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Whos Scared


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Fortunately for the moderators, it is apparent that the two posts are not inextricably linked  ;-)


But unfortunately you seem to have a bit of a hot headed, lose cannon of a moderator who seems to have an axe to grind


Of course, I won't actually name him so it could be any of the mods :D





n 1: any substance used to slow down neutrons in nuclear reactors

2: someone who presides over a forum or debate

3: someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence <--

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Of course, I won't actually name him so it could be any of the mods  :D



By process of elimination, "he" could not be any of the mods as a few of us are of the 'fairer' (no pun intended) sex.

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I have the balls to post my Full name






/me makes appointment to get eyes checked.


Me too Tee as I have no idea either - but then again neither would I want to.


I don't understand the fixation with people's identities.

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It's a case your damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Glad am not a mod :)


Never seen any probs with the moderation in here or on manxonline there are always going to be petty minded people who think they're being persecuted.


As far as I can see the mods don't have to offer any explanation why something is deleted/ eddited but they do in some if not all cases, why question their decision?

it's not going to get ya post back!


Maybe there should be a "I wan't to spitt my dummy" section just for the few who seem to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

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The terms of use section on this forum does explain that the powers that be, may delete anything they deem to be in need of deletion. (without recourse)


I'll admit, I'm no scholar, and my interpretation of this rule maybe incorrect, but assuming I am right, why all the outcry?


As with most forums on the internet, when you join, you are required to accept the rules and regulations.


Perhaps some folk have joined this forum without realising this, in which case the solution is simple. If this forum dosn't give you the platform from which to air your views, stop using it and join another one which better fits your needs.

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I have the balls to post my Full name , do the same if you have the balls.
May i advise that you....xxxx off.... sorry but bullying people into posting their full name is way out of order. There are many pitfalls in using your full name on LOCAL internet forums, in that there are some wacko's out there and believe me i know (one even came up to me at the Space gig, he was a right wierdo, name began with a D if i remember correctly.)


The fact of the matter is that most people are known in person to a few people, those people being people they know well enough to disclose their identity or whatever. If you justify why people should disclose their full name to you other than a reason that you have big balls (I think that there are better sites for you to advertise this to be honest) then show us, as it is you just appear to be saying that you have more right to post because you use your full name.


That is rubbish, the longer forum members have more right to post than you in my opinion because they make the forum atmosphere, just look at a new forum where the members don't know each other it takes a good few months for posters to guage others personalities etc and for those months people are treading on eggshells hoping not to offend.


That situation seems to be happening here but in reverse in that previously everybody knew what the rules were without there being any proper rules written down and now nobody knows what can be posted etc after a few individuals turned the Local forums into completely different beasts, from being a place where local people could chat and make friends without seeing anything too serious to a place where political agendas are pursued without restraint and destroying what was a fantastic and extremely unique community (i have never seen a forum like it for variety of topics and opinions etc) with threats of legal action and numerous complaints about certain postings on here.


Personally i'd like it to go back to the way it was, but that can't happen now after we have been thrust unwillingly into the world of politics with the forums being regularly checked by politicians and in some cases their legal reps. Do you remember when all we had to worry about was Crop Trails or the an Akita on the loose?


I hope everyone who did this is happy with themselves, destroying a good community by pursuing their own agendas without giving a damn for the other members of that community.


Oh and rox,

I rarely wish to enter into any deep thinking or intellegent dialogue

Good to see you still have that sense of humour!

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(Draws a line under the thread, you're not going to see a better response than that for a long time)

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/ Me limbos in under the line



You are not part of the Manx Forum posting community.


Like it or loathe it, he seems to be exactly that.


FCMRMF Junior Member

Posts: 58 Joined: 26-June 04 Member No.: 137


PS, line redrawn



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I think you'll find that the aforementioned - together with a few others who have attempted to inject a little humour into the proceedings - have been well and truly discouraged by emails from 'upstairs' telling them in no uncertain terms to "stop being silly" or their accounts will be cancelled.
Well said. I've already had them moaning at me.


I use the local forum to 'relax'.


Agree again. Manx.net could be banal, but there was usually some life and banter there


I rarely wish to enter into any deep thinking or intellegent dialogue ......


I just like to look in and post in the more frivilous topics

I agree, there seems to be precious little urine extraction here.



The posts that are being actively discouraged are the very posts that help to make the whole thing 'joined up'. Everyone needs to feel like they belong - and, for that to happen, everyone needs to be given the opportunity to post as they wish - within the bounds of legality and common decency.
Very true


Personally, I can't abide the posts by Chuft and FMCR but similarly I have no doubt that the flippant innunendo that I used to chuck in all over the place got on others' nerves too. It's horses for courses.


Isn't that just what is missing here?


Moderation is all about balance. My view is that in the efforts to keep this forum 'squeaky clean' the baby is in danger of being thrown out with the bathwater. Pity really. There are many people ( and I am one) who miss both the cut and thrust and the 'friendship' that was an integral part of the Manx.net forums. Many of them have gone elsewhere and some, like me, are hanging around in the hope that as these forums mature some of that old 'spirit' may return.


VERY true. Never thought I'd really miss Manx Net, but I do. It was a lot lighter and more fun, for the most part.


It's the best reply amongst all the waffle.


I understand and respect the need for moderation. However, just because you have the 'power' do you always need to use it? Some moderators seem to have a very light touch whilst others are more 'up front' approach. I feel that the banter, in jokes and 'urine extraction' are part of what makes you feel you are amongst mates.


Obviously I would prefer it if this post just didn't 'disappear'

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It appears on this forum that the general consensus of opinion is that any posting that contains any reference to political issues or alleged misdemeanours of any of our elected individuals is out of order and should not appear within the forum. Therefore I agree that posters who want to bring to our attention how our money is being spent should go elsewhere in order that the Community that is begining to be established here is protected and it is my understanding that a new forum will appear shortly that will provide a platform for discussion of the issues that Chuft and FCMR have posted previously.


In the defence of Chuft and FCMR I dont think he/she has intentionally been the downfall of previous forums and whether ans likes it or not topics posted by them have been proved to be correct bringing into the public domain information that would have never seen the light of day and cast serious doubt on the ability of the current Government to control and spend our money wisely.


Anyway Chuft & FCMR I think it is time for you to move on to a place where you will be able to continue your quest for a fair and level playing field and I am sure that the new forum will become extremely popular as a great majority of people who live on this Island are concerned with what is happening over here.



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