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Whos Scared


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There are a few good points coming out on this thread.


Probably most of all is Slim’s regarding why the other forums got shut down or rather didn't get shut down. If slim doesn’t know the score then no one does.


Personally, I enjoy the posts from FCMR and chuft. Even better - I enjoy the put down’s they get.


But even better than that I enjoy the total and seemingly utter rubbish that the forums can produce - or rather used to produce. The clones, the dot thingys, the comedic character (some very funny, some not so). It is all the forum. And it is what seems to be missing just now.


This forum is a precious thing at the moment and its waning. I respect the moderators and I especially respect Unisol and Tearz who I understand to be the main folk running the show. Unfortunately they may not understand some of the zanier characters that tried to appear here.


So lets say they (Unisol and co.) were holding a party and they tidied the house and made the food, supplied the drink etc and then all these people came along. Some nice and interesting but also some weirdos. The apparent weirdos eat all the food and drink all their cocunut drink and then get all cliquey by talking in-jokes. I’d get quite peeved with that. (Although have been guilty) Quite rude when you think about it, as they maybe don’t know the score with these characters if they weren’t involved heavily with ManxNet.


To illustrate, do you remember when Zombie Dave came along at ManxNet? Everyone thought he was a right pain. Then gradually the penny dropped. I remember ans posting after one of the more cryptic messages, that he was actually getting to like the guy (I think ans had been going through a particularly cutting phase at the time and so a compliment was really out of character). From about then on though, Zombie Dave was a part and parcel of the forum. Similar could be said for emoticon. (ok, I explained that in The Beach, but you get my drift). There are many others. Its just that on a brand new forum - somebody elses - these characters have to become accepted gradually. Developed all over again . . .


The beauty of the apparent drivel is that, well, its drivel. It camouflages and conceals some of the more serious stuff going about. “Outsiders” (read political spies, journalists, litigious rich kids dads) see the forum as silly little kids larking about. Which it probably is, or should be imo, a lot of the time. the serious stuff is always there though. You need to know what posts to ignore. There are people over at Manxchat who are new to STEVEN11111112 and believe he is for absolute real. (!)


Anyway, there is a heck of a lot of absentees. From the sublime to the really really ridiculous. But I believe we need ‘em all.


Perhaps the moderators and managers could all get together and suss out what they want because this forum is grinding down into a kinda topica.


Maybe there could be a section called Drivel, Gibberish or well, Spam Spam Spam. That's where I'll be.



Me and steven ! anyway.

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Well it is one issue.


I also think the way it was on ManxOnline where mods took "ownership" (sorry for the horrible corporate speak term - think I am getting brainwashed) of specific topics, kind of gave them the opportunity to stimulate threads and discussions in that section.


The Writer's Section was more vibrant there and I was a more effective moderator in that section.


I have a feeling that the other sections maybe affected simillarly.

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It is an option on the forum software, the feeling amongst the mods when I raised it was that it was better to have it like it is now, because say something kicked off in my section and I wasn't on-line (that does happen!) Ans or Obs couldn't intervene.

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