasn't anything that Chuft had posted.


Thats' not much to go on but as far as I know the complaint could have been made about a posting in any of the different forum sections.

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Where is the humour on the forums any more? Why don't we see the likes of Monkey_Magic and Mrs T any more. I would suggest it is because a small group of people have decided to use these forum for their own agenda are sucking the life and vitality out of the forums.  Well let them go elsewhere for their tedious discussions on who said what to who, and let's recover from their destructive presence.



I think you'll find that the aforementioned - together with a few others who have attempted to inject a little humour into the proceedings - have been well and truly discouraged by emails from 'upstairs' telling them in no uncertain terms to "stop being silly" or their accounts will be cancelled.


I use the local forum to 'relax'. I spend my entire working day dealing with dickwads and have no wish to enter into any kind of debate with them on here as well. Similarly, I rarely wish to enter into any deep thinking or intellegent dialogue as I also spend my working day doing just that and I just like to look in and post in the more frivilous topics


The posts that are being actively discouraged are the very posts that help to make the whole thing 'joined up'. Everyone needs to feel like they belong - and, for that to happen, everyone needs to be given the opportunity to post as they wish - within the bounds of legality and common decency.


Personally, I can't abide the posts by Chuft and FMCR but similarly I have no doubt that the flippant innunendo that I used to chuck in all over the place got on others' nerves too. It's horses for courses.


Moderation is all about balance. My view is that in the efforts to keep this forum 'squeaky clean' the baby is in danger of being thrown out with the bathwater. Pity really. There are many people ( and I am one) who miss both the cut and thrust and the 'friendship' that was an integral part of the Manx.net forums. Many of them have gone elsewhere and some, like me, are hanging around in the hope that as these forums mature some of that old 'spirit' may return.

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My opinion, for what it's worth, is that I wouldn't remove anything unless is posed a real risk or was personally abusive. I don't see that discussing current newsworthy items, particularly when they are already in the public domain by way of newspaper articles etc, is a problem. So it may not be to everyone's taste but so what?


Different people like different things, I have no problem with any of the political threads and even found some of it pretty interesting on ManxOnline. If people don't want to read about a topic, then that topic is easily avoided - you are, after all, not forced to read it.

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I have always held that view Obs, but increasingly I don't see the point of the rest of us suffering because of the scum that post in Local News. Their posts are irrelevent, uninteresting and are damaging to the perception of the forums.


Why can't we go back to the way the forums were before these evil people arrived spreading hate, complaining about jokes, and telling us how we should behave on our forums.

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Are you actually trolling Declan? There's no way the Local News should be removed. Used sensibly, it should be one of the most important sections on any Manx forum.

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because of the scum that post in Local News.....


before these evil people arrived....


Well, that should raise a complaint or two. Is there a moderator in the house?


It might - if said 'scum' were personally identified - moderation not required.



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Are you actually trolling Declan? There's no way the Local News should be removed. Used sensibly, it should be one of the most important sections on any Manx forum.



In the past , yes, there was always been a need for local news but now it has become a liability. People have been asked to use it sensibly, and most have, but the fact is there are those who so despise the members of these forums that they won't do it.


Is there an alternative way to restore the spirit of the previous forums? Or are we just gonna let Chuft win?

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Give everyone their own little níche and all are happy. Then it doesn't spill over into everything else, as is currently the case.

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It might - if said 'scum' were personally identified - moderation not required.


How about now? ;)


Fortunately for the moderators, it is apparent that the two posts are not inextricably linked ;-)

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You have called someone SCUM have the balls to name that person, and when you do put your real name to it, I dont think you will as your balless.

You are saying that it was the likes of chuft that caused the closure of the sites, you are only making the same allegations as chuft, Chuft was asked to prove it, you prove that chuft closed the sites. You are leaving yourself open to legal action by chuft, unless you prove what you say. Its an never ending story.

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I wasn't refering to an individual but to a group of individuals who have hijacked the forums for their own ends and are in danger of destroying the community that has grown over the years. They have no regret for what they have done, they are vandals - I consider them to be scum.


You imply I'm saying this behind a cloak of anonymity but my user name is the name I am called in the street, in the pubs and by my friends.

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